A. Manuscript and Author Information

(see http://orcid.org for additional information)

B. Proposed Reviewers

List four possible reviewers. This list assists our office and your Assigned Board Member (ABM) in securing reviewers for your manuscript.

C. Submission of Electronic Files

Use the following fields to submit electronic files, including a cover letter, the manuscript text, figures, tables, and supplementary material. We also recommend you label the files with a consistent naming convention that is appropriate for the contents. Use one box for each file. Click Choose File to find a file on your hard drive.

Cover Letter

Please submit in Word, WordPerfect, or PDF format.

Manuscript, Figures, and Tables

Please submit a PDF and retain original figures and tables for final submission.

Supplementary Material

Please submit a combined PDF file or Excel workbook and retain originals for final submission.

If you need to submit more files, include them in subsequent submissions and indicate so in the Comments area below. You only need to repeat the title of the manuscript and the correspondence author's name and e-mail in subsequent submissions.

There may be a delay of a few minutes if you submitted large files.