ODP Permanent Archives Leg 100 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 625 B 1H-27X 0.00 235.20 deepest hole Leg 101 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 626 A 1R-2R 0.00 12.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 2X-19H 6.90 179.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" D 1R-28R 179.40 446.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 627 B 1H-60X 0.00 535.80 deepest hole 628 A 1H-32X 0.00 298.40 single hole 629 A 1H-3X 0.00 16.50 single hole 630 A 1H-26X 0.00 250.30 deepest hole 631 A 1H-25X 0.00 244.30 single hole 632 A 1H-16X 0.00 141.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 3R-17R 140.00 283.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 633 A 1H-24X 0.00 227.30 single hole 634 A 1R-32R 0.00 479.40 single hole 635 B 1R-14R 0.00 117.70 deepest hole 636 A 2R 18.00 21.00 "single hole, Core 1W is a wash core with little recovery" Leg 102 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 418 A No cores taken Leg 103 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 637 A 1R-30R 3.00 285.00 single hole 638 B 1R-45R 0.00 431.10 Hole A had no recovery C 3R-14R 431.20 537.50 very low recovery where Holes B and C overlap 639 A 1R-10R 0.00 89.80 "multiple holes in tectonically complicated region, holes do not overlap" C 2R 90.80 100.40 "multiple holes in tectonically complicated region, holes do not overlap" D 2R-13R 179.60 293.10 "multiple holes in tectonically complicated region, holes do not overlap" 640 A 1R-9R 145.40 232.20 "single hole, drilled 0-145.4 mbsf" 641 A 1X-7X 0.00 63.60 multiple holes in tectonically complicated region; holes do not overlap; Hole B had 0% recovery C 1R-16R 150.90 305.20 multiple holes in tectonically complicated region; holes do not overlap; Hole B had 0% recovery Leg 104 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 642 C 1H-24H 0.00 199.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" D 3X-20N 199.60 329.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" E 4R-110R 326.50 1229.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 643 A 1H-62X 0.00 565.20 single hole 644 A 1H-34H 0.00 252.80 deepest hole Leg 105 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 645 B 1X-32X 0.00 298.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" D 4R-20R 292.20 465.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" E 5R-78R 464.90 1147.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 646 B 1H-80X 0.00 766.70 deepest hole 647 B 1H-11H 0.00 103.30 better recovery than top of Hole A A 11R-75R 97.00 736.00 top of Hole A has poor recovery Leg 106 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 648 A 1R 0.00 4.50 igneous rock B 1R-6R 0.00 33.30 mixture of igneous rock and cement - cement not for permanent archive. 649 B 1D 0.00 6.50 Hole A had no recovery; Hole B recovered sulfides C 1D 0.00 3.50 "basalt, rubble" E 1D 0.00 8.90 "Hole D had no recovery, Hole E recovered sulfides" G 1D 0.00 9.00 Hole F had 4 cc of chlorite; Hole G recovered sulfides H 1D 0.00 3.00 "Holes H, I, J recovered sulfide and were curated together" Leg 107 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 650 A 1H-69X 0 633.8 single hole 651 A 1R-58R 0.00 550.90 single hole 652 A 1R-75R 0.00 721.10 single hole 653 B 1H-28X 0.00 264.30 deepest hole 654 A 1R-52R 0.00 473.80 single hole; Core 53R had no recovery 655 A 1H-12X 0.00 90.40 multiple holes with slight overlap; igneous rock in base B 1R-12R 81.20 196.10 of Hole A and in Hole B 656 A 1R-14R 102.80 236.40 "mutliple holes, slight overlap; top intervals in each" B 1R-5R 55.50 102.90 hole were washed Leg 108 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 657 A 1H-19X 0.00 178.20 deepest hole 658 A 1H-33X 0.00 300.40 deepest hole 659 A 1H-29X 0.00 273.80 deepest hole 660 A 1H-19X 0.00 164.90 deepest hole 661 A 1H-32X 0.00 296.10 deepest hole 662 A 1H-22H 0.00 200.00 deepest hole 663 B 1H-16H 0.00 152.00 deepest hole 664 D 1H-32H 0.00 296.80 deepest hole 665 A 1H-11H 0.00 97.90 deepest hole 666 A 1H-16H 0.00 150.50 single hole 667 A 1H-41X 0.00 381.30 deepest hole 668 B 1H-4H 0.00 31.20 deepest hole Leg 109 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 648 B 7R-20R 15.00 50.50 mixture of igneous rock and cement - cement not for permanent archive. 669 A 1D 0.00 4.00 single hole 670 A 1D-9R 6.40 92.50 single hole; Core 10W recovered drill cuttings of igneous rock - not for permanent archive Leg 110 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 671 B 1H-74X 0.00 681.70 deepest hole 672 A 1H-53X 0.00 493.80 single hole 673 B 1H-34X 0.00 321.10 deepest hole 674 A 1H-48X 0.00 452.60 single hole 675 A 1H-8X 0.00 388.10 single hole; washed between 0.2-321.6 mbsf 676 A 1H-33X 0.00 310.20 single hole Leg 111 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 504 B 142R-170R 1352.80 1562.10 deepest hole 677 A 1H-34X 0.00 309.40 deepest hole 678 B 1H-5X 0.00 171.80 "deepest hole, not continuously cored" Leg 112 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 679 D 1H-27X 0.00 245.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" E 1X-13X 245.30 359.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 680 B 1H-22X 0.00 195.50 deepest hole 681 A 1H-20X 0.00 187.00 deepest hole 682 A 1H-48X 0.00 436.70 single hole 683 A 1H-45X 0.00 419.20 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 2X-9X 412.00 488.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 684 A 1H-15X 0.00 136.10 deepest hole 685 A 1H-51X 0.00 468.60 single hole 686 B 1H-32X 0.00 303.00 deepest hole 687 A 1H-22X 0.00 207.00 deepest hole 688 A 1H-37X 0.00 350.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" E 1R-46R 350.00 779.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 113 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 689 B 1H-33X 0.00 297.30 deepest hole 690 B 1H-25H 0.00 213.40 "multiple holes, small overlap" C 11X-24X 204.20 321.20 "multiple holes, small overlap" 691 A 1R 0.00 0.05 only hole with recovery 692 B 1R-12R 0.00 97.90 "deepest hole; Core 13W is wash core, not for permanent archive" 693 A 1R-29R 0.00 272.50 deepest hole B 6H-19X 267.80 403.10 Hole B was cored because of poor recovery in interval in Hole A A 43R-51R 397.10 483.90 deepest hole 694 B 1H-24X 0.00 179.20 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 2X-23X 179.20 391.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 695 A 1H-42X 0.00 345.10 single hole 696 A 1H-9H 0.00 79.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 2R-62R 76.60 645.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 697 A 1H-3H 0.00 20.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1H-32X 18.00 322.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 114 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 698 A 1R-27R 0.00 237.00 single hole 699 A 1H-56X 0.00 518.10 single hole 700 A 1R-2R 0.00 9.60 "multiple holes, no overlap" B 2R-54R 0.00 489.00 "multiple holes, no overlap; Core 1W is wash core, not for permanent archive" 701 C 1H-51X 0.00 481.30 deepest hole 702 B 1H-32X 0.00 294.30 deepest hole 703 A 1H-41X 0.00 377.40 single hole 704 B 1H-72X 0.00 671.70 deepest hole Leg 115 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 705 A 1H - 3H 0.00 27.50 single hole 706 A 1H - 6H 0.00 47.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 7X - CC 36.70 43.70 Igneous rocks C 2R - 9R 44.30 121.70 Igneous rocks 707 A 1H - 23X 0.00 212.30 Core 24X had no recovery C 5R - 28R 212.80 443.20 overlap with Hole A (Core 4R) had no recovery 708 A 1H - 25X 0.00 236.20 single hole 709 C 1H - 37X 0.00 353.70 deepest hole 710 A 1H - 22X 0.00 209.70 deepest hole 711 A 1H - 26X 0.00 249.70 deepest hole 712 A 1R - 12R 0.00 115.30 single hole 713 A 1R - 22R 0.00 191.70 single hole 714 A 1H - 25X 0.00 233.00 deepest hole 715 A 1R - 31R 0.00 287.80 single hole 716 B 1H - 28H 0.00 264.40 deepest hole Leg 116 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 717 B 1H - 2H 0.00 13.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 2H - 91X 13.50 828.20 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 718 B 1H 0.00 9.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1X - 98X 9.30 935.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" E 1R - 3R 933.10 961.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 719 A 1H - 49X 0.00 460.20 hole B drilled for logging Leg 117 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 720 A 1H - 43X 0.00 414.30 single hole 721 B 1H - 44X 0.00 424.20 deepest hole 722 B 1H - 59X 0.00 565.60 deepest hole 723 A 1H - 46X 0.00 432.30 deepest hole 724 B 1H - 27X 0.00 257.70 deepest hole 725 C 1H - 17X 0.00 162.80 deepest hole 726 A 1H - 22X 0.00 186.30 single hole 727 A 1H - 19X 0.00 182.40 deepest hole 728 B 1H - 37X 0.00 347.70 deepest hole 729 A 1R - 13R 0.00 109.10 single hole 730 A 1H - 42X 0.00 403.90 single hole 731 A 1H - 43X 0.00 409.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1X - 5X 408.70 457.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 2R - 24R 502.40 994.20 351.7 - 502.4 washed interval Leg 118 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 732 A 1D 0.00 3.00 Mylonitized serpentinite B 1D 0.00 8.00 Igneous recovery C 1D - 3D 0.00 24.00 "Igneous-metamorphic recovery. Core 3D, 14-19 mbsf rubble fill." D 1D 0.00 11.00 Igneous recovery E 1R 0.00 7.00 Igneous recovery F 1R and 2B 0.00 15.80 Igneous recovery. Core 2B as fragments recovered from bit; not cored (Diatom ooze). 733 B 1D 0.00 4.30 Igneous rocks; Hole A had no recovery C 1D 0.00 5.70 Igneous recovery D "1D - 2D, 3B" 15.00 23.50 "Gneiss. 0.0 - 15.0 mbsf washed interval, 3B as fragments recovered from bit; not cored" 734 A 1D 0.00 7.60 Serpentinized lherzolite B 1R 0.00 9.50 Igneous rocks. Zero recovery in Cores 2R-5R D 1R 0.00 19.50 Igneous rocks F 1D 0.00 14.00 Serpentinized peridotite. Hole E had no recovery G 3D 22.50 31.00 Volcanic breccia. Zero recovery in Cores 1D-2D 735 A 1D 0.00 7.00 Igneous rocks B 1D - 88N 0.00 500.70 Igneous rocks Leg 119 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 736 A 1H - 30X 0.00 252.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 6R - 18R 245.40 371.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 737 A 1H - 27X 0.00 253.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 5R - 52R 253.50 715.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 738 B 1H - 24X 0.00 214.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 3R - 36R 206.20 533.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 739 C 1R - 62R 0.00 486.80 deepest hole 740 A 1R - 31R 0.00 225.50 deepest hole 741 A 1R - 14R 0.00 128.10 single hole 742 A 1R - 34R 0.00 316.00 single hole 743 A 1H - 14X 0.00 98.10 single hole 744 A 10H - 20H 80.20 176.10 Core recovery was only 60% for the first 80m B 1H - 9H 0.00 78.50 better recovery than same interval in Hole A 745 A 1H - 24H 0.00 215.00 deepest hole 746 A 2H 106.80 116.30 "single hole; Cores 1W and 3W are wash cores, not included in permanent archive" A 4H-16X 164.80 174.30 "single hole; Cores 1W and 3W are wash cores, not included in permanent archive" Leg 120 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 747 A 1H - 27X 0.00 256.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 6R - 16R 252.00 350.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 748 B 1H - 25X 0.00 225.10 "multiple holes, overlapped interval has poor recovery" C 1R - 87R 173.00 935.00 "multiple holes, overlapped interval has poor recovery" 749 B 1H - 14X 0.00 123.80 "multiple holes, overlapped interval has poor recovery" C 1R - 16R 102.00 249.50 "multiple holes, overlapped interval has poor recovery" 750 A 1R - 26R 0.00 460.50 multiple holes; includes wash cores because of unique section B 1W - 17R 0.00 709.70 multiple holes; includes wash cores because of unique section 751 A 1H - 18H 0.00 166.20 single hole Leg 121 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 752 A 1H - 33X 0.00 308.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 6R - 19R 306.60 435.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 753 A 1H - 7H 0.00 62.80 better recovery than same interval in Hole B B 6X-7X 80.90 100.20 cores 1W - 4X had no recovery 754 A 1H - 17X 0.00 1156.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 5R-25R 151.70 354.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 755 A 1R - 19R 0.00 208.40 single hole 756 B 1H - 11H 0.00 104.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 4X - 12N 100.90 159.00 multiple holes; Igneous rocks 9X - 12N D 4R - 12R 139.00 221.00 multiple holes; Igneous rocks 4R - 12R 757 B 1H - 43N 0.00 374.80 multiple holes; Igneous rocks 40X - 43N C 7R - 12R 362.90 420.70 multiple holes; Igneous rocks 8R - 12R 758 A 1H - 73R 0.00 676.80 deepest hole Leg 122 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 759 A 1R - 39R 0.00 308.00 deepest hole 760 A 1H - 38X 0.00 284.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 6R - 29R 283.00 506.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 761 B 1H - 27X 0.00 236.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 6R - 33R 235.00 436.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 762 B 1H - 19H 0.00 175.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 2X - 91X 170.00 940.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 763 A 1H - 21H 0.00 194.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 2X - 54X 190.00 653.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 2R 385.00 394.50 Core 2R Cenomanian-Turonian boundary; 394.5 - 645.1 wash core. 4R - 46R 645.10 1036.60 Core 2R Cenomanian-Turonian boundary; 394.5 - 645.1 wash core. 764 A 1R - 8R 0.00 69.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 7R - 31R 65.00 294.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 123 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 765 B 1H - 38X 0.00 366.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap; Cores 39X-41X had poor recovery" C 2R - 65R 359.60 963.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" D 1R - 27R 947.90 1194.90 "multiple holes, no overlap" 766 A 1R - 55R 0.00 527.20 single hole Leg 124 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 767 B 1H - 78X 0.00 739.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 7R - 13R 735.80 794.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 768 B 1H - 40X 0.00 364.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1R - 100R 353.20 1268.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 769 B 1H - 32X 0.00 290.20 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 3R - 12R 280.50 376.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 770 B 1R - 21R 0.00 474.10 multiple holes; Igneous rocks in 16R-3 to 21R C 1R - 12R 383.80 529.50 multiple holes; Igneous rocks in 2R-1 to 12R-4 771 A 1R - 18R 100.00 304.10 single hole; top of hole washed to reach deeper objectives Leg 124E Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 772 A 1H-17X 0.00 275.50 Core 18X had no recovery 773 B 3M-4M 98.70 101.70 only cores curated from this site 774 "A,B" no cores from this site 775 A 1X 0.00 6.00 only core from this site 776 A A no cores from this site 777 B 1H-5N 0.00 39.10 better recovery than Hole A C 2N 43.40 47.40 Core 1W is wash core D 2N-4N 50.60 59.80 Core 1W is wash core E 1X-2N 51.00 61.50 "poor recovery, overlap with Hole D" Leg 125 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 778 A 1R-13R 0.00 107.60 single hole 779 A 1R-37R 0.00 317.20 single hole 780 C 1R-18R 0.00 163.50 deepest hole 781 A 1R-27R 0.00 250.00 single hole 782 A 1H-50X 0.00 476.80 single hole 783 A 1R-18R 0.00 168.20 single hole 784 A 1R-45R 0.00 425.30 single hole 785 A 1H-11X 0.00 104.70 single hole 786 A 1H-19X 0.00 166.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1R-72R 162.50 828.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 126 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 787 B 1R-34R 0.00 320.10 deepest hole 788 C 1H-24H 4.00 229.20 mudline was missed at this site D 2R-16R 229.20 374.00 "multiple holes, no overlap" 789 A 1R 0.00 8.50 "single hole, cores 2R-6R no recovery" 790 B 1H-11H 0.00 100.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 2H-33X 94.50 387.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 791 A 1H-49X 0.00 457.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 9R-79R 463.60 1145.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 792 A 1H-10H 0.00 95.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 6X-11X 88.50 146.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" E 2R-78R 145.20 885.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 793 A 1H-11H 0.00 99.70 "multiple holes, nooverlap" B 1R-114R 586.50 1682.00 "0-586.5 was drilled and cased, not cored" Leg 127 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 794 A 1H-37X 0.00 351.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 6R-27R 347.80 549.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1R-14R 559.80 653.70 "multiple holes, no overlap with Hole B" 795 A 1H-39X 0.00 365.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1R-41R 365.20 762.20 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 796 A 1H-27X 0.00 242.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 10R-33R 243.00 464.90 "9R much shallower than 10R, so no overlap with Hole B, Core 27X" 797 B 1H-53X 0.00 495.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 2R-45R 493.50 900.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 128 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 794 D 1R-20R 573.00 733.50 "igenous rock, overlaps with igneous rock of Hole C, Leg 127" 798 B 1H-54X 0.00 517.90 deepest hole 799 A 1H-52X 0.00 468.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 2R-67R 460.50 1084.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 129 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 800 A 1R-61R 0.00 544.40 single hole 801 A 1R-20R 8.00 194.00 mudline missed B 1R-44R 194.00 511.20 "multiple holes, no overlap" C 1R-12R 493.70 594.30 igneous rock 802 A 1R-62R 0.00 559.80 single hole Leg 130 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 803 D 1H - 71R 0.00 656.00 deepest hole 804 C 1H - 33X 0.00 312.50 deepest hole 805 C 1H - 64X 0.00 611.00 deepest hole 806 B 1H - 78X 0.00 743.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 59X - 62X 740.00 776.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 807 A 1H - 86X 0.00 822.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 5R - 93R 818.60 1528.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 131 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 808 A 1H - 13H 0.00 111.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1X - 28X 111.00 358.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 6R -108R 346.60 1327.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 132 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 809 F 1Z - 33Z 5.90 79.20 0.0 - 5.9m drill-in-BHA; all igneous rocks; 34B is center bit recovery 810 C 1H - 16X 0.00 136.10 deepest hole Leg 133 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 811 A 1H - 23H 0.00 214.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 3X - 24X 212.00 392.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 812 A 15X - 22X 112.70 189.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 7R - 18R 189.50 300.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1H - 14X 0.00 121.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 813 A 1H - 26X 0.00 231.50 deepest hole 814 A 1H - 33X 0.00 300.00 single hole 815 A 1H - 51X 0.00 473.50 deepest hole 816 A 1H - 15X 0.00 111.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 3R - 8R 105.30 163.20 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 4R - 13R 154.00 250.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 817 A 1H - 29X 0.00 272.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" D 2R - 47R 270.00 700.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 818 B 1H - 32H 0.00 302.90 deepest hole 819 A 1H - 44X 0.00 400.00 single hole 820 B 1H - 44X 0.00 400.00 deepest hole 821 A 1H - 43X 0.00 400.00 deepest hole 822 A 1H - 47X 0.00 433.90 single hole 823 B 1H - 82X 0.00 786.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1R - 24R 784.00 1011.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 824 A 1H - 36X 50.00 377.30 multiple holes; very poor recovery in overlap interval with Hole C B 1H - 6H 0.00 52.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1R - 19R 247.60 430.80 multiple holes; poor recovery in overlap interval with Hole A; 17R-19R metamorphic rocks D 8R - 10R 401.80 431.00 1R-7R no recovery; 8R-10R metamorphic rocks 825 A 1H 0.00 4.5 washed from 4.5-200.0 mbsf 5H-23X 200.0 381.5 B 2R - 10R 379.50 466.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 826 A 1R-16R 0.00 233.0 single hole; does not include Core 2W wash core; Cores 17R-18R no recovery Leg 134 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 827 A 1H - 15X 0.00 110.60 "multiple holes, no overlap" B 1R - 31R 110.60 400.40 "multiple holes, no overlap" 828 A 1H - 15N 0.00 111.40 igneous rocks (14N - 15N) B 2R - 3R 100.00 119.40 igneous rocks in 2R and 3R; 4R had no recovery 829 A 1R - 64R 0.00 590.30 deepest hole 830 A 1H - 6H 0.00 48.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1R - 24R 48.50 281.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 5R - 12R 273.30 350.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 831 A 1H - 13N 0.00 100.00 multiple holes; Cores 14X-15X no recovery B 2R - 84R 102.40 852.00 "multiple holes, no overlap" 832 A 1H - 26X 0.00 206.20 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 7R - 100R 202.20 1106.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap;" 833 A 1H - 13H 0.00 81.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1R - 99R 77.40 1001.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap; better recovery in top than in Hole A" Leg 135 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 834 A 1H-20X 0.00 149.50 multiple holes; 13X-20X igneous rocks B 6R-59R 106.80 435.30 igenous rocks in 6R-59R 835 A 1H-18X 0.00 159.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap;" B 3R-8M 154.30 183.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap;" 836 A 1H-9X 0.00 38.20 igneous rocks in 5X-9X B 3R-9M 23.00 58.30 igneous rocks 837 A 1H-9H 0.00 84.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap;" B 3R-6R 80.20 99.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap;" 838 A 1H-20H 0.00 153.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap;" B 4R-13R 163.20 259.20 Core 3R had no recovery (153.7-163.2 mbsf) 839 A 1H-12X 0.00 109.20 multiple holes; Core 13X (109.2-118.9 had no recovery) B 3R-45R 110.00 517.20 multiple holes; overlap interval had better recovery than in Hole A 840 A 1H 0.00 4.50 best recovery at mudline B 1X-63X 0.00 597.30 deepest hole C 1H-13H 38.00 259.50 Hole C cored specifically to fill in recovery gaps in Hole B 841 A 1H-21X 0.00 186.60 "multiple holed, overlap where recovery in base of Hole A was poor" B 2R-70R 169.80 834.20 Core 71M was rubble fill-in Leg 136 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 842 B 1H-10X 0.00 167.80 multiple holes; washed intervals C 1W 141.30 237.70 multiple holes; washed intervals 843 A 1W-3R 0.00 237.70 "multiple holes, no overlap" B 1R-4R 259.50 312.20 "multiple holes, no overlap" C 1H 0.00 4.20 "multiple holes, no overlap" Leg 137 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 504 B 173R-178R 1570.00 1615.50 deepest hole B 180M-181M 1618.40 1621.50 deepest hole; 179M had no recovery Leg 138 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 844 B 1H-31X 0.00 290.90 deepest hole 845 A 1H-31X 0.00 291.60 deepest hole 846 B 1H-45X 0.00 422.40 deepest hole 847 B 1H-27X 0.00 247.00 deepest hole 848 C 1H-11X 0.00 94.20 deepest hole 849 B 1H-37X 0.00 350.50 deepest hole 850 B 1H-42X 0.00 399.80 deepest hole 851 B 5H 36.00 45.50 "multiple holes, archive composite splice sampled for u-channels" B 9H - 34X 74.00 320.50 "multiple holes, archive composite splice sampled for u-channels" E 1H-8H 0.00 76.00 "multiple holes, archive composite splice sampled for u-channels" 852 C 1H-13X 0.00 117.30 deepest hole 853 B 1H-9H 0.00 72.40 deepest hole 854 C 1H-6H 0.00 46.00 deepest hole Leg 139 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 855 A 1R-9R 0.00 76.40 8R has basalt at base; 9R is basalt B 8R 53.60 63.30 basalt C 9R-12R 75.20 106.90 overlap with Hole A; 12R is basalt; 13R had no recovery D 3R-6R 94.70 118.60 some overlap with Hole C; 5R-6R basalt 856 A 13X-14X 105.30 115.70 basalt B 1H-16X 0.00 121.70 better recovery than Hole A C 1H 0.00 2.00 contains sulfide D 1H 0.00 5.00 sulfide E 1H 0.00 2.40 sulfide F 1X-3X 0.00 23.60 sulfide G 1R-7R 0.00 65.40 sulfide/basalt H 1R-17R 0.00 93.80 sulfide 857 A 1H-14P 1.90 112.20 has better recovery than Hole C C 1R-68R 0.00 567.70 contains basalt D 1R-37R 581.50 936.20 contains basalt 858 A 1H-39X 0.00 339.10 cored outside of mound B 2H 7.20 16.70 contains sulfide C 1H-14X 0.00 93.10 "contains disseminated sulfide, cored within mound" F 8R-29R 84.70 296.90 "cored within mound, contains basalt" G 1R-16R 276.80 432.60 basalt Leg 140 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 504 Hole B 185R-238R 1621.80 2000.40 Cores 182M-184M had no recovery Leg 141 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 859 A 1H-21P 0.00 146.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 4R-38R 140.00 476.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 860 B 1H-70X 0.00 617.80 deepest hole 861 C 1H-41X 0.00 353.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" D 1R-16R 342.30 496.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 862 A 1H-4X 0.00 21.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 2X-4X 17.50 42.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 2R-9B 40.00 102.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 863 A 1H-31X 0.00 297.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1X-49R 297.30 742.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 142 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 864 A 1M-5Z 0.00 15.00 basalt; 2Z had no recovery B 2W 0.00 3.00 basalt; 1R had no recovery Leg 143 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 865 A 17R-94R 139.70 870.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1H-15X 0.00 141.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 866 A 14R-189R 115.40 1743.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1M-13M 0.00 117.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 867 B 1R-14B 0.00 76.80 deepest hole 868 A 1R-5R 0.00 20.30 single hole 869 A 1H-15X 0.00 145.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 2R-69R 140.00 796.20 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 870 B 1X-3X 0.00 31.30 deepest hole Leg 144 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 871 A 1H-15H 0.00 139.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 2R-40R 133.70 500.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 872 B 5R-9R 144.80 192.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1H-18X 0.00 148.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 873 A 3R-21R 69.30 232.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1H-10N 0.00 69.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 874 B 1R-24R 0.00 193.50 deepest hole 875 C 1M-15M 0.00 133.00 deepest hole 876 A 1R-17R 0.00 154.00 single hole 877 A 1R-20R 0.00 190.50 single hole 878 A 1R-98R 0.00 910.00 deepest hole 879 A 1R-24R 0.00 226.50 single hole 880 A 1H-2H 0 18.4 single hole Leg 145 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 881 C 1H-39X 0.00 636.80 deepest hole 882 A 1H-42H 0.00 398.30 deepest hole 883 B 1H-88X 0.00 840.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" E 22R-23R 837.00 856.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap; 20R-23R is basalt" F 1R-3R 820.00 849.40 basalt 884 B 1H-91X 0.00 853.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" E 1R-10R 842.80 929.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap; 1R-10R is basalt" 885 A 1H-8X 0.00 58.80 single hole 886 C 1H-8H 0.00 72.40 deepest hole 887 A 1H-31X 0.00 286.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" D 3R-13R 277.10 373.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 146 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 888 B 1H-65X 0.00 566.90 deepest hole 889 A 1H-44X 0.00 345.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 17R-21R 342.10 386.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 890 B 1H-5H 0.00 47.80 deepest hole 891 A 1H-3H 0.00 9.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1X-58X 0.00 472.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 892 A 1X-21X 0.00 176.50 deepest hole 893 A 1H-21H 0.00 196.50 deepest hole Leg 147 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 894 A 1R 0.00 6.00 sediment and igneous-lithic breccia B 1R 0.00 7.00 Igneous rocks C 1R 0.00 31.00 Igneous rocks D 1R-2R 0.00 19.50 sediment and igneous rocks E 1R-3R 0.00 28.70 sediment and igneous rocks F 1R-3R 0.00 25.70 Igneous rocks G 1R-21R 18.60 154.50 Igneous rocks 895 A 1R-2R 0.00 17.20 sediment and igneous rocks B 1R 0.00 10.30 Igneous rocks C 1R-4R 0.00 37.90 Igneous rocks D 1R-10W 0.00 93.70 Igneous rocks E 1R-9W 0.00 87.60 Igneous rocks F 1R-2R 0.00 26.20 Igneous rocks Leg 148 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 504 B 239R-253R 2000.40 2111.00 deepest hole 896 A 1R-30R 195.10 469.00 single hole Leg 149 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 897 A 1R-6R 0.00 55.20 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1R-73R 49.90 744.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" D 11R-25R 693.80 837.20 multiple holes; overlap in igneous/metamorphic rocks 11R-16R 898 A 1H-36X 0.00 341.50 deepest hole 899 A 1R-16R 81.50 235.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1R-37R 230.50 562.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 900 A 1R-86R 0.00 805.00 single hole 901 A 2R-7R 182.00 247.80 single hole; Core 1W is wash core Leg 150 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 902 C 1H-2H 0.00 15.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" D 2H-82X 12.50 740.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 903 A 1H-76X 0.00 702.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 13R-60R 698.20 1149.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 904 A 1H-62X 0.00 576.70 single hole 905 A 1H-104R 20.00 910.60 single hole 906 A 1H-68X 0.00 602.40 single hole Leg 150X Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments Island Beach 1-219 7 1223 "Depths in feet, many unsplit" Atlantic City 1-182 6 1452 "Depths in feet, many unsplit" Cape May 1-215 0 1500 "Depths in feet, many unsplit" "(Leg 150X cores not drilled, numbered or sampled to ODP policy)" Leg 151 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 907 A 1H-26X 0.00 224.10 deepest hole (Holes B and C cored on Leg 162) 908 A 1H-37X 0.00 344.60 deepest hole 909 A 1H-11H 0.00 92.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1R-103R 85.00 1061.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 910 D 1H-18X 0.00 160.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 18R-53R 160.50 507.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 911 A 1H-53X 0.00 505.80 deepest hole 912 A 1H-15X 0.00 135.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 5R-12R 132.00 209.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 913 A 1H-12X 0.00 94.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1R-55R 86.00 770.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap; includes wash cores of unique intervals" Leg 152 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 914 A 1H-4X 0.00 18.60 multiple holes B 1R-17R 93.80 245.00 "multiple holes, washed from 0.0-93.8 mbsf" 915 A 1R-26R 0.00 209.40 single hole 916 A 1R-15R 0.00 101.70 single hole 917 A 1R-110R 0.00 874.90 single hole 918 A 1H-38X 0.00 332.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" D 4R-113R 324.00 1310.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 919 A 1H-10H 0.00 93.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 3H-8H 90.00 147.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 153 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 920 A 1W-2M 0.00 14.00 Igneous and/or metamorphic rocks 920 B 1W-13R 0.00 126.40 Igneous and/or metamorphic rocks D 1R-22R 0.00 200.80 Igneous and/or metamorphic rocks; Hole C had no recovery 921 A 1R-2R 0.00 17.10 Igneous rocks B 1W-4R 0.00 44.10 Igneous rocks C 1R-7R 0.00 53.40 Igneous rocks D 1R-5R 0.00 48.60 "Igneous rocks, Core 1 is sediment" E 1R-9R 0.00 82.60 Igneous rocks 922 A 1R-3R 0.00 14.60 Igneous rocks B 1W-5R 0.00 37.40 Igneous and/or metamorphic rocks 923 A 1W-16R 0.00 70.00 single hole; igneous rocks 924 B 2R-5R 11.30 30.80 "igneous rocks, Core 1W had no recovery; Hole A had no recovery" C 1R-5R 0.00 33.80 igneous rocks Leg 154 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 925 C 1H-38H 0.00 360.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" A 8R-69R 352.40 362.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 926 B 1H-64X 0.00 605.80 deepest hole 927 A 1H-33H 0.00 312.50 deepest hole 928 B 1H-56X 0.00 531.90 deepest hole 929 A 1H-56X 0.00 527.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 6R-35R 520.00 808.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 155 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 930 B 1H-24X 0.00 225.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 15X-18X 220.40 259.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 931 B 1H-45X 0.00 421.30 deepest hole 932 A 1H-18X 0.00 168.30 deepest hole 933 A 1H-27X 0.00 254.20 single hole 934 A 1H-12H 0.00 108.80 best recovery hole 935 A 1H-40X 0.00 372.60 single hole 936 A 1H-46X 0.00 433.80 single hole 937 B 1H-19X 0.00 180.30 deepest hole 938 A 1H-33X 0.00 309.20 deepest hole; Core 34P had no recovery 939 A 1H-11X 0.00 102.70 deepest hole 940 A 1H-27X 0.00 248.60 single hole 941 A 10X-19X 81.30 177.90 deepest hole B 1H-12H 0.00 85.10 better recovery than same interval in Hole A 942 A 1H-20X 0.00 177.60 deepest hole 943 A 1H-12X 0.00 106.30 single hole 944 A 1H-41X 0.00 384.20 deepest hole 945 A 1H-8H 0.00 75.50 single hole 946 A 1H-29X 0.00 275.00 single hole Leg 156 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 947 "no cores, logging only" 948 C 1H-19X 0.00 592.00 drilled from 9.5-420.8 mbsf; deepest hole 949 A 1H 0.00 3.00 "multiple holes, no overlap" B 1X-24X 244.10 456.40 drilled from 0.0-244.1 mbsf C 7R 454.10 463.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 157 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 950 A 1H-41X 0.00 381.30 single hole 951 A 1H-28X 0.00 256.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1X-10X 255.00 351.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 952 A 1H-45X 0.00 425.90 single hole 953 A 1H-21H 0.00 192.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 2R-103R 187.00 1158.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 954 A 1H-12X 0.00 83.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1R-39R 80.20 446.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 955 A 1H-63X 0.00 599.40 single hole 956 A 1H-18X 0.00 161.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1R-57R 157.10 703.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 158 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 957 A-Q all cores "geothermal mound drilling, low recovery, all hard rock/sulfides. All cores permanent archive." Leg 159T Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 958 A 1H-14H 0.00 133.00 deepest hole; Core 1H missed mudline B 1H 0.00 8.70 recovered mudline Leg 159 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 959 A 1H-50X 0.00 475.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" D 8R-78R 475.00 1158.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 960 C 1H-24X 0.00 210.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap; better recovery than same interval in Hole A" A 23R-61R 203.40 451.20 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 961 A 1R-35R 0.00 308.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 9R-19R 303.50 374.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 962 B 1H-13X 0.00 100.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" D 3R-37R 94.40 393.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 160 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 963 B 1H-24H 0.00 207.00 deepest hole 964 D 1H-12H 0.00 108.60 "multiple holes, archive composite splice sampled" B 3H-5H 17.60 46.10 "multiple holes, archive composite splice sampled" 965 A 1H-27X 0.00 250.40 single hole 966 D 1H-7H 0.00 60.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" F 1R-31R 59.00 356.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 967 A 1H-16X 0.00 148.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" E 5R-51R 148.00 600.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 968 A 1H-34X 0.00 302.70 deepest hole 969 D 1H-13H 0.00 116.20 "multiple holes, archive composite splice sampled" B 5H-6H 31.40 50.40 "multiple holes, archive composite splice sampled" 970 B 1H-5H 0.00 47.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" A 7X-22X 47.10 201.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 971 A 1H-12X 0.00 105.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 12X-22X 97.50 203.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 972 A 1H-10X 0.00 95.40 single hole 973 A 1H-16X 0.00 146.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" D 9X 144.90 152.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 161 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 974 B 1H-22X 0.00 203.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap; better recovery than Hole C" C 22X 194.90 204.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 975 B 1H-34X 0.00 317.10 deepest hole 976 B 1H-106R 0.00 928.70 deepest hole 977 A 1H-63X 0.00 598.50 single hole 978 A 1R-53R 110.30 698.00 single hole; drilled from 0.0-110.3 mbsf 979 A 1H-62X 0.00 580.90 single hole Leg 162 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 980 A 1H-1 to 6H-CC 0.00 57.01 4.11 67.08 accomodates splice B 7H-4 to 13H-CC 56.20 118.31 62.98 130.28 accomodates splice C 1H-1 to 1H-CC 0.00 2.37 0.00 2.37 accomodates splice C 14H-5 to 14H-CC 118.10 121.64 129.52 133.06 "deepest hole, below splice" 981 A 1H-1 to 6H-4 0.00 50.50 1.07 56.02 accomodates splice 12H-3 to 12H-5 104.50 109.00 116.60 121.10 accomodates splice 13H-CC to 34H-CC 120.68 320.00 134.04 340.17 "deepest hole, below splice" B 6H-CC to 12H-CC 50.01 107.01 56.77 117.70 accomodates splice 14H-5 122.40 123.90 133.82 135.32 accomodates splice C 1H-1 0.00 1.50 0.91 2.41 accomodates splice 6H-6 51.20 52.70 55.57 57.07 accomodates splice 12H-CC to 14H-1 110.39 121.20 120.69 133.64 accomodates splice 982 A 1H-CC to 6H-3 8.14 50.70 8.14 57.23 accomodates splice 7H-5 to 7H-CC 61.70 65.20 69.67 73.98 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 10H-1 72.70 85.70 81.48 97.13 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 11H-2 93.20 96.70 104.63 109.05 accomodates splice 11H-6 to 12H-2 101.20 106.20 113.55 119.69 accomodates splice 12H-6 to 13H-1 110.70 114.20 124.19 129.12 accomodates splice 13H-5 to 15H-1 118.70 131.70 133.62 148.98 accomodates splice 19H-2 to 20H-2 171.20 182.20 191.98 202.54 accomodates splice B 1H-1 to 1H-CC 0.00 5.38 0.00 5.38 accomodates splice 20H-6 to 21H-5 184.00 193.50 202.66 213.10 accomodates splice 22H-3 to 22H-5 198.50 203.00 217.51 222.01 accomodates splice 25H-4 to 65X 228.50 614.90 249.09 626.89 "deepest hole, below splice" C 2H-2 to 2H-5 5.30 9.80 4.50 9.00 accomodates splice 7H-1 to 8H-3 51.30 65.30 56.95 71.09 accomodates splice 8H-5 to 9H-4 66.80 74.80 72.59 80.62 accomodates splice 10H-CC to 11H-5 89.36 96.80 96.55 104.97 accomodates splice 12H-1 to 12H-4 98.80 104.80 107.85 113.85 accomodates splice 13H-1 to 13H-4 108.30 114.30 118.75 124.75 accomodates splice 14H-1 to 14H-4 117.80 123.80 128.93 134.93 accomodates splice 15H-4 to 19H-CC 131.80 174.80 144.88 193.21 accomodates splice 21H-7 to 22H-4 192.80 199.80 212.70 218.68 accomodates splice 22H-7 to 25H-5 202.80 229.80 221.68 250.46 accomodates splice 983 A 1H-CC to 2H-1 7.26 8.90 7.26 8.90 accomodates splice 2H-CC to 3H-1 17.10 18.40 18.29 21.06 accomodates splice 3H-5 to 4H-1 22.90 27.90 25.56 31.86 accomodates splice 6H-4 to 13H-3 49.90 116.40 55.86 128.01 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 15H-2 120.90 133.90 132.51 146.71 accomodates splice 19H-7 to 20H-1 177.90 179.90 194.55 197.33 accomodates splice 24H-6 to 24H-CC 223.90 226.03 245.86 247.99 accomodates splice 26H-7 to 27H-2 244.40 247.90 268.44 272.59 accomodates splice B 1H-1 to 1H-CC 0.00 4.50 0.00 4.50 accomodates splice 2H-3 to 3H-1 7.70 15.70 8.37 17.59 accomodates splice 3H-4 to 3H-CC 18.70 23.70 20.59 26.22 accomodates splice 4H-4 to 6H-CC 28.20 52.20 30.72 57.18 accomodates splice 15H-4 to 19H-CC 132.70 175.70 145.15 193.04 accomodates splice 20H-3 to 24H-CC 178.70 223.20 196.04 244.93 accomodates splice 25H-3 to 27H-1 226.20 243.70 247.93 266.76 accomodates splice 27H-5 to 27H-CC 248.20 251.70 271.26 274.76 accomodates splice C 1H-1 to 2H-1 0.00 5.40 0.02 5.40 accomodates splice 3H-1 13.40 14.90 18.64 20.14 accomodates splice 13H-6 to 13H-CC 115.90 118.32 129.74 131.96 accomodates splice 19H-7 to 19H-CC 174.40 175.38 192.42 193.40 accomodates splice 24H-7 to 24H-CC 221.90 222.70 244.48 245.28 accomodates splice 26H-CC to 27H-1 241.62 242.90 266.49 269.38 accomodates splice 984 A 4H-5 to 5H-1 30.10 35.10 32.64 38.85 accomodates splice 13H-6 to 13H-CC 117.10 119.42 128.20 130.56 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 14H-CC 126.60 129.06 138.94 141.36 accomodates splice 15H-6 to 16H-1 136.10 139.60 149.23 153.45 accomodates splice 16H-6 to 16H-CC 145.60 148.00 159.45 161.85 accomodates splice 17H-6 to 18H-1 155.10 158.60 169.94 174.67 accomodates splice B 1H-1 to 4H-1 0.00 29.00 0.18 32.60 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 13H-4 36.50 119.00 40.10 129.27 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 14H-4 122.00 128.50 132.27 139.37 accomodates splice 14H-7 to 15H-4 131.30 138.00 142.17 150.18 accomodates splice 15H-7 to 16H-4 141.00 147.50 153.18 160.53 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 17H-4 150.50 157.00 163.53 170.83 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 22H-2 160.00 201.50 173.83 220.30 accomodates splice 25H-7 to 53X-CC 236.00 500.76 257.72 523.26 accomodates splice C 4H-5 to 4H-CC 31.80 35.43 36.27 39.90 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 13H-CC 120.30 121.17 131.32 132.19 accomodates splice 14H-7 to 14H-CC 129.80 130.76 141.45 142.41 accomodates splice 16H-CC to 17H-1 149.43 150.80 162.40 164.54 accomodates splice 21H-CC to 26H-4 197.01 240.80 214.01 263.83 accomodates splice 985 A 1H-CC to 2H-2 7.5 10.7 7.72 11.87 accomodates splice 2H-CC 17.33 17.55 18.50 18.72 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 3H-CC 26.20 26.97 27.37 28.14 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 4H-CC 35.70 36.64 37.07 38.01 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 6H-1 45.20 47.20 46.88 49.67 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 7H-1 54.70 56.70 57.17 60.61 accomodates splice 7H-CC to 8H-3 64.82 69.20 68.73 73.91 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 9H-1 73.70 75.70 78.41 80.62 accomodates splice 9H-7 to 10H-3 83.20 88.24 88.12 93.78 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 11H-2 92.78 96.20 98.32 102.54 accomodates splice 11H-7 to 12H-3 102.20 107.20 108.54 114.18 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 13H-3 111.70 116.70 118.68 124.19 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 62X-CC 121.20 579.90 128.69 587.74 "deepest hole, below splice" B 1H-3 to 2H-1 3.00 4.90 3.00 6.74 accomodates splice 2H-6 to 4H-1 10.90 23.90 12.74 26.06 accomodates splice 4H-4 to 5H-1 26.90 33.38 29.06 36.06 accomodates splice 5H-4 to 6H-1 36.38 42.90 39.06 46.31 accomodates splice 6H-5 to 6H-CC 47.40 51.00 50.81 54.41 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 8H-1 58.40 61.90 62.35 67.33 accomodates splice 8H-CC to 9H-1 69.33 71.40 74.76 76.66 accomodates splice 9H-6 to 10H-1 77.40 80.90 82.66 87.55 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 10H-CC 88.40 89.07 95.05 95.72 accomodates splice 11H-6 to 12H-1 96.40 99.90 103.51 106.91 accomodates splice 12H-CC to 13H-1 107.97 109.40 114.98 118.04 accomodates splice 13H-CC to 14H-3 117.53 121.90 126.17 131.23 accomodates splice 986 A 1H-3 to 1H-CC 3.00 4.59 3.00 4.59 accomodates splice 2H-7 to 2H-CC 13.60 14.52 14.96 15.88 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 3H-CC 23.10 23.98 25.16 26.04 accomodates splice 4H-4 to 4H-CC 28.10 33.50 31.04 36.44 accomodates splice 5H-5 to 6H-1 39.10 44.10 42.36 47.90 accomodates splice B 1H-1 to 2H-3 0.00 10.50 0.12 13.15 accomodates splice C 1H-1 0.00 1.50 0.11 1.61 accomodates splice 1H-CC to 3H-3 7.37 21.50 7.48 23.45 accomodates splice 3H-CC 25.78 26.35 27.73 28.30 accomodates splice 4H-6 to 5H-2 34.00 37.68 36.80 41.29 accomodates splice 5H-CC to 44X-CC 45.18 402.91 "multiple holes, some overlap, below splice" D 1R to 60R 387.80 956.73 "multiple holes, some overlap, below splice" 987 A 4H-1 to 4H-CC 27.50 37.39 30.85 40.74 accomodates splice 5H-5 to 6H-CC 41.30 52.22 46.79 57.23 accomodates splice 7H-CC to 8H-CC 59.48 68.65 65.53 76.10 accomodates splice 10H-6 to 22X-CC 81.79 199.38 89.58 210.23 accomodates splice B 6H-CC to 7H-5 51.92 59.20 56.49 64.19 accomodates splice 7H-CC to 9H-3 61.27 75.20 66.26 82.17 accomodates splice 9H-7 to 10H-2 79.70 82.13 86.67 91.05 accomodates splice C 1H-1 to 3H-1 0.00 16.60 0.00 17.66 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 3H-CC 24.10 24.98 25.16 26.04 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 5H-CC 33.60 43.89 35.31 46.24 accomodates splice D 2H-7 to 3H-CC 10.30 20.59 12.40 23.46 accomodates splice 4H-4 to 4H-CC 24.80 30.11 28.41 33.72 accomodates splice 5H-6 to 5H-CC 37.32 39.69 42.12 44.49 accomodates splice 6H-3 to 6H-CC 42.30 49.14 47.95 54.79 accomodates splice 7H-4 to 7H-CC 53.30 58.64 60.15 65.49 accomodates splice 8H-CC to 10H-1 67.97 78.10 75.81 87.98 accomodates splice 24X-1 to 42X-CC 199.80 364.59 "multiple holes, some overlap, below splice" E 1R to 52R 363.30 859.40 "multiple holes, some overlap, below splice" Leg 163 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 988 A 1R-5R 0.00 32.00 single hole 989 A 1R-3R 0.00 21.40 igneous rocks B 1R-14R 4.00 84.20 igneous rocks 990 A 1R-24R 182.00 342.70 single hole; drilled from 0.0-182.0 mbsf Leg 164 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 991 A 1H-6H 0.00 56.60 deepest hole 992 A 1H-6H 0.00 50.30 single hole 993 A 1H-6X 0.00 51.90 single hole 994 C 1H-84X 0.00 703.50 deepest hole 995 A 1H-83X 0.00 704.60 deepest hole 996 E 1H-7H 0.00 61.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" A 9H 58.00 63.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 997 A 1H-55P 0.00 434.30 "multiple holes, no overlap" B 8X-47X 443.00 750.00 "multiple holes, no overlap" Leg 165 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 998 A 1H-59X 0.00 560.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1R-37R 558.30 904.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 999 A 1H-61X 0.00 566.10 "multiple holes, no overlap" B 5R-63B 572.60 1066.40 "multiple holes, no overlap; 1R-4R had no recovery" 1000 A 1H-56X 0.00 524.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 5R-22R 522.80 695.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1001 A 1R-56R 0.00 522.80 deepest hole; K/T boundary in 38R-CC B 18R-5 352.62 353.20 K/T boundary 1002 C 1H-19H 0.00 170.10 deepest hole Leg 166 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1003 B 1H-43X 0.00 406.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1R-88R 406.00 1300.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1004 A 1H-23X 0.00 200.00 single hole 1005 A 1H-45X 0.00 389.20 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1R-34R 386.60 700.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1006 A 1H-77X 0.00 717.30 deepest hole 1007 B 1H-33X 0.00 304.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1R-97R 302.00 1235.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1008 A 1H-16X 0.00 134.50 single hole 1009 A 1H-28X 0.00 226.10 single hole Leg 167 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1010 C 6H - 24N 43.50 213.90 "multiple holes, archive composite splice sampled for u-channels" D 1H - 6H 0.00 51.50 "multiple holes, archive composite splice sampled for u-channels" E 6H - 7H 47.00 66.00 "multiple holes, archive composite splice sampled for u-channels" 1011 B 1H - 31X 0.00 281.50 deepest hole 1012 A 10H - 30X 80.70 273.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1H - 9H 0.00 82.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1013 A 9H - 16X 71.60 146.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1H - 8H 0.00 72.20 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1014 A 1H - 50X 0.00 449.00 deepest hole 1015 A 1H - 16H 0.00 149.50 deepest hole 1016 A 1H - 36N 0.00 316.50 deepest hole 1017 B 1H - 23X 0.00 204.20 deepest hole 1018 A 1H - 45X 0.00 426.20 deepest hole 1019 C 1H - 26X 0.00 247.80 deepest hole 1020 B 1H - 30X 0.00 278.80 deepest hole 1021 B 15H - 33X 131.50 310.20 "multiple holes, archive composite splice sampled for u-channels" C 11H 88.10 97.60 "multiple holes, archive composite splice sampled for u-channels" D 1H - 15H 0.00 138.50 "multiple holes, archive composite splice sampled for u-channels" 1022 C 1H - 42X 0.00 387.70 deepest hole Leg 168 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1023 A 1H - 22X 0.00 194.50 single hole 1024 B 1H - 18X 0.00 169.60 igneous rocks in 18X C 1R 173.70 175.70 igneous rocks 1025 B 1H - 11X 0.00 99.50 igneous rocks in Core 11X C 1R - 5R 106.10 147.20 igneous rocks 1026 A 1H-12H 0.00 101.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1R-5R 256.00 295.20 igneous rocks C 2R-17R 94.20 248.20 "multiple holes, slight overlap; 16R-17R igneous rocks" 1027 B 1H-62X 0.00 577.90 "multiple holes, no overlap" C 1R-5R 584.80 632.40 "multiple holes, no overlap" 1028 A 1H-15X 0.00 131.50 single hole 1029 A 1H-25X 0.00 223.00 single hole 1030 B 1H-6X 0.00 48.50 deepest hole 1031 A 1H-6X 0.00 42.80 single hole 1032 A 1R-16R 184.50 338.40 drilled 0.0-184.5 mbsf Leg 169S Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1033 D 1H-8H 0.00 69.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 8H-12H 67.10 105.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1034 E 1H-10H 0.00 89.50 "multiple holes, no overlap" B 11H-13H 89.70 118.20 "multiple holes, no overlap" Leg 169 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 856 H 18W - 65R 93.80 500.00 "sulfides, igneous rocks" 1035 A 1H - 19X 0.00 170.80 sulfides C 1X - 5X 0.00 44.00 sulfides D 1H-24X 0.00 178.50 sulfides E 1H-5H 0.00 45.50 outside hydrothermal mound F 1R-23R 0.00 224.80 sulfides G 2R-13R 44.40 208.50 sulfides H 1R-27R 0.00 247.90 sulfides 1036 A 1H-6X 0.00 38.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 5X-6X 34.90 54.20 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1037 B 1H - 62R 0.00 546.00 deepest hole 1038 A "1R-1, 0-42 cm" 0.00 0.42 in-situ massive sulfides E "1R-1, 0-15 cm" 0.00 0.15 in-situ massive sulfides "2R-1, 0-18 cm" 13.30 13.48 in-situ massive sulfides "3R-1, 0-5 cm" 21.40 21.45 in-situ massive sulfides G "15X-CC, 16X-1" 137.40 147.00 basalt H 15X-CC 135.20 137.00 basalt 1038 I 1X - 43X 0.00 404.00 deepest hole Leg 170 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1039 B 1H - 41X 0.00 384.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 2R - 11R 372.70 448.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1040 B 1H - 22X 0.00 190.30 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 4R - 53R 188.00 665.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1041 A 1H - 18X 0.00 155.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1R - 25R 155.00 395.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1R - 3R 395.00 423.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1042 A 1R - 7R 48.70 240.10 drilled 0.0-48.7 mbsf B 1R - 8R 316.00 390.80 drilled 0.0 - 316.0 mbsf 1043 A 1H - 30X 0.00 282.30 single hole Leg 171A Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1044 no coring 1045 no coring 1046 no coring 1047 no coring 1048 no coring Leg 171B Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1049 A 1X-23X 0.00 191.90 "deepest hole; contains K/T boundary, Albian black shales" C 8X-5 112.10 113.60 K/T boundary 12X-3 142.30 143.80 Albian black shales 1050 A 1X-36X 0.00 319.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1R-31R 317.50 606.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1051 A 2H-1 to 3H-2 5.80 18.30 6.18 21.8 accomodates splice 3H-5 to 4H-3 21.30 29.30 24.8 33.25 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 5H-3 33.80 38.80 37.75 45.15 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 7H-2 43.30 56.30 49.65 64.7 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 8H-2 60.80 64.59 69.2 74.95 accomodates splice 8H-CC to 9H-4 72.42 78.30 82.78 88.66 accomodates splice 9H-CC to 11H-1 81.09 92.80 91.45 103.16 accomodates splice 11H-5 to 12H-1 97.30 102.30 107.66 113.23 accomodates splice 12H-5 to 13H-2 106.80 113.30 117.73 123.48 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 14H-4 119.30 125.80 129.48 135.48 accomodates splice 14H-7 to 15H-4 128.80 135.30 138.48 145.58 accomodates splice 15H-7 to 19X-1 138.30 169.30 148.58 180.18 accomodates splice 19X-5 to 20X-CC 173.80 187.18 184.68 200.12 accomodates splice 21X-4 to 22X-1 191.50 198.10 205.61 212.46 accomodates splice 22X-4 to 22X-CC 201.10 202.67 215.46 217.03 accomodates splice 23X-4 to 25X-1 210.70 226.90 224.35 241.71 accomodates splice 25X-5 to 26X-2 231.40 238.00 246.21 253.95 accomodates splice 27X-4 to 28X-1 249.10 255.70 265.05 272.19 accomodates splice 28X-5 to 29X-2 260.20 266.80 276.69 284.35 accomodates splice 30X to 48X-6 273.4 456.02 292.47 476.34 accomodates splice 48X-CC 456.78 457.32 477.1 477.64 accomodates splice 49X-CC 460.13 460.49 481.31 481.67 accomodates splice 50X-5 to 50X-CC 466.21 467.42 487.39 488.6 accomodates splice 51X-1 466.80 468.30 488.6 490.1 accomodates splice 51X-CC 476.17 476.58 497.97 498.38 accomodates splice 52X-3 to 52X-CC 479.50 486.43 501.3 508.23 accomodates splice 53X-1 to 53X-CC 486.10 495.98 508.13 518.01 accomodates splice 54X-3 to 54X-CC 498.70 504.18 520.88 526.36 accomodates splice 55X-3 to 55X-CC 508.30 510.87 533.98 536.55 accomodates splice 56X-7 to 56X-CC 523.90 524.74 549.58 550.42 accomodates splice 57X-5 to 73X-CC 530.50 644.35 557.32 669.35 accomodates splice B 3H-7 to 3H-CC 22.80 23.96 22.75 23.91 accomodates splice 4H-CC 33.32 33.72 33.62 34.02 accomodates splice 5H-CC 43.10 43.34 46 46.24 accomodates splice 7H-1 52.30 53.80 55.35 56.85 accomodates splice 8H-CC to 9H-1 71.39 72.80 76.64 81.55 accomodates splice 10H-1 to 10H-3 80.80 85.30 86.31 90.81 accomodates splice 11H-6 to 11H-CC 94.80 96.42 103.55 105.17 accomodates splice 12H-CC 105.91 106.16 114.52 114.77 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 14H-1 115.30 120.30 125.63 128.73 accomodates splice 14H-CC 125.36 125.55 136.79 136.98 accomodates splice 19X-4 to 19X-CC 167.00 168.69 181.05 182.74 accomodates splice 20X-CC 181.50 181.68 193.62 193.8 accomodates splice 21X-CC 190.24 190.47 201.54 201.77 accomodates splice 22X-7 to 22X-CC 200.20 200.98 212.72 213.5 accomodates splice 23X-6 to 23X-CC 208.30 210.54 221.1 223.34 accomodates splice 25X-CC 229.54 229.93 242.34 242.73 accomodates splice 26X-CC to 27X-CC 239.15 246.51 255.04 255.41 accomodates splice 28X-CC 258.47 258.81 273.64 273.98 accomodates splice 29X-CC 268.04 268.43 284.68 285.07 accomodates splice 52X-1 to 52X-4 447.6 453.6 469.36 475.36 accomodates splice 52X-CC 457.02 457.49 478.78 479.25 accomodates splice 53X-1 to 53X-CC 457.3 458.1 481.67 482.47 accomodates splice 54X-5 to 54X-CC 472.9 476.75 491.96 495.81 accomodates splice 55X-1 476.5 478 499.58 501.08 accomodates splice 55X-CC 485.84 486.37 508.92 509.45 accomodates splice 56X-CC 495.28 495.6 518.36 518.68 accomodates splice 57X-CC 502.28 502.69 525.34 525.75 accomodates splice 59X-CC 510.97 511.46 537.11 537.6 accomodates splice 60X-4 to 60X-CC 515.4 517.7 541.94 544.24 accomodates splice 61X-7 to 61X-CC 525.9 526.8 556.46 557.36 accomodates splice 1052 A 3X-21X 13.20 174.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1H-2H 0.00 19.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" E 3R-58R 156.00 684.80 "contains K/T, Albian black shales" 1053 A 1H-20X 0.00 183.20 deepest hole Leg 172 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1054 A 1H-22X 0.00 200.00 deepest hole 1055 D 1H-13H 0.00 129.10 deepest hole 1056 B 1H-17H 0.00 155.60 deepest hole 1057 B 1H-15H 0.00 136.70 deepest hole 1058 C 1H-18H 0.00 164.00 deepest hole 1059 A 1H-11H 0.00 98.80 deepest hole 1060 A 1H-18H 0.00 170.10 deepest hole 1061 A 1H-37X 0.00 350.30 deepest hole 1062 B 1H-26X 0.00 239.00 deepest hole 1063 A 1H-45X 0.00 418.40 deepest hole 1064 A 1H-3H 0.00 28.50 deepest hole Leg 173 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1065 A 1R-35R 251.00 631.40 drilled 0-251.0 mbsf; single hole 1066 A - "only drilling, no core" 1067 A 1R-23R 648.00 855.60 drilled 0-648.0 mbsf; single hole 1068 A 1R-29R 711.30 955.80 drilled 0-711.3 mbsf; single hole 1069 A 1R-25R 718.80 959.30 Core 26G wash core not archived; single hole 1070 A 1R-14R 599.00 718.80 drilled 0-599.0 mbsf; single hole Leg 174A Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1071 A 1H-10X 0.00 51.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap (interval 51.9-58.4 mbsf not recovered well in any hole)" C 2X-26X 58.40 256.90 "multiple holes, slight overlap" F 1R-16R 252.00 424.20 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1072 A 1R-56R 0.00 306.80 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1R-6R 306.80 358.60 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1073 A 1H-72X 0.00 663.60 single hole Leg 174B Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1074 A 1H-8X 0.00 69.50 single hole Leg 175 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1075 A 1H-2H 0.00 11.27 0.00 12.57 accomodates splice 7H-1 to 9H-2 49.00 71.00 51.36 76.14 accomodates splice 10H-1 to 11H-4 77.50 92.50 83.88 100.00 accomodates splice 12H 96.50 106.89 105.78 116.17 accomodates splice 14H-1 to 15H-3 115.50 128.18 126.77 141.39 accomodates splice B 2H-5 to 4H-4 11.00 30.00 11.00 29.42 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 6H-CC 42.50 52.23 42.22 52.63 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 9H-CC 69.50 81.67 70.40 87.33 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 11H-CC 90.00 100.67 96.37 107.90 accomodates splice 13H 109.50 119.79 119.70 129.99 accomodates splice 14H-CC to 17H-4 128.85 152.34 139.76 167.31 accomodates splice C 4H to 5H 26.70 42.79 26.56 42.51 accomodates splice 12H 102.70 112.82 110.85 120.97 accomodates splice 16H-CC to 22H-CC 150.57 208.14 "deepest hole, below splice" 1076 A 3H 14.30 24.34 14.30 24.34 accomodates splice 6H-1 to 8H-3 42.80 66.30 48.32 74.11 accomodates splice 13H to 22H 109.30 204.98 "deepest hole, below splice" C 1H to 2H 0.00 12.58 0.24 13.56 accomodates splice 4H 22.60 32.61 25.16 35.17 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 13H-2 69.60 111.10 75.89 122.98 accomodates splice D 2H 9.00 18.96 10.66 20.62 accomodates splice 4H to 5H 28.00 47.58 30.66 51.18 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 8H-2 65.50 69.00 70.93 77.36 accomodates splice 1077 B 1H-22H 0.00 205.47 offset between holes A and B is minimal; composite splice was not followed 1078 A 1H-9X 0.00 77.10 "per agreement with Angola, all archive halves are permanent" B 1H-14H 0.00 130.10 "per agreement with Angola, all archive halves are permanent" C 1H-18X 0.00 165.20 "per agreement with Angola, all archive halves are permanent" D 1H-14H 0.00 126.80 "per agreement with Angola, all archive halves are permanent" 1079 A 1H-14H 0.00 121.00 "per agreement with Angola, all archive halves are permanent" B 1H-14H 0.00 128.30 "per agreement with Angola, all archive halves are permanent" C 1H-14H 0.00 126.80 "per agreement with Angola, all archive halves are permanent" 1080 A 1H-7X 0.00 52.10 "per agreement with Angola, all archive halves are permanent" B 1H-5X 0.00 38.20 "per agreement with Angola, all archive halves are permanent" 1081 A 1H-49X 0.00 452.70 "deepest hole, not needed for composite splice" 1082 A 1H-12H 0.00 112.30 splice was not followed A 22X-64X 196.20 600.03 unique interval from deepest hole C 13H-24H 103.00 202.03 Hole C used to accomodate poor recovery in this part of Hole A 1083 A 1H-22H 0.00 201.30 hole not needed for composite splice B 22H-6 to 22H-CC 200.30 202.30 unique interval in deepest hole 1084 A 24X-65X 200.80 604.69 unique interval in deepest hole B 1H-20H 0.00 182.52 Hole B not used for composite splice in upper 175 mbsf C 20H-22H 179.10 207.65 better recovery in Hole C in this interval than in Hole A 1085 A 35X-64X 314.70 604.36 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1H-35H 0.00 321.28 "multiple holes, slight overlap; composite splice was not followed" 1086 B 1H-23H 0.00 212.10 "offset between holes A and B is minimal, so Hole B was chosen rather than follow the composite splice" 1087 A 8H-2 to 8H-5 66.70 72.70 75.35 81.35 intervals chosen to accomodate composite splice between holes B 1H-1 to 3H-1 0.00 17.00 -0.12 17.52 intervals chosen to accomodate composite splice between holes 3H-5 to 8H-3 21.50 67.50 22.02 73.05 intervals chosen to accomodate composite splice between holes C 3H-3 to 4H-1 14.10 22.10 17.32 26.30 intervals chosen to accomodate composite splice between holes 22H-1 to 53X-CC 191.60 492.40 "deepest hole, below splice" D 1H-1 to 14X-CC 72.50 201.20 72.50 217.15 intervals chosen to accomodate composite splice between holes Leg 176 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Comments 735 B 89R-210R 504.80 1508.00 "single hole, igneous rock" Leg 177 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1088 B 1H-14H 0.00 129.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 2H-13X 124.30 233.40 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1089 A 2H-6 to 2H-CC 14.80 16.95 14.38 16.53 accomodates splice B 1H-4 to 2H-2 4.12 7.80 6.16 13.50 accomodates splice 2H-CC 13.57 13.72 19.27 19.42 accomodates splice 14H-29H 118.80 264.96 130.06 280.06 deepest hole below splice D 1H-1 to 2H-1 0.00 8.20 0.00 5.32 accomodates splice 2H-6 to 3H-3 14.20 17.36 11.32 17.18 accomodates splice 3H-7 to13H 21.86 118.12 21.68 125.64 accomodates splice 1090 B 9H to 18H-2 70.70 159.20 74.39 166.98 "deepest hole, accomodates splice" 19H-1 to 24X-1 165.70 215.30 175.19 226.26 "deepest hole, accomodates splice" C 1H-8H 0.00 69.30 0.50 76.66 accomodates splice B 24X-4 to 43X 218.30 397.69 229.26 409.68 "deepest hole, below splice" D 23H-5 to 23H-CC 212.90 215.19 225.53 227.82 accomodates splice E 17H-3 to 17H-6 154.20 160.20 166.63 172.63 accomodates splice 23H-4 212.70 213.74 228.06 229.10 accomodates splice 1091 A 16H-1 to 16H-5 139.90 147.40 154.50 162.00 accomodates splice 18H-3 to 18H-CC 161.90 166.94 177.13 182.17 accomodates splice 19H-2 to 19H-CC 169.90 175.75 186.77 192.62 accomodates splice 21H-6 to 21H-CC 194.43 194.96 212.06 212.59 accomodates splice 22H-3 to 22H-CC 199.90 204.29 219.78 224.17 accomodates splice 23H-CC to 33H-CC 213.60 310.40 234.74 333.61 "deepest hole, below splice" B 13H-1 to 13H-4 112.30 118.30 115.15 121.15 accomodates splice 21H-CC to 22H-1 196.12 199.30 210.33 215.06 accomodates splice D 1H-1 to 12H-2 0.00 101.60 7.99 115.15 accomodates splice 13H-1 to 15H-CC 108.10 136.20 122.49 152.41 accomodates splice 17H-1 to 18H-1 146.10 157.10 164.56 176.75 accomodates splice 19H-6 to 20H-2 172.60 177.60 194.03 200.77 accomodates splice 20H-6 to 21H-2 182.10 187.10 205.27 211.54 accomodates splice 21H-6 to 22H-1 191.60 195.10 216.04 220.17 accomodates splice 1092 A 1H-1 to 2H-CC 0.00 16.16 2.55 19.78 accomodates splice 10H-5 to 11H-2 90.00 96.50 100.54 108.99 accomodates splice 18H-1 to 20H-CC 160.00 188.40 179.85 210.74 "deepest hole, below splice" B 1H-1 to 1H-2 0.00 3.00 0.55 3.55 accomodates splice 3H-2 to 4H-1 18.40 27.90 19.64 29.11 accomodates splice 4H-6 to 8H-1 33.90 65.90 35.11 71.85 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 9H-CC 71.90 82.58 77.85 88.56 accomodates splice 11H-CC to 14H-1 102.27 122.90 110.76 135.82 accomodates splice 14H-CC to 15H-2 131.20 132.82 144.12 148.54 accomodates splice C 4H-2 to 4H-7 24.50 32.07 27.73 35.30 accomodates splice 8H-4 to 9H-1 65.50 72.00 71.81 78.95 accomodates splice 10H-1 to 10H-CC 80.00 89.79 87.68 97.47 accomodates splice 12H-1 99.00 100.50 109.35 110.85 accomodates splice 14H-4 to 15H-1 122.50 129.00 137.32 144.20 accomodates splice 15H-6 to 18H-CC 135.00 166.02 150.20 185.81 accomodates splice 1093 A 4H-1 to 4H-2 27.50 30.50 31.48 34.48 accomodates splice 23H-1 to 23H-2 208.00 211.00 228.91 231.91 accomodates splice 23H-CC to 24H-2 217.63 220.50 238.54 242.21 accomodates splice B 2H-CC to 3H-CC 16.16 21.94 23.10 31.02 accomodates splice 4H-3 to 4H-CC 29.10 35.89 38.58 45.37 accomodates splice 7H-2 to 8H-1 56.10 67.10 69.87 80.07 accomodates splice 19H-1 to 19H-5 168.60 176.10 193.09 200.59 accomodates splice 23H-CC to 24H-CC 215.56 221.90 244.83 252.03 accomodates splice 22H-6 to 23H-1 204.60 208.10 232.43 237.37 accomodates splice C 1H-1 to 2H-CC 0.00 13.86 7.06 23.40 accomodates splice 3H-CC to 4H-1 25.00 28.50 35.14 39.96 accomodates splice 4H-6 to 7H-1 34.50 57.00 45.96 70.81 accomodates splice 8H-1 to 18H-CC 65.00 162.24 80.25 188.99 accomodates splice D 1H-1 to 4H-1 136.00 166.00 152.31 183.13 accomodates splice 4H-6 to 5H-1 172.00 175.50 189.13 193.55 accomodates splice 5H-CC to 8H-CC 182.73 208.47 200.78 230.12 accomodates splice 11H to 50X 231.00 588.62 252.93 614.54 "deepest hole, below splice" E 1H-1 to 1H-2 4.00 7.00 4.59 7.59 accomodates splice 1094 A 2H-6 to 3H-1 12.10 15.60 13.64 18.02 accomodates splice 3H-6 to 3H-CC 21.60 22.36 24.02 24.78 accomodates splice 9H-1 71.10 72.60 73.90 75.40 accomodates splice 9H-5 to 9H-CC 77.10 79.17 79.90 81.97 accomodates splice 10H-6 to 11H-1 88.10 91.60 90.44 94.40 accomodates splice 11H-6 to 11H-CC 97.60 98.03 100.40 100.83 accomodates splice 12H-6 to 12H-CC 107.10 108.35 108.68 109.93 accomodates splice 14H-1 to 14H-CC 118.60 123.67 121.41 126.48 accomodates splice B 1H-1 to 2H-1 0.00 11.00 0.52 12.02 accomodates splice 4H-1 to 4H-CC 28.50 33.18 31.37 36.05 accomodates splice C 1H-1 0.00 1.50 0.28 1.78 accomodates splice 2H-5 to 3H-2 14.90 21.40 16.62 23.16 accomodates splice 5H-1 to 5H-CC 37.40 45.75 39.07 47.42 accomodates splice D 2H-4 to 3H-1 33.10 39.60 36.75 42.09 accomodates splice 3H-6 to 6H-2 45.53 69.49 48.02 71.24 accomodates splice 6H-CC 76.03 76.13 77.78 77.88 accomodates splice 7H-5 to 7H-CC 82.10 82.32 84.72 84.94 accomodates splice 8H-5 to 8H-CC 91.60 93.23 94.92 96.55 accomodates splice 9H-CC 100.76 100.93 103.32 103.49 accomodates splice 10H-5 to 11H-1 110.60 115.60 111.94 117.14 accomodates splice 12H-1 to 16H-CC 123.60 167.86 125.14 169.75 "deepest hole, below splice" Leg 178 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1095 B 1H to 52X 83.00 570.20 "multiple holes, little overlap" D 1H to 9H 0.00 84.60 "multiple holes, little overlap" 1096 A 1H to 15H 0.00 140.70 "multiple holes, little overlap" B 16H to 32X 135.20 260.60 "multiple holes, little overlap" C 3X 193.00 202.60 "multiple holes, little overlap" 7X to 43X 255.20 607.70 "multiple holes, little overlap" 1097 A 1R to 51R 0.00 436.60 single hole 1098 A 1H to 7H 0.00 45.90 one hole out of three of similar depth 1099 A 1H to 7H 0.00 62.30 "multiple holes, no overlap" B 1H to 5H 60.00 107.50 "multiple holes, no overlap" 1100 B 1R 33.90 35.90 "multiple holes, very poor recovery (no recovery in Hole A)" C 1R 0.00 5.00 "multiple holes, very poor recovery (no recovery in Hole A)" D 1R to 11R 0.00 100.90 "multiple holes, very poor recovery (no recovery in Hole A)" 1101 A 1H to 24X 0.00 217.70 single hole 1102 A 1R 0.00 7.50 "multiple holes, very poor recovery" B 1R 0.00 7.50 "multiple holes, very poor recovery" C 1R to 2R 0.00 6.50 "multiple holes, very poor recovery" D 1R 0.00 14.90 "multiple holes, very poor recovery" 1103 A 1R to 38R 0.00 362.70 single hole Leg 179 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1104 A-E no coring 1105 A 1R to 30R 15.00 158.00 single hole 1106 A-E no coring 1107 A no coring Leg 180 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1108 B 1R to 51R 0.00 485.20 deepest hole 1109 C 1H to 41X 0.00 375.70 "multiple holes, slight overlap" D 3R to 51R 368.70 802.00 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1110 B 1H to 3X 0.00 22.30 "multiple holes, no overlap" D 2R 22.70 28.70 "multiple holes, no overlap" 1111 A 1R to 18R 0.00 173.70 single hole 1112 A 1R to 13R 0.00 116.40 "multiple holes, no overlap" B 3R to 6R 126.10 164.60 "multiple holes, no overlap" 1113 A 1R to 3R 0.00 25.20 single hole 1114 A 1R to 37R 0.00 352.80 single hole 1115 B 1H to 31X 0.00 293.10 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1R to 54R 283.20 802.50 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1116 A 1R to 18R 0.00 158.90 single hole 1117 A 1R to 14R 0.00 111.10 deepest hole 1118 A 1R to 76R 205.00 926.60 single hole Leg 181 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1119 A 1H 0.00 6.01 0.00 6.01 accomodates splice B 1H-4 to 2H-1 4.30 6.20 4.34 6.44 accomodates splice 2H-7 to 2H-CC 13.70 14.20 13.94 14.44 accomodates splice 3H-5 to 3H-CC 20.20 23.70 21.44 24.94 accomodates splice 4H-5 to 5H-1 29.20 34.73 30.44 35.97 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 5H-CC 42.26 42.70 43.57 44.01 accomodates splice 6H-5 to 6H-CC 48.70 52.20 51.68 55.18 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 7H-CC 59.60 61.70 63.38 65.48 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 8H-CC 70.75 71.20 76.05 76.50 accomodates splice 9H-6 to 9H-CC 78.60 80.70 84.61 86.71 accomodates splice 10H-4 to 10H-CC 85.12 90.20 93.32 98.40 accomodates splice 11H-6 to 12H-1 97.70 101.20 107.14 111.22 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 12H-CC 108.70 109.20 118.72 119.22 accomodates splice 13H-5 to 13H-CC 115.20 118.70 126.68 130.18 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 14H-CC 126.25 128.20 138.41 140.36 accomodates splice 15H-6 to 15H-CC 135.70 137.70 149.67 151.67 accomodates splice 16H-4 to 16H-CC 142.20 147.20 159.95 164.95 accomodates splice 17H-6 to 17H-CC 154.73 155.80 172.83 173.90 accomodates splice C 1H-6 to 2H-3 7.50 12.80 7.66 12.56 accomodates splice 2H-7 to 3H-1 17.10 19.30 16.86 19.02 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 4H-1 26.80 28.80 26.52 28.84 accomodates splice 4H-CC to 5H-3 37.49 41.30 37.53 42.30 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 6H-1 45.80 47.80 46.80 50.06 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 7H-2 55.30 58.04 57.56 61.00 accomodates splice 7H-CC to 8H-3 65.41 69.70 68.37 74.70 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 9H-3 74.06 79.14 79.06 83.84 accomodates splice 9H-CC to 10H-2 84.60 87.17 89.30 93.11 accomodates splice 10H-CC to 11H-3 93.96 97.04 99.90 106.10 accomodates splice 11H-CC to 12H-3 103.93 107.80 112.99 117.38 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 13H-1 112.30 114.30 121.88 124.88 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 14H-2 121.80 124.06 132.38 135.91 accomodates splice 14H-8 to 15H-2 131.56 134.80 143.41 148.81 accomodates splice 15H-CC to 16H-2 141.71 143.35 155.72 157.70 accomodates splice 16H-CC to 52X 151.13 494.80 165.48 513.55 "deepest hole, below splice" 1120 A 1H 0.00 4.60 0.00 4.60 accomodates splice B 2H-6 to 2H-CC 10.80 12.80 11.24 13.24 accomodates splice 3H-CC to 4H-4 17.45 28.25 19.25 27.31 accomodates splice 4H-CC to 5H-3 31.25 36.30 30.31 36.75 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 5H-CC 40.80 41.44 41.25 41.89 accomodates splice 6H-2 to 21X 42.80 188.00 44.21 187.31 deep hole below splice C 1H-5 to 2H-1 6.00 8.10 5.76 10.76 accomodates splice 2H-6 to 2H-CC 14.10 15.72 16.76 18.38 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 3H-CC 25.01 25.61 27.91 28.51 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 5H-1 34.60 36.60 38.09 39.59 accomodates splice 5H-5 to 5H-CC 41.10 44.88 44.09 47.87 accomodates splice D 3X-5 to 9X-CC 182.70 220.70 183.51 221.51 deepest hole below splice 1121 B 1H to 17X 0.00 139.70 deepest hole 1122 A 1H-1 0.00 1.50 7.88 9.38 accomodates splice 1H-6 to 1H-CC 7.50 9.32 15.38 17.20 accomodates splice 2H-7 to 2H-CC 18.30 18.96 25.75 26.41 accomodates splice 3H-4 to 4H-1 23.30 29.80 32.42 37.70 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 4H-CC 37.17 38.22 45.07 46.12 accomodates splice 5H-4 to 6H-1 42.30 48.80 50.64 55.26 accomodates splice 6H-5 to 6H-CC 53.30 56.39 59.76 62.85 accomodates splice 7H-4 to 7H-CC 61.30 65.95 67.46 72.11 accomodates splice B 1H-1 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 accomodates splice 1H-7 to 1H-CC 9.00 9.81 9.00 9.81 accomodates splice C 1H-CC to 2H-2 2.41 5.50 2.41 6.74 accomodates splice 2H-6 to 3H-3 10.00 14.00 11.24 14.64 accomodates splice 3H-CC to 4H-3 16.94 18.54 17.58 23.87 accomodates splice 4H-CC to 5H-1 23.59 25.00 28.92 31.42 accomodates splice 5H-CC to 6H-3 32.30 37.50 38.72 43.50 accomodates splice 6H-CC to 7H-1 41.93 44.00 47.93 50.00 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 8H-1 50.00 53.50 55.46 56.80 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 9H-1 61.00 63.00 64.30 66.04 accomodates splice 9H-CC to 68X 70.00 617.85 73.04 620.49 deepest hole below splice 1123 A 1H to 17H 0.00 158.10 "multiple holes, some overlap" B 18X to 52X 155.40 489.00 "multiple holes, some overlap" C 18X to 33X 484.00 632.80 "multiple holes, some overlap" 1124 B 1H to 2H 0.00 9.88 "multiple holes, some overlap" C 1X to 49X 8.00 473.12 "multiple holes, some overlap" 1125 A 1H-3 to 1H-CC 3.00 4.31 3.00 4.31 accomodates splice 2H-6 to 3H-3 11.80 18.30 13.37 18.19 accomodates splice 3H-CC to 4H-1 23.48 24.80 23.37 27.89 accomodates splice 4H-6 to 4H-CC 30.80 32.93 33.89 36.02 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 6H-1 41.80 43.80 46.85 52.23 accomodates splice 6H-6 to 7H-1 49.80 53.30 58.23 63.48 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 8H-1 59.30 62.80 69.48 74.25 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 8H-CC 68.80 70.48 80.25 81.93 accomodates splice 9H-7 to 10H-1 79.80 81.80 91.72 94.67 accomodates splice 10H-6 to 11H-1 87.80 91.30 100.97 104.88 accomodates splice 11H-CC to 12H-1 99.52 100.80 113.10 115.61 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 12H-CC 108.30 109.18 123.11 123.99 accomodates splice 13H-5 to 14H-1 114.85 119.80 131.08 136.87 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 14H-CC 125.80 128.21 142.87 145.28 accomodates splice 15H-7 to 15H-CC 136.85 137.80 154.83 155.78 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 16H-CC 146.27 146.75 165.44 165.92 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 17H-CC 155.85 156.79 174.60 175.54 accomodates splice 18H-7 to 19H-1 165.30 167.30 187.74 190.10 accomodates splice 19H-7 to 20H-1 174.83 176.60 197.63 201.70 accomodates splice 20H-7 to 20H-CC 184.10 185.02 209.20 210.12 accomodates splice 21H-6 to 22H-1 192.30 195.80 218.16 223.50 accomodates splice B 1H-5 to 1H-CC 6.00 8.30 7.54 9.84 accomodates splice 2H-6 to 2H-CC 15.80 17.95 18.85 21.00 accomodates splice 3H-6 to 3H-CC 25.30 27.31 29.39 31.40 accomodates splice 4H-6 to 4H-CC 34.80 36.68 39.38 41.26 accomodates splice 5H-6 to 6H-1 44.30 47.80 53.46 57.73 accomodates splice 6H-6 to 6H-CC 53.80 56.03 63.73 65.96 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 8H-2 63.30 68.30 75.42 79.50 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 9H-2 72.80 77.80 84.00 89.34 accomodates splice 9H-7 to 10H-1 83.80 85.80 95.34 99.47 accomodates splice 10H-6 to 11H-3 91.80 98.30 105.47 112.36 accomodates splice 11H-7 to 12H-2 102.80 105.70 116.86 121.70 accomodates splice 12H-6 to 13H-1 110.20 114.30 126.20 130.38 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 14H-1 121.80 123.80 137.88 141.42 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 15H-2 129.80 134.80 147.42 153.61 accomodates splice 15H-6 to 16H-2 139.30 144.30 158.11 163.57 accomodates splice 16H-6 to 17H-2 148.80 153.80 168.07 174.17 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 17H-CC 159.80 160.86 180.17 181.23 accomodates splice 18H-5 to 19H-1 166.30 171.30 190.81 196.56 accomodates splice 19H-6 to 20H-1 177.30 180.80 202.56 207.61 accomodates splice 20H-5 to 21X-1 185.30 190.30 212.11 217.36 accomodates splice 21X-7 to 58X 197.80 548.32 224.86 579.39 deepest hole below splice Leg 182 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1126 A 1H 0.00 9.69 -0.34 9.35 accomodates splice B 2H-4 to 2H-CC 11.00 15.68 12.39 17.07 accomodates splice 3H-2 to 3H-CC 17.50 25.90 20.18 28.58 accomodates splice 4H-5 to 4H-CC 31.50 35.06 34.18 37.74 accomodates splice 6H-5 to 6H-CC 50.50 53.18 55.18 57.86 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 8H-CC 61.50 72.99 67.03 78.52 accomodates splice 9H-5 to 10H-1 79.00 84.00 87.17 91.17 accomodates splice 11H-1 to 32X-CC 92.00 254.84 102.09 271.06 "multiple holes, low recovery, some overlap" C 2H-1 8.50 10.00 9.63 11.13 accomodates splice 4H-1 to 4H-2 27.50 30.50 29.56 32.56 accomodates splice 5H-1 to 5H-3 37.00 41.50 41.40 45.90 accomodates splice 6H-1 to 6H-2 46.50 49.50 50.80 53.80 accomodates splice 7H-1 to 7H-3 56.00 60.50 62.04 66.54 accomodates splice 9H-1 75.00 76.50 83.51 85.01 accomodates splice 11X-1 to 17X-3 90.30 148.83 99.13 163.77 "multiple holes, low recovery, some overlap" D 1R to 33R 150.00 455.91 deepest hole 1127 B 1H to 55X 0.00 510.70 deepest hole 1128 A 1H 0.00 9.31 0.00 9.31 accomodates splice B 2H-6 to 2H-CC 13.20 15.53 14.30 16.63 accomodates splice 3H-4 to 3H-CC 19.70 23.22 21.48 25.00 accomodates splice 4H-5 to 4H-CC 30.70 34.02 32.84 36.16 accomodates splice 6H-6 to 6H-CC 51.20 53.58 54.40 56.78 accomodates splice 8H-1 62.70 64.20 71.68 73.18 accomodates splice 10H-4 to 10H-CC 86.20 91.65 96.50 104.65 accomodates splice 11H-CC 94.16 94.28 104.84 104.96 accomodates splice 12H-6 to 12H-CC 108.20 110.59 119.02 121.41 accomodates splice 13H-6 to 13H-CC 117.70 119.65 129.64 131.59 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 14H-CC 127.20 129.61 139.62 142.03 accomodates splice 15H-5 to 15H-CC 134.76 137.79 147.56 150.59 accomodates splice 16X-1 to 30X-CC 137.80 272.86 152.57 292.81 below splice C 1H-6 to 2H-2 7.50 11.00 7.58 13.04 accomodates splice 2H-6 to 3H-1 15.50 19.00 17.54 20.76 accomodates splice 4H-1 27.00 28.50 28.76 30.26 accomodates splice 4H-CC to 5H-4 35.20 42.50 36.96 44.92 accomodates splice 5H-CC to 6H-2 46.31 49.00 48.73 52.68 accomodates splice 6H-CC to 7H-CC 55.05 64.15 58.73 67.83 accomodates splice 8H-5 to 9H-5 71.00 82.00 74.68 90.18 accomodates splice 10H-1 84.00 85.50 93.46 94.96 accomodates splice 11H-7 to 12H-3 102.00 107.50 111.98 117.60 accomodates splice 13H-1 to 13H-3 112.50 117.00 124.10 128.60 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 14H-3 121.50 126.50 133.10 138.60 accomodates splice 21X 184.50 193.43 202.45 211.38 fill gap in Hole B D 1R to 23R 231.20 446.81 deepest hole 1129 C 1H to 48X 0.00 444.91 "multiple holes,poor recovery, some overlap" D 1R to 26R 280.00 594.93 "multiple holes,poor recovery, some overlap" 1130 A 1H-6 to 1H-CC 7.50 8.48 7.50 8.48 accomodates splice 2H-CC 17.85 18.03 17.55 17.73 accomodates splice 3H-CC to 4H-3 21.85 32.00 21.85 32.00 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 5H-3 36.00 41.50 36.00 42.28 accomodates splice 5H-CC to 6H-1 46.87 48.00 47.65 49.55 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 7H-2 55.50 59.00 57.05 60.60 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 8H-3 65.00 70.00 66.60 72.53 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 9H-1 73.00 76.50 75.53 81.03 accomodates splice 9H-CC to 10H-1 83.67 86.00 88.20 90.82 accomodates splice 10H-6 to 11H-1 92.00 95.50 96.82 100.41 accomodates splice 11H-6 to 11H-CC 101.50 103.37 106.41 108.28 accomodates splice 12H-5 to 12H-CC 109.50 112.96 116.01 119.47 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 14H-4 122.00 128.20 128.33 134.58 accomodates splice 14H-7 to 14H-CC 131.20 131.94 137.58 143.96 accomodates splice 15H-CC to 16H-4 140.10 146.48 147.17 155.02 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 17H-3 149.48 155.50 158.02 163.57 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 17H-CC 160.00 160.83 168.07 168.90 accomodates splice 18H-CC to 19X-2 170.22 173.00 179.01 182.17 accomodates splice 19X-CC to 22X-1 179.39 198.10 188.56 211.47 accomodates splice 23X-1 to 23X-5 206.20 213.70 219.57 227.07 accomodates splice 23X-7 to 24X-4 215.20 221.80 228.57 234.77 accomodates splice 24X-CC to 29X-3 224.53 268.40 237.50 281.37 accomodates splice 29X-CC to 30X-3 273.35 278.00 286.32 291.43 accomodates splice 30X-CC to 31X-4 282.54 289.10 295.97 302.53 accomodates splice 31X-CC to 32X-4 292.44 298.80 305.87 312.93 accomodates splice 32X-7 to 40X-CC 301.80 369.87 315.93 384.46 below splice B 1H-1 to 1H-CC 0.00 3.93 0.00 3.93 accomodates splice 2H-4 to 3H-CC 8.50 13.60 10.02 15.12 accomodates splice 4H-6 to 4H-CC 30.50 32.95 31.96 34.41 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 5H-CC 41.00 41.95 42.98 43.93 accomodates splice 6H-4 to 7H-1 46.19 53.00 50.73 55.93 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 8H-1 59.00 62.50 61.93 65.38 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 8H-CC 70.00 70.63 72.88 73.51 accomodates splice 9H-7 to 10H-1 79.50 81.50 83.38 85.95 accomodates splice 10H-6 to 11H-1 87.50 91.00 91.95 96.67 accomodates splice 11H-6 to 11H-CC 97.00 99.11 102.67 104.78 accomodates splice 12H-5 to 12H-CC 105.00 107.94 112.53 115.47 accomodates splice 13H-6 to 13H-CC 116.00 118.46 124.16 126.62 accomodates splice 14H-7 to 14H-CC 127.00 127.87 135.84 136.71 accomodates splice 15H-4 to 15H-CC 132.00 137.36 140.58 145.94 accomodates splice 16H-CC to 17H-1 145.94 148.00 155.67 157.69 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 17H-CC 155.50 156.23 165.19 165.92 accomodates splice 18X-4 to 18X-CC 160.50 165.89 170.63 176.02 accomodates splice 19X-6 to 19X-CC 173.10 175.44 184.73 187.07 accomodates splice 21X-CC 194.50 194.86 207.81 208.17 accomodates splice 22X-5 to 22X-CC 200.70 204.49 214.01 217.80 accomodates splice 23X-7 to 23X-CC 213.40 214.06 227.99 228.65 accomodates splice 24X-CC 223.02 223.20 237.07 237.25 accomodates splice 25X-CC 233.27 233.55 246.18 246.46 accomodates splice 26X-CC 242.97 243.28 255.88 256.19 accomodates splice 29X-6 to 29X-CC 269.80 272.15 282.71 285.06 accomodates splice 30X-6 to 30X-CC 279.50 281.83 293.05 295.38 accomodates splice 31X-7 to 31X-CC 290.60 291.49 304.07 304.96 accomodates splice 32X-7 to 32X-CC 300.20 301.08 314.23 315.11 accomodates splice C 1R to 10R 299.20 386.51 deepest hole 1131 A 13X to 66X 104.60 616.90 "multiple holes, some overlap" B 1H to 12X 0.00 105.80 "multiple holes, some overlap" 1132 B 1H to 32X 0.00 275.01 "multiple holes,poor recovery, some overlap" C 3R to 35R 255.80 555.95 "multiple holes,poor recovery, some overlap" 1133 B 1H to 19X 0.00 152.10 "deepest hole, poor recovery" 1134 A 1H-1 to 2H-1 0.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 accomodates splice 2H-6 to 2H-CC 12.00 14.24 12.58 14.82 accomodates splice 3H-6 to 3H-CC 21.50 23.44 22.84 24.78 accomodates splice 4H-5 to 4H-CC 29.50 33.15 32.10 35.75 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 6H-1 42.00 44.00 43.72 46.22 accomodates splice 6H-6 to 6H-7 50.00 52.01 52.22 54.23 accomodates splice 7H-5 to 7H-CC 58.00 61.92 60.34 64.26 accomodates splice 8H-5 to 9H-1 67.50 72.50 70.43 75.33 accomodates splice 9H-7 to 9H-CC 80.00 80.77 82.83 83.60 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 10H-CC 89.50 90.22 93.07 93.79 accomodates splice 11H-6 to 11H-CC 97.50 99.99 102.08 104.57 accomodates splice 12H-CC 108.24 108.38 113.58 113.72 accomodates splice 13H-CC 118.44 118.58 123.84 123.98 accomodates splice 14H-5 to 14H-CC 124.38 126.17 129.96 131.75 accomodates splice 15X-CC to 16X-1 130.78 129.40 136.48 137.94 accomodates splice; cores 15 and 16 overlap based on drill depth 16X-CC to 41X-CC 137.41 368.50 145.95 376.90 "multiple holes, below splice, poor recovery, some overlap" B 1H-6 to 2H-2 7.50 11.21 7.70 11.82 accomodates splice 2H-7 to 3H-1 17.21 19.60 17.82 20.42 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 4H-2 26.60 30.60 27.42 31.36 accomodates splice 4H-6 to 5H-3 35.10 41.60 35.86 42.78 accomodates splice 5H-CC to 6H-2 46.10 49.60 47.28 50.68 accomodates splice 6H-CC 54.52 54.74 55.60 55.82 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 8H-1 63.26 67.10 65.23 68.93 accomodates splice 8H-CC to 9H-3 74.37 79.60 76.20 81.63 accomodates splice 9H-CC to 10H-3 83.65 89.10 85.68 91.42 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 11H-3 93.60 98.60 95.92 100.74 accomodates splice 11H-CC to 14X-2 103.58 125.60 105.72 128.62 accomodates splice 14X-CC 129.92 130.17 132.94 133.19 accomodates splice 15X-CC 133.17 133.51 139.81 140.15 accomodates splice 16X-CC to 25X-CC 145.46 225.38 151.74 231.66 "multiple holes, below splice, poor recovery, some overlap" Leg 183 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1135 A 1R to 55R 0.00 517.27 single hole 1136 A 1R to 19R 0.00 159.93 single hole 1137 A 1R to 46R 0.00 370.17 single hole 1138 A 1R to 89R 0.00 836.59 single hole 1139 A 1R to 73R 0.00 693.98 single hole 1140 A 1R to 37R 0.00 320.83 single hole 1141 A 1R to 24R 0.00 184.99 single hole 1142 A 2R to 10R 91.00 140.80 single hole Leg 184 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1143 A 1H-1 to 14H-2 0.00 119.90 0.02 125.92 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 16H-2 124.40 138.90 130.42 145.46 accomodates splice 16H-6 to 18H-3 143.40 159.30 149.96 166.82 accomodates splice 19H-1 to 20H-6 164.40 182.92 171.57 190.77 accomodates splice B 14H-1 to 14H-CC 119.40 129.07 127.60 137.27 accomodates splice 15H-6 to 16H-CC 136.40 148.21 144.72 156.75 accomodates splice 18H-1 to 18H-4 157.40 163.00 165.69 171.29 accomodates splice C 13H-5 to 13H-6 116.90 119.90 125.06 128.06 accomodates splice 20X-1 to 54X-CC 177.40 500.51 187.19 512.91 "deepest hole, below splice" 1144 A 1H-1 to 2H-1 0.00 8.40 0.46 10.19 accomodates splice 8H-1 to 8H-CC 63.90 73.77 70.63 80.50 accomodates splice 10H-1 to 11H-CC 82.90 102.33 91.17 110.66 accomodates splice 18H-7 to 19H-7 167.90 177.98 182.07 194.65 accomodates splice 20H-7 to 22H-1 186.83 198.40 203.64 217.27 accomodates splice 22H-7 to 23H-1 205.90 207.64 224.77 226.96 accomodates splice B 7H-1 to 7H-CC 47.60 57.20 53.10 62.70 accomodates splice 10H-3 to 10H-5 79.10 83.60 87.85 92.35 accomodates splice 20H-7 to 21H-CC 179.95 188.93 195.50 205.10 accomodates splice 23X-7 to 49X-CC 208.60 451.40 228.54 518.59 "deepest hole, below splice" C 1H-6 to 5H-CC 7.50 51.16 7.50 54.76 accomodates splice 6H-5 to 7H-3 57.70 65.70 62.10 72.37 accomodates splice 7H-CC to 8H-CC 70.11 80.80 76.78 88.65 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 18H-2 98.70 167.37 107.35 183.33 accomodates splice 18H-8 to 20H-1 174.67 185.07 190.63 202.14 accomodates splice 20H-8 to 21H-9 194.05 202.66 211.12 222.22 accomodates splice 1145 A 1H-1 to 3H-CC 0.00 20.48 0.00 23.03 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 8H-CC 28.90 68.05 32.40 73.65 accomodates splice 9H-CC to 20X-1 77.63 172.60 85.23 183.85 accomodates splice 20X-7 to 22X-CC 180.10 199.92 191.35 212.57 accomodates splice B 3H-7 to 5H-1 25.10 36.60 26.10 39.15 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 9H-CC 71.10 83.05 74.65 88.65 accomodates splice C 2H-7 to 3H-CC 16.60 26.65 19.70 30.25 accomodates splice 18X-6 to 19X-CC 167.20 179.14 178.60 189.39 accomodates splice 1146 A 1H-1 to 17H-CC 0.00 155.78 0.00 166.13 accomodates splice 18H-7 to 19H-1 164.40 166.90 174.45 177.05 accomodates splice 19H-CC to 23X-1 175.08 204.50 185.23 218.40 accomodates splice 23X-7 to 24X-2 212.00 215.70 225.90 230.40 accomodates splice 24X-5 to 64X-CC 218.70 607.12 233.40 643.11 "deepest hole, below splice" B 17H-6 to 18H-3 157.30 163.80 167.25 173.55 accomodates splice 18H-CC to 19H-3 168.92 172.60 178.67 183.35 accomodates splice 22H-7 to 22H-CC 206.30 207.04 219.65 220.39 accomodates splice C 18X-3 to 18X-6 165.50 171.20 173.35 179.05 accomodates splice 19X-1 172.10 173.60 182.40 183.90 accomodates splice 22X-3 to 22X-CC 203.90 210.50 216.80 223.40 accomodates splice 1147 A 1H-1 to 3H-1 0.00 16.40 0.15 18.15 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 9H-CC 23.90 81.77 25.65 89.42 accomodates splice B 2H-7 to 3H-CC 18.50 28.20 19.00 29.50 accomodates splice 9H-3 to 9H-CC 79.00 84.63 85.20 90.83 accomodates splice C 3H-4 to 3H-CC 16.60 19.26 17.05 19.71 accomodates splice 1148 A 1H-1 to 6H-2 0.00 41.80 0.00 47.60 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 7H-2 47.80 51.30 53.60 58.20 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 8H-1 55.80 59.30 62.70 66.67 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 9H-2 66.80 70.30 74.17 77.97 accomodates splice 9H-CC to 10H-2 76.68 79.80 84.35 87.47 accomodates splice 10H-CC to 11H-2 86.46 89.30 94.13 98.02 accomodates splice 11H-CC to 12H-2 95.89 98.80 104.61 108.47 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 13H-2 104.54 108.30 114.21 119.40 accomodates splice 13H-CC 114.53 114.69 125.63 125.79 accomodates splice 14H-7 to 15H-1 123.50 125.80 135.05 137.80 accomodates splice 15H-7 to 16H-2 133.10 136.80 145.10 149.02 accomodates splice 17X-1 to 47X-CC 143.30 442.16 155.52 454.38 unique interval B 1H-1 to 1H-4 0.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 6H-1 49.10 51.60 48.75 51.95 accomodates splice 6H-7 59.10 59.64 59.45 59.99 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 8H-2 67.07 72.10 68.37 73.82 accomodates splice 8H-CC to 9H-2 78.10 81.60 79.82 83.17 accomodates splice 9H-CC to 10H-2 87.49 91.10 89.06 93.42 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 11H-1 97.10 99.10 99.42 102.42 accomodates splice 11H-CC to 12H-1 106.79 108.60 110.11 112.68 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 13H-2 116.10 119.60 120.18 124.30 accomodates splice 13H-6 to 14H-1 124.09 127.60 128.79 132.80 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 15H-1 133.60 137.10 138.80 143.35 accomodates splice 15H-CC 144.66 145.01 150.91 151.26 accomodates splice 16X-1 to 56X-CC 439.90 845.13 446.15 851.38 "deepest hole, below splice" Leg 185 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1149 A 1H to 23N 0.0 191.2 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 3R to 32R 170.3 445.2 "deepest hole, low recovery, hard rock" C 9R to 11R 397.9 426.7 hard rock D 5R to 19R 300.3 440.4 hard rock 801 C 13R to 52M 594.3 935.7 hard rock Leg 186 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1150 A 1H to 76X 0.0 722.6 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 1R to 50R 703.3 1181.6 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1151 A 3R to 109R 83.7 1113.6 "multiple holes, slight overlap" D 1H to 10H 0.0 93.0 "multiple holes, slight overlap" Leg 187 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1152 A 1R 0.0 11.2 hard rock B 2R to 6R 22.6 46.3 hard rock 1153 A 2W to 8R 26.9 274.9 single hole 1154 A 1W to 9R 0.0 267.6 single hole 1155 A 1W to 7R 0.0 203.5 "unique sediment interval, hard rock" B 1W to 9R 0.0 193.0 hard rock 1156 A 2R 118.2 124.6 hard rock B 1W to 6R 0.0 215.2 "unique sediment interval, hard rock" 1157 A 1W to 4R 0.0 216.4 "unique sediment interval, hard rock" B 2R to 9R 130.6 171.0 hard rock 1158 A 1W to 3R 0.0 213.3 "low recovery in sediment, hard rock" B 2R to 4R 126.2 141.2 "low recovery in sediment, hard rock" C 2R 108.0 117.4 hard rock 1159 A 1W to 8G 0.0 173.3 single hole 1160 A 1W to 3R 0.0 171.1 "low recovery in sediment, hard rock" B 2R to 9R 0.0 205.2 hard rock 1161 A 1W to 5R 0.0 145.3 "low recovery in sediment, hard rock" B 2R to 3R 158.5 167.0 hard rock 1162 A 1W to 5R 0.0 333.2 "low recovery in sediment, hard rock" B 1W-3 to 11R 2.25 407.3 hard rock Leg 188 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1165 B 1H to 76X 0.0 682.2 "multiple holes, slight overlap" C 2R to 35R 673.0 999.1 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1166 A 1R to 40R 0.0 381.3 single hole 1167 A 1H to 49X 0.0 447.5 only cored hole Leg 189 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1168 A 3H-1 16.8 18.3 20.5 22 accomodates splice 6H-1 to 6H-2 45.3 48.3 52.88 55.88 accomodates splice 9H-3 to 9H-CC 76.8 83.03 86.61 92.84 accomodates splice 13X-3 to 95X-CC 114.8 883.5 deepest hole B 1H-1 to 1H-2 0 3 0.24 3.24 accomodates splice 2H-1 to 2H-6 3.9 12.74 6.96 15.8 accomodates splice 4H-1 to 4H-CC 22.9 32.26 27.6 36.96 accomodates splice 5H-5 to 6H-1 38.4 43.4 43.24 49.34 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 7H-CC 58.9 61.37 65.41 67.88 accomodates splice 8H-5 to 8H-6 66.9 69.76 75.64 78.5 accomodates splice 12H-3 101.9 103.4 113.2 114.7 accomodates splice C 1H-1 0 1.5 0 1.5 accomodates splice 1H-3 to 1H-4 3 6 3 6 accomodates splice 2H-5 to 2H-CC 15.5 19.35 15.7 19.55 accomodates splice 3H-1 to 3H-2 19 22 24.12 27.12 accomodates splice 4H-3 to 4H-7 31.5 38.29 37.22 44.01 accomodates splice 5H-4 to 5H-6 42.5 46.7 49.52 53.72 accomodates splice 6H-1 to 6H-CC 47.5 56.29 55.34 64.13 accomodates splice 7H-1 to 7H-CC 57 63.07 67.95 74.02 accomodates splice 8H-1 to 8H-CC 66.5 74.75 78.04 86.29 accomodates splice 9H-7 to 10H-6 85 94.47 92.87 104.6 accomodates splice 10H-CC to 11H-5 94.47 102.2 104.6 113.74 accomodates splice 12H-1 to 13X-3 104.5 117.31 114.64 131.15 accomodates splice 1169 A 1H-1 to 26X-CC 0 246.3 single hole 1170 A 1H-1 0 1.46 0.6 2.06 accomodates splice 2H-1 to 2H-2 1.7 4.7 4.76 7.76 accomodates splice 2H-5 to 2H-7 7.7 11.56 10.76 14.62 accomodates splice 4H-5 25.95 27.45 31.3 32.8 accomodates splice 19X-1 to 52X-CC 163.2 464.32 uniquely cored B 1H-2 to 1H-CC 1.5 4.8 1.5 4.8 accomodates splice 3H1 to 3H-CC 14.3 24.12 14.48 24.3 accomodates splice C 3H-1 18.6 20.1 7.64 9.14 accomodates splice 2H-1 9.1 10 8.58 9.48 accomodates splice 1H-CC 8.92 9.07 9.48 9.63 accomodates splice 2H-2 10 11.5 9.48 10.98 accomodates splice 4H-1 to 4H-5 28.1 35.6 24.54 32.04 accomodates splice 5H-1 to 7H-5 37.6 64.1 33.56 63.18 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 19H-CC 64.1 180.49 mbsf only; mcd not well constrained below 62.06; see Initial Reports 1171 A 1H-1 0 1.5 0 1.5 accomodates splice 4H-1 to 4H-7 26.1 35.58 27.28 36.76 accomodates splice 5H-4 to 5H-CC 40.1 45.41 42 47.31 accomodates splice 8H-1 to 8H-3 64.1 67.24 68.8 71.94 accomodates splice 9H-6 to 9H-CC 81.1 82.45 86.54 87.89 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 10H-CC 92.1 92.71 97.98 98.59 accomodates splice 12H-CC 110.57 110.67 117.31 117.41 accomodates splice; last tie point 110.62 (mcd) B 2H-1 to 3H-1 5.8 15.3 4.64 15.4 accomodates splice 3H-5 to 4H-1 19.8 24.8 19.9 25.86 accomodates splice 5H-5 to 5H-6 38.8 41.5 40.02 42.72 accomodates splice 6H-3 to 6H-5 45.3 49.8 47.36 51.86 accomodates splice 9H-CC 80.15 80.28 84.81 84.94 accomodates splice 10H-2 to 11H-1 81.8 91.3 88.08 98.28 accomodates splice C 1H-1 to 1H-3 0 4.5 0.44 4.94 accomodates splice 2H-4 to 3H-2 14 22 14.74 22.02 accomodates splice 3H-6 26.5 28 26.52 28.02 accomodates splice 4H-6 to 5H-1 36 39.5 36.34 41.1 accomodates splice 6H-2 to 7H-6 49 66 51.38 69.38 accomodates splice 8H-1to 9H-3 66.5 80.5 71.88 85.9 accomodates splice 10H-6 to 12X-CC 93 109.97 99.22 116.65 accomodates splice 13X-1 to 31X-CC 110.2 274.8 below splice; multiple holes with slight overlap; low recovery D 1R-1 to 75R-CC 247.6 958.8 below splice; multiple holes with slight overlap; low recovery 1172 A 5H-1 to 5H-5 34.8 42.3 37.74 45.24 accomodates splice 5H-6 to 5H-7 42.3 44.5 45.24 47.44 accomodates splice 6H-1 to 6H-2 44.3 47.3 47.24 50.24 accomodates splice 6H-5 to 6H-7 50.3 53.86 53.24 56.8 accomodates splice 7H-1 to 7H-7 53.8 63.52 56.74 66.46 accomodates splice 8H-1 to 9H-7 63.3 82.52 66.24 85.46 accomodates splice 10H-1 to 10H-2 82.3 85.3 85.24 88.24 accomodates splice 10H-3 to 10H-CC 85.3 92.15 88.24 95.09 accomodates splice 11H-2 93.3 94.8 103.22 104.72 accomodates splice 12H-5 to 12H-CC 107.3 110.1 118.3 121.1 accomodates splice 15H-6 to 15H-CC 137.3 139.84 148.38 150.92 accomodates splice 16H-1 to 56X-CC 139.3 522.6 "single hole between 202.4 and 522.6 (mbsf) except Hole D, sections 2R & 3R; multiple holes below splice, slight overlap" B 1H-1 to 1H-2 0 2.71 0 2.71 accomodates splice 2H4 to 2H-6 7.4 11.9 8.72 13.22 accomodates splice 3H-1 to 3H-7 12.4 21.98 15.08 24.66 accomodates splice 4H-4 to 4H-7 26.4 31.66 28.8 34.06 accomodates splice 5H-1 to 5H-2 31.4 34.4 34.8 37.8 accomodates splice 5H-CC 41.16 41.36 44.56 44.76 accomodates splice 10H-1 78.9 80.4 88.1 89.6 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 11H-1 87.9 89.9 97.1 99.66 accomodates splice 12H-5 to 12H-7 103.9 107.62 114.58 118.3 accomodates splice 13H-3 to 13H-6 109.83 115.83 121.24 127.24 accomodates splice 13H-CC to 15H-CC 115.83 136.16 127.24 147.62 accomodates splice C 1H-2 to 1H-6 1.5 9 1.82 9.32 accomodates splice 2H-3 12.5 14 13.14 14.64 accomodates splice 3H-4 to 3H-7 23.5 28.28 24.4 29.18 accomodates splice 4H-3 31.5 33 33.88 35.38 accomodates splice 5H-6 to 6H-1 45.5 49 49.42 53.24 accomodates splice 10H-5 to 10H-6 91.5 94.45 101.16 102.66 accomodates splice 11H-1 to 11H-7 95 104.69 105.08 114.77 accomodates splice 13H-2 115.5 117 126.24 127.74 accomodates splice D 2R-1 to 3R-CC 353.2 372.69 "multiple holes below splice, slight overlap; Eocene/Oligocene boundary" 4R1 to 31R-CC 497.4 766.5 "multiple holes below splice, slight overlap" Leg 190 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1173 A 1H to 77X 0.0 724.90 single hole 1174 A 1H to 8H 0.0 67.61 "two holes, no overlap" B 1R to 102R 143.7 1111.31 "two holes, no overlap" 1175 A 1H to 47X 0.0 435.7 single hole 1176 A 1H to 48X 0.0 440.36 single hole 1177 A 1R to 56R 300.2 832.13 single hole 1178 A 1H to 44X 0.0 410.35 "two holes, poor recovery through overlap" B 2R to 31R 395 673.18 "two holes, poor recovery through overlap" Leg 191 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1179 B 1H-1 to 6H-CC 0 55.1 "Best recovery to 55.1 (mbsf); multiple holes, slight overlap" C 1H-1 to 27X-CC 0 292.9 "Unique core from 55.1 to 292.9 (mbsf); multiple holes, slight overlap" D 1R-1 to 22R-6 281 475.0 "Unique core below 292.9 (mbsf); multiple holes, slight overlap" 1180 N/A no coring 1181 N/A no coring 1182 N/A no coring Leg 192 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1183 A 2R to 68R 328 1210.16 single hole 1184 A 2R to 46R 134.4 530.5 single hole 1185 A 2R to 11R 250.6 328.62 "two holes, poor recovery through overlap" B 2R to 28R 308 518.64 "two holes, poor recovery through overlap" 1186 A 2R to 39R 697.4 1030.5 single hole 1187 A 1W to 16R 0.0 506.12 single hole Leg 193 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1188 A 2R to 23R 9.6 211.3 igneous rock B 1Z 72.0 72.0 igneous rock C no core D no core E no core F 1Z to 44Z 218.0 386.7 igneous rock 1189 A 1R to 13R 0.0 125.8 igneous rock B 1R to 18R 31.0 206 igneous rock C no core 1190 A 1R-1 0.0 9.1 igneous rock B 2R-1 1.5 10.1 igneous rock C 1R to 3R 0.0 17.2 igneous rock 1191 A 1R to 3R 0.0 20.1 igneous rock Leg 194 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1192 A 1H-1 to 29H-CC 0 242.5 Best recovery to 242.5 (mbsf); Bottom Depth from total penetration B 10X-1 to 22X-CC 239.0 355.5 Uniquely below 242.5 (mbsf); Bottom Depth from total penetration; slight overlap with Hole A 1193 A 1H-1 to 83X-CC 0 515.0 All holes at site 1193 archived due to low recovery B 1R-1 to 20Z-1 35.0 138.0 All holes at site 1193 archived due to low recovery C 1R-1 to 8R-CC 35.0 548.5 All holes at site 1193 archived due to low recovery 1194 A 1H-1 to 20X-1 0 160.3 All holes archived due to low recovery in overlapping sections between holes A and B B 2R-1 to 34R-5 110 422.37 All holes archived due to low recovery in overlapping sections between holes A and B 1195 A 1H to 9H 0.0 80.7 "multiple holes, slight overlap" B 9H-4 to 55X-CC 79.4 521.2 "multiple holes, slight overlap" 1196 A 1R-1 to 70R-CC 0 672.2 All holes archived due to low recovery B 1R-1 to 70R-CC 0 265.3 All holes archived due to low recovery 1197 A 1H-1 to 20X-1 0 165.45 All holes archived due to low recovery B 2R-1 to 65R-1 59.6 666.73 All holes archived due to low recovery 1198 A 1H-1 to 23X-CC 0 251.5 Unique hole above 195.7 (mbsf) B 1R-1 to 34R-4 195.7 518.68 Deepest hole 1199 A 1R to 45R 0 419.5 single hole Leg 195 Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom A 1R-1 to 17G-2 0 147.2 All holes archived due to low recovery 1200 B 1W-1 to 2W-2 0 98.0 All holes archived due to low recovery D 1H-1 to 10H-CC 0 44.4 All holes archived due to low recovery E 1H-1 to 10H-CC 0 56.4 All holes archived due to low recovery F 1H-1 to 3H-CC 0 16.3 All holes archived due to low recovery 1201 B 1H-1 to 11X-CC 0 90.30 Best recovery above 90.3 (mbsf) D 1R-1 to 55R-3 80.4 600.0 Deepest Hole 1202 A 1H-1 to 13H-CC 0 119.5 best recovery; least sampled above 119.5 (mbsf) D 14X-1 to 44X-CC 114.5 410.0 Deepest hole Leg 196 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 808 H no core I no core 1173 B 1R to 3R 737.1 754.14 "multiple holes, no overlap" C no core Leg 197 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1203 A 1R to 68R 300 914.6 single hole 1204 A 1R to 10R 761.9 880.3 "multiple holes, overlap contains igneous rock" B 1R to 17R 810.7 954.5 "multiple holes, overlap contains igneous rock" 1205 A 1R to 45R 0.0 326.0 single hole 1206 A 2R to 45R 57.0 335.2 single hole Leg 198 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1207 A 1H-1 to 18H-1 0 158.3 Best recovery above 157.0 (mbsf) B 1R-1 to 49R-2 157.0 622.8 Deepest Hole 1208 A 1H to 42X 0.0 392.3 single hole 1209 A 1H-1 to 1H-2 0 1.5 0 1.5 accomodates splice 1H-CC to 2H-4 7.89 14.2 7.89 14.28 accomodates splice 2H-7 to 3H-2 17.2 19.2 17.28 23.76 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 4H-2 26.7 30.2 29.76 33.87 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 5H-2 36.2 39.87 39.7 43.56 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 6H-4 45.7 52.2 49.56 56.91 accomodates splice 6H-CC to 7H-2 55.84 58.7 60.55 64.71 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 8H-4 64.7 71.2 70.71 77.79 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 9H-4 74.2 80.7 80.79 88.32 accomodates splice 9H-CC to 10H-3 84.41 88.7 92.03 96.99 accomodates splice 10H-CC to 11H-2 93.85 96.7 102.14 106.88 accomodates splice 12H-4 to 12H-CC 107.7 112.94 117.06 122.3 accomodates splice 13H-1 112.7 114.2 123.12 124.62 accomodates splice 15H-1 to 15H-4 131.7 137.7 140.1 146.01 accomodates splice 20H-1 to 20H-2 179.2 182.2 191.35 194.35 accomodates splice 20H-7 to 21H-5 188.2 196.2 200.35 209.41 accomodates splice 21H-6 to 22H-1 196.2 199.7 209.41 213.9 accomodates splice (PETM @ 21H-7) 22H-6 to 23H-2 205.7 210.7 219.9 226.35 accomodates splice 24H-1 to 24H-3 217.2 221.7 232.23 236.73 accomodates splice 24H-CC to 25h-2 226.98 229.7 242.01 245.98 accomodates splice 25H-7 to 25H-CC 235.7 236.53 251.98 252.81 accomodates splice 25H-6 231.1 232.6 K-T boundary B 1H-3 to 2H-1 3 6.6 3.12 6.54 accomodates splice 2H-CC 14.7 14.9 14.64 14.84 accomodates splice 3H-CC to 4H-2 24.35 27.1 24.96 28.59 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 4H-CC 33.1 34.17 34.59 35.66 accomodates splice 5H-6 to 5H-CC 41.1 43.59 44.82 47.31 accomodates splice 6H-7 52.1 52.89 58.02 58.81 accomodates splice 7H-1 52.6 54.1 58.71 60.21 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 8H-1 60.1 63.6 66.21 70.17 accomodates splice 8H-CC 71.87 72.24 78.44 78.81 accomodates splice 10H-1 81.1 82.6 88.83 90.33 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 10H-CC 90.1 90.98 97.83 98.71 accomodates splice 11H-7 to 11H-CC 99.6 100.65 109.73 110.78 accomodates splice 13H-3 112.6 114.1 122.46 123.46 accomodates splice 13H-4 to 14H-7 114.1 128.1 123.96 138.91 accomodates splice 16H-5 144.1 145.6 153.49 154.99 accomodates splice 17H-1 to 17H-CC 147.6 157.38 158.43 168.21 accomodates splice 18H-6 to 18H-7 164.6 166.56 176.22 178.18 accomodates splice 19H-6 174.1 175.1 186.16 187.16 accomodates splice 20H-6 to 20H-CC 183.6 185.28 195.55 197.23 accomodates splice 22H-1 195.1 196.6 Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum C 1H-1 to 1H-2 98 101 107.66 110.66 accomodates splice 1H-3 to 1H-7 101 107.81 110.66 117.47 accomodates splice 4H-2 128 129.5 138.45 139.95 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 5H-6 135.13 145 145.58 153.76 accomodates splice 6H-1 to 6H-2 145.5 148.5 155.23 158.23 accomodates splice 7H-2 to 7h-CC 156.5 164.71 168.22 176.43 accomodates splice 8H-2 to 8H-CC 166 173.59 178.12 185.71 accomodates splice 9H-1 to 9H-3 174 178.5 187.06 191.56 accomodates splice 9H-5 to 9H-6 180 182.7 193.06 195.76 accomodates splice 10H-CC 193.24 193.41 208.53 208.7 accomodates splice 11H-7 to 12H-1 202 204 215.91 219.57 accomodates splice 12H-CC to 13H-1 211.65 213.5 227.22 230.34 accomodates splice 14H-1 to 14H-2 221.5 224.5 237.66 240.66 accomodates splice 14H-CC to 15H-2 231.16 234 247.32 250.63 accomodates splice 15H-CC 240.72 240.89 257.35 257.52 accomodates splice 15H-3 234.0 235.0 K-T boundary 16H-1 to 22H-CC 240.5 307.5 deepest hole below splice 1210 A 1H-1 to 1H-CC 0 5.9 0 5.9 accomodates splice 2H-5 to 2H-CC 11.9 15.69 13.41 17.2 accomodates splice 3H-6 to 3H-CC 22.9 25.46 24.09 26.65 accomodates splice 4H-5 to 4H-CC 30.9 34.82 33.18 37.1 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 6H-2 43.4 46.9 46.5 51.42 accomodates splice 6H-CC to 7H-1 53.72 54.9 58.24 60.45 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 7H-CC 60.9 63.4 66.45 68.95 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 8H-CC 70.4 72.98 76.69 79.27 accomodates splice 9H-5 to 10H-2 78.4 84.9 86.05 93.16 accomodates splice 10H-CC to 11H-1 91.57 92.9 99.83 102.46 accomodates splice 11H-7 to 11H-CC 100.4 101.36 109.96 110.92 accomodates splice 12H-CC to 13H-1 110.65 111.9 121.99 124.9 accomodates splice 13H-5 to 14H-1 116.4 121.4 129.4 135.88 accomodates splice 14H-7 to 14H-CC 128.1 129.49 142.58 143.97 accomodates splice 15H-6 to 15H-CC 136.9 139.22 153.61 155.93 accomodates splice 16H-5 to 17H-1 144.9 149.9 162.76 168.55 accomodates splice 17H-6 to 18H-1 155.9 159.4 174.55 178.93 accomodates splice 18H-6 to 19H-1 165.4 168.9 184.93 189.79 accomodates splice 19H-6 to 20H-2 174.9 179.9 195.79 200.74 accomodates splice 20H-4 to 21H-1 181.4 187.9 202.24 208.84 accomodates splice (PETM @ 20H-6) 21H-4 to 22H-1 190.9 197.4 211.84 219.58 accomodates splice 22H-7 to 22H-CC 204.9 205.73 227.08 227.91 accomodates splice 23H-CC to 24H-1 215 216.4 238.48 240.85 accomodates splice 24H-6 to 24H-CC 222.1 224.18 246.55 248.63 accomodates splice 24H-4 219.4 220.9 243.85 245.35 K/T boundary B 1H-CC to 2H-1 9 10.7 8.82 12.45 accomodates splice 2H-6 to 3H-1 16.7 20.2 18.45 21.69 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 3H-CC 27.7 28.36 29.19 29.85 accomodates splice 4H-6 to 5H-2 35.7 40.7 38.94 45.48 accomodates splice 5H-CC to 6H-3 47.15 51.7 51.93 56.82 accomodates splice 6H-CC to 7H-2 56.99 59.65 62.11 65.68 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 7H-CC 65.65 66.56 71.68 72.59 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 8H-CC 73.7 76.33 81.28 83.91 accomodates splice 9H-CC to 10H-3 85.45 89.7 94.06 98.95 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 11H-2 94.2 97.7 103.45 108.4 accomodates splice 11H-7 to 12H-3 103.7 108.7 114.4 121.21 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 12H-CC 113.2 114.18 125.71 126.69 accomodates splice 13H-CC to 14H-2 123.37 126.2 137.48 141.34 accomodates splice 14H-7 to 15H-1 132.2 134.2 147.34 151.69 accomodates splice 15H-6 to 15H-CC 140.2 142.23 157.69 159.72 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 17H-1 151.2 153.2 169.57 172.69 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 18H-1 160.7 162.7 180.19 183.04 accomodates splice 18H-7 to 19H-1 170.2 172.2 190.54 193.84 accomodates splice 19H-7 to 19H-CC 179.7 180.36 201.34 202 accomodates splice 20H-7 to 20H-CC 189.2 190.05 210.28 211.13 accomodates splice 21H7 to 22H-2 198.7 202.2 219.94 225.07 accomodates splice 22H-7 to 23H-3 208.2 213.2 231.07 237.58 accomodates splice 23H-7 to 24H-1 217.7 219.7 242.08 245.26 accomodates splice (K/T boundary @ 24H-1) 20H-3 183.2 184.7 204.28 205.78 Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum 24H-6 to 42H-CC 225.7 377 deepest hole 1211 A 1H 0.0 2.85 0.0 2.85 accomodates splice 2H-CC 12.1 12.35 14.25 14.5 accomodates splice 9H-2 70.8 72.3 77.93 79.43 accomodates splice 12H-1 97.8 99.3 107.72 109.22 accomodates splice 13H-1 to 13H-2 107.3 110.3 118.79 121.79 accomodates splice 17H-2 to 17H-7 146.8 154.98 162.16 169.66 accomodates splice 18H-1 to 18H-3 154.8 158.86 170.16 174.22 accomodates splice B 2H-1 to 8H-7 6.1 72.95 2.97 78.43 accomodates splice 9H-1 to 10H-7 72.6 91.72 79.46 99.88 accomodates splice 11H-1 to 11H-3 91.6 96.1 100.34 104.84 accomodates splice 12H-1 to 12H-4 101.1 107.1 110.48 116.48 accomodates splice 13H-1 to 13H-CC 110.6 120.49 121.16 131.05 accomodates splice 14H-CC 129.53 129.78 141.87 142.12 accomodates splice 15H-1 to 15H-4 129.6 135.6 143.18 149.18 accomodates splice 16H-2 to 16H-7 140.6 148.83 154.13 162.36 accomodates splice 18H-6 to 18H-7 160.7 162.9 174.23 176.43 accomodates splice 19H-1 to 19H-CC 162.7 172.31 176.23 185.84 accomodates splice C 5H-7 to 5H-CC 44.8 45.81 47.91 48.92 accomodates splice 6H-C 54.48 54.64 59.07 59.23 accomodates splice 9H-7 to 9H-CC 82.8 83.35 89.87 90.42 accomodates splice 10H-7 91.7 92.25 99.89 100.44 accomodates splice 11H-2 to 11H-4 94.3 98.8 103.73 108.23 accomodates splice 12H-3 to 12H-4 105.3 108.3 116.06 119.06 accomodates splice 14H-1 to 14H-CC 121.3 130.56 132.26 141.52 accomodates splice 15H-5 to 15H-CC 134.2 138.64 148.7 153.14 accomodates splice 1212 A 2H-7 to 6H-CC 13.9 49.43 17.05 53.22 accomodates splice 7H-4 to 7H-CC 51.9 57.46 59.17 64.73 accomodates splice 8H-5 to 8H-CC 62.9 66.54 70.75 74.39 accomodates splice 10H-4 to 10H-7 79.9 85.77 90.95 96.82 accomodates splice B 1H-1 to 2H-CC 0 16.74 0 16.74 accomodates splice 6H-4 to 6H-CC 49.2 54.73 53.23 58.76 accomodates splice 7H-4 to 7H-CC 58.7 63.97 64.72 69.99 accomodates splice 8H-4 to 9H-CC 68.2 83.19 75.64 90.88 accomodates splice 10H-4 to 13H-7 87.2 120.77 95.48 128.55 accomodates splice 1213 A 1R-1 to 21R-1 0 189.77 multiple holes; no overlap B 1R-1 to 33R-6 189.7 493.02 multiple holes; no overlap 1214 A 1R-1 to 25R-1 0 226.79 single hole Leg 199 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1215 A 3H-6 to 3H-CC 18.2 20.78 20.44 23.02 accomodates splice 4H-5 to 6H-CC 26.2 47.03 30.1 50.87 accomodates splice 8H-3 to 9H-CC 53.2 72.94 57.04 73.14 accomodates splice B 1H-1 to B2H-CC 0 19.32 0 19.3 accomodates splice 3H-3 to 3H-CC 22 27.51 23.8 29.31 accomodates splice 6H-1 to 7H-CC 47.5 52.82 51.24 56.56 accomodates splice 8H-1 to 11X-CC 51 76.27 deepest hole 1216 A 1H-1 to 11X-CC 0 62.20 multiple holes with overlap in 1H 1217 A 2H-CC 15.1 15.3 15.1 15.3 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 3H-CC 24 25.13 24 25.13 accomodates splice 7H-2 to 7H-3 52.2 55.2 53.02 56.02 accomodates splice 7H-CC 60.27 60.48 61.09 61.3 accomodates splice 9H-CC 68.22 68.36 70.57 70.71 accomodates splice 10H-CC 76.22 76.44 77.78 78 accomodates splice 11H-CC 89.94 90.25 91.5 91.81 accomodates splice 16X-1 to 16X-CC 128.1 130.93 129.66 132.49 accomodates splice 12H-1 89.7 90.54 deepest hole 13X-CC 99.2 99.49 deepest hole 14X-CC 108.9 109.3 deepest hole 15X-1 118.5 118.8 deepest hole B 2H-1 to 2H-2 20 23 20.02 23.02 accomodates splice 2H-6 to 2H-CC 27.5 28.46 27.52 28.48 accomodates splice 4H-CC 48.69 48.84 52.11 52.26 accomodates splice 7H-2 to 7H-CC 69 75.05 71.38 77.43 accomodates splice 8H-1 to 8H-CC 77 85.41 79.38 87.79 accomodates splice C 2H-1 to 4H-3 32 55.5 32.72 53.32 accomodates splice 4H-5 to 4H-CC 57 60.23 54.82 58.05 accomodates splice 5H-1 to 5H-CC 60.5 69.22 61.55 70.27 accomodates splice 1218 A 1H-6 to 2H-1 7.5 9.7 7.5 10.48 accomodates splice 2H-CC to 3H-2 17.86 20.7 18.64 23.04 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 4H-1 26.7 28.7 29.04 33.12 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 5H-1 36.2 38.2 40.62 43 accomodates splice 5H-CC to 6H-1 46.16 47.7 50.96 54.54 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 6H-CC 54.7 55.37 61.54 62.21 accomodates splice 9H-CC 84.54 84.73 94.8 94.99 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 10H-CC 93.2 93.91 105.1 105.81 accomodates splice 11H-7 to 12H-2 102.7 106.2 116.1 120.67 accomodates splice 12H-6 to 12H-CC 110.7 112.86 125.17 127.33 accomodates splice 13H-1 to 13H-2 112.7 115.7 127.61 130.61 accomodates splice 14H-7 to 15H-1 131.2 133.2 146.62 149.42 accomodates splice 15H-CC to 16H-2 141.63 144.2 157.85 162.04 accomodates splice 17H-4 to 17H-CC 155.2 160.84 173.1 178.74 accomodates splice 22X-1 195.9 197.4 218.2 219.7 accomodates splice 22X-CC 203.48 203.63 225.78 225.93 accomodates splice 23X-7 to 26X-1 214.5 235.8 237.74 261.87 accomodates splice 26X-7 to 27X-CC 243.3 250.43 269.37 276.56 accomodates splice 28X-CC 262.79 262.98 286.72 286.91 accomodates splice 29X-CC to 30X-CC 268.54 274.34 292.77 298.57 accomodates splice B 1H-1 to 1H-CC 0 3.86 0 3.86 accomodates splice 2H-6 to 2H-CC 11.4 12.73 12.56 13.89 accomodates splice 3H-6 to 3H-CC 20.9 23.39 24.72 27.21 accomodates splice 4H-5 to 5H-1 28.9 33.9 34.08 39.56 accomodates splice 5H-6 to 5H-CC 39.9 42.42 45.56 48.08 accomodates splice 6H-5 to 7H-1 47.9 52.85 55.56 60.14 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 14H-CC 125.4 127.76 141.86 144.22 accomodates splice 15H-6 to 16H-1 134.9 138.4 152.72 157.42 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 16H-CC 144.9 145.92 163.92 164.94 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 18H-2 155.4 158.9 175.18 180.52 accomodates splice 19X-2 to 19X-CC 166.9 175.2 185.94 194.24 accomodates splice 21X-7 to 21X-CC 198.31 194.5 215.83 217.02 accomodates splice 22X-CC to 23X-CC 203.93 213.82 226.95 237.6 accomodates splice 27X-CC to 28X-CC 247.42 252.67 276.55 283.2 accomodates splice 29X-1 to 29X-CC 257.2 261.64 287.83 292.27 accomodates splice C 1H-1 to 3H-CC 55 84.16 63.04 93.94 accomodates splice 4H-1 to 4H-CC 83.5 92.18 95.08 103.76 accomodates splice 5H-1 to 5H-CC 93 103.13 105.82 115.95 accomodates splice 6H-2 to 6H-5 104 110 119.58 125.58 accomodates splice 7H-2 113.5 115 127.59 129.09 accomodates splice 7H-4 to 8H-4 116.5 127.39 130.59 141.86 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 8H-CC 130.39 131.27 144.86 145.74 accomodates splice 9H-2 to 9H-CC 132.5 141.08 148.4 156.98 accomodates splice 10H-1 to 11H-1 144.5 155.5 162.34 174.12 accomodates splice 11H-6 to 12X-2 161.5 166.5 180.12 186.28 accomodates splice 13X-3 to 14X-CC 175 192.7 194.76 214.62 accomodates splice 15X-5 to 16X-1 197.2 202.3 219.12 226.2 accomodates splice 19X-3 to 19X-CC 235.6 242.2 260.53 267.13 accomodates splice 21X-7 to 21X-CC 255.71 256.68 283.28 284.25 accomodates splice 1219 A 1H-CC 5.8 5.95 5.8 5.95 accomodates splice 2H-CC 15.85 16.04 15.85 16.04 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 4H-3 24.5 29.5 24.5 30.38 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 5H-1 34 36 34.88 38.29 accomodates splice 5H-CC 44.29 44.47 46.58 46.76 accomodates splice 6H-6 to 7H-4 51.5 59.34 55.52 61.41 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 8H-4 62.34 69 64.41 72.05 accomodates splice 8H-CC to 9H-1 72.85 74 75.9 81.37 accomodates splice 9H-CC to 10H-6 82.25 91 89.62 99.97 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 10H-CC 91 91.62 99.97 100.59 accomodates splice 11H-6 to 12H-1 99 102.5 112.41 117.63 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 12H-CC 110 111.14 125.13 126.27 accomodates splice 13H-6 to 13H-CC 117.56 120.13 137.15 139.72 accomodates splice 14H-1 to 14H-CC 120 130.01 141.45 151.46 accomodates splice 15H-7 to 15H-CC 138.5 139.27 161.35 162.12 accomodates splice 16H-CC 148.78 148.94 173.11 173.27 accomodates splice 17H-CC to 27X-CC 158.16 244.92 183.49 280.25 deepest hole B 2GH-7 to 2H-CC 29.91 30.95 31.47 32.51 accomodates splice 3H-5 to 4H-1 36.5 41.5 39.85 45.91 accomodates splice 4H-5 to 4H-CC 46 48.75 50.41 53.16 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 5H-CC 58 58.79 62.9 63.69 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 6H-CC 68 68.97 72.34 73.31 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 7H-CC 77.01 78.3 82.99 84.28 accomodates splice 8H-CC 87.85 88.1 99.76 100.01 accomodates splice 9H-6 to 9H-CC 94.44 97 107.05 109.61 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 11H-2 106 109.5 119.2 123.57 accomodates splice 11H-CC to 12H-3 116.19 120.5 130.26 135.79 accomodates splice 12H-CC 125.76 125.88 141.05 141.17 accomodates splice 13H-CC to 14H-7 135.07 144.89 151.36 162.18 accomodates splice 14H-CC to 15H-CC 144.89 153.18 162.18 172.53 accomodates splice 16H-1 to 16H-6 154 157.95 173.35 177.3 accomodates splice 1220 A 1H-CC 9.67 9.86 9.67 9.86 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 3H-CC 27.45 28.99 27.45 28.99 accomodates splice 4H-6 to 5H-1 36 39.5 38.25 42.79 accomodates splice 5H-6 to 5H-CC 45.5 48.05 48.79 51.34 accomodates splice 6H-6 to 6H-7 55 57.13 60.34 62.47 accomodates splice 7H-1 57 58.5 63.31 64.81 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 7H-CC 65.96 66.71 72.27 73.02 accomodates splice 10H-2 to 11H-CC 87 105.12 96.32 114.54 accomodates splice B 1H-1 to 1H-2 34 37 34.05 37.05 accomodates splice 1H-CC to 2H-1 43.17 45 43.22 47.39 accomodates splice 2H-7 to 3H-2 52.5 56 54.89 59.39 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 6H-CC 92.33 93.32 100.57 101.36 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 7H-CC 102 102.96 111.82 112.78 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 8H-CC 111.5 112.39 122.87 123.76 accomodates splice 9H-5 to 10H-2 118 124.44 130.93 137.07 accomodates splice 11H-CC to 15X-CC 140.78 159.55 157.97 178.26 accomodates splice 18X-CC to 20X-CC 191.72 200.03 210.43 218.74 accomodates splice C 1H-1 25 26.5 23.75 25.25 accomodates splice 1H-7 to 1H-CC 34 35.05 32.75 33.8 accomodates splice 2H-1 60 61.5 62.17 63.67 accomodates splice 2H-1 to 2H-CC 60 68.66 62.17 70.83 accomodates splice 3H-1 to 4H-CC 69.5 88.69 75.04 96.08 accomodates splice 5H-6 to 6H-2 95.92 101 104.22 109.82 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 8H-1 107 118.5 115.82 129.75 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 6H-CC 107 107.78 155.82 116.6 accomodates splice 9H-1 to 9H-CC 126.5 145.86 136.57 157.53 accomodates splice 14X-1 to 16X-CC 173.9 193.97 189.65 210.38 accomodates splice 12X-CC 155.1 155.41 deepest hole 13X-CC 164.7 164.83 deepest hole 17X-1 197.4 197.95 deepest hole 1221 A 1H-1 to 1H-3 0 4.5 -0.56 3.94 accomodates splice 2H-CC to 3H-CC 19.18 28.89 19.56 29.77 accomodates splice 4H-CC 37.33 37.53 38.71 38.91 accomodates splice 5H-CC to 8H-CC 47.62 76.36 49 78.24 accomodates splice 12H-1 to 12H-CC 104.5 114.38 106.88 116.76 accomodates splice 13X-CC 110.6 110.74 accomodates splice B 2H-1 to 2H-3 4.7 9.2 3.46 7.96 accomodates splice 1H-1 0 1.5 accomodates splice C 2H-1 to 2H-CC 7.4 17.24 7.4 17.24 accomodates splice 3H-1 to 3H-4 34 40 34 40 accomodates splice 3H-5 to 3H-CC 40 43.75 40 43.75 accomodates splice 4H-1 to 6X-CC 79 106.85 79 106.85 accomodates splice 8X-CC to 10X-CC 121.7 141.07 121.7 141.07 accomodates splice D 4X-1 to 4X-CC 151 153.23 152.63 154.86 accomodates splice 2X-CC 137 137.03 deepest hole 3X-CC 142 142.02 deepest hole 1222 A 1H-3 to 1H-CC 3 5.4 3 5.4 accomodates splice 2H-7 to 2H-CC 14.4 15.33 13.84 14.77 accomodates splice 3H-6 to 3H-CC 22.4 24.82 24.28 26.7 accomodates splice 6H-CC to 7H-2 53.2 55.9 58.54 65.63 accomodates splice 7H-CC to 12X-CC 62.67 98.15 72.4 98.15 accomodates splice B 1H-1 to 1H-2 0 3 0 3 accomodates splice 1H-5 to 2H-2 6 10.4 6 12.26 accomodates splice 2H-7 to 3H-2 16.38 19.9 18.24 22.78 accomodates splice 3H-CC to 6H-CC 25.96 53.13 28.84 57.22 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 7H-CC 63.9 64.89 67.99 68.98 accomodates splice Leg 200 Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Site Comments 1223 A 1H-1 to 6X-CC 0 41 Single hole 1224 A 1X-1 to A 6N-1 0 32.22 All sediment retained due to low recovery; all igneous rock retained B 1H-CC 0 0.2 All sediment retained due to low recovery; all igneous rock retained C 1H-1 to 1H-CC 0 6.5 All sediment retained due to low recovery; all igneous rock retained D 1R-1 to 5R-1 25.5 52.7 All sediment retained due to low recovery; all igneous rock retained E 1R-1 to 3R-4 8 32.11 All sediment retained due to low recovery; all igneous rock retained F 1R-1 to 15R-1 27.7 153.7 All sediment retained due to low recovery; all igneous rock retained Leg 201 Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments Site 1225 A 1H-1 to 35X-CC 0 319.60 deepest hole 1226 B 1H-1 to 47X-CC 0 421.4 deepest hole 1227 A 1H-1 to 18H-CC 0 151.1 deepest hole D 6H-1 to 6H-CC 45.5 54.61 accomodates missing interval in hole A 8H-1 to 8H-CC 64.5 74.0 accomodates missing interval in hole A 1228 A 1H-1 to 23P-1 0 198.97 deepest hole 1229 A 14H-1 to 22H-CC 117.4 194.4 deepest hole D 6H-1 to 7H-5 39.8 55.87 accomodates missing interval in hole E E 1H-1 to 13H-5 0 121.5 best recovery 1230 A 1H-1 to 39P-1 0 278.3 deepest hole 1231 B 12H-3 to 12H-CC 101.4 108.05 accomodates missing interval in hole E E 1H-1 to 14H-CC 0 119.1 deepest hole Leg 202 Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments Site 1232 A 1H to 39X 0.0 364.9 5.94 381.66 "deepest hole, outside of splice, no recovery in Core 2H" B 2H-7 to 2H-CC 18.07 19.21 20.97 22.11 covers part of core recovery gap in 1232A-2H C 2H-6 to 2H-CC 12.22 13.9 14.36 16.04 covers part of core recovery gap in 1232A-2H 3H-1 14.2 15.71 17.98 19.49 covers part of core recovery gap in 1232A-2H E 1H 0 8.5 -0.34 8.19 accomodates splice 1233 A 1H-3 to 1H-4 5.53 8.56 6.73 9.76 accomodates splice B 2H-1 to 2H-3 14.5 19.03 16.53 21.06 accomodates splice 4H 33.5 43.5 40.15 50.15 accomodates splice 5H-1 to 5H-5 43 50.24 50.57 57.81 accomodates splice 6H-1 to 6H-5 52.5 60.05 62.22 69.77 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 7H-CC 69.52 71.83 79.94 82.25 accomodates splice 9H 81 90.93 94.18 104.11 accomodates splice 10H 90.5 98.49 105.88 113.87 accomodates splice 11H-1 to 11H-2 100 102.77 117.65 120.42 accomodates splice C 4H-1 to 4H-3 26.8 31.31 28.44 32.95 accomodates splice 8H 59.3 69.09 69.58 79.37 accomodates splice 9H-1 to 9H-2 68.8 70.99 82.27 84.46 accomodates splice 10H-1 to 10H-2 78.3 80.53 92.53 94.76 accomodates splice 11H-1 to 11H-3 87.8 91.26 103.77 107.23 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 12H-CC 105.13 107.9 122.56 125.33 accomodates splice 13H-1 to 13H-4 106.8 111.54 126.09 130.83 accomodates splice D 6H-7 to 6H-CC 42.91 43.78 49.76 50.63 accomodates splice 12H-3 to 12H-6 96.29 101.8 112.64 118.65 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 13H-CC 111.11 112.79 131.94 133.62 accomodates splice E 2H-1 to 2H-6 8.4 17.46 8.77 17.83 accomodates splice 3H 17.9 27.37 20.43 29.9 accomodates splice 4H 27.4 35.9 32.35 40.85 accomodates splice 6H-1 to 6H-5 46.4 52.97 56.32 62.89 accomodates splice 1234 A 2H-5 1.51 12.89 11.24 12.74 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 4H-8 32.15 34.4 34.01 36.26 accomodates splice 6H-1 to 7H-CC 43.3 61.02 48.47 68.18 accomodates splice 8H-1 62.3 63.06 71.28 72.04 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 8H-7 68.83 71.09 77.81 80.07 accomodates splice 9H-3 to 9H-CC 73.98 81.49 86.55 94.06 accomodates splice 10 H-1 to 22X-CC 81.3 203.79 95.53 238.98 deepest hole below splice B 1H-1 to 1H-2 0 3.02 -0.16 2.86 accomodates splice 4H-2 28.39 29.89 31.17 32.67 accomodates splice 5H-2 38.5 39.94 42.99 44.43 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 8H-CC 74.35 75.84 84.1 85.59 accomodates splice 9H-CC 85.14 85.51 94.44 94.81 accomodates splice C 1H-1 to 1H-7 1.6 11.36 1.95 11.71 accomodates splice 2H-2 to 3H-7 12.62 30.24 12.63 31.56 accomodates splice 4H-2 to 4H-CC 31.61 38.7 35.98 43.07 accomodates splice 5H-1 to 5H-3 41.1 44.52 45.55 48.97 accomodates splice 7H-1 to 7H-2 60.1 63.09 69.13 72.12 accomodates splice 7H-3 to 7H-6 63.08 69.02 72.11 78.05 accomodates splice 8H-1 to 8H-2 69.6 72.61 79.77 82.78 accomodates splice 1235 A 3H-5 to 3H-CC 18.43 22.59 21.23 25.39 accomodates splice 4H-2 23.31 24.81 28.16 29.66 accomodates splice 5H-4 to 5H-CC 35.8 40.51 41.74 46.45 accomodates splice 6H-6 to 6H-CC 47.59 50.17 55.57 58.15 accomodates splice 7H-4 to 7H-CC 54.64 59.69 65.54 70.59 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 8H-CC 68.27 69.08 80.89 81.7 accomodates splice 9H-6 to 9H-CC 76.6 78.65 90.81 92.86 accomodates splice 10H-CC 87.78 87.99 102.6 102.81 accomodates splice 12H-6 to 12H-CC 105.31 107.86 122.96 125.51 accomodates splice 13H-3 to 13H-CC 110.31 116.96 130.29 136.94 accomodates splice 14H-CC 125.41 125.68 146.78 147.05 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 16H-CC 144.06 145.36 170.15 171.45 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 20H-CC 153.81 181.44 184.06 214.5 accomodates splice B 1H-1 0 1.5 0.1 1.6 accomodates splice 2H-1 to 2H-CC 7 16.96 10.9 20.86 accomodates splice 3H-6 to 3H-CC 24.04 26.25 26.34 28.55 accomodates splice 4H-1 to 4H-CC 26 36.44 30.61 41.05 accomodates splice 5H-5 to 5H-CC 41.51 45.47 47.4 51.36 accomodates splice 7H-4 to 7H-CC 58.91 63.86 70.33 75.28 accomodates splice 10H-5 87.87 89.37 102.74 104.24 accomodates splice 10H-6 to 11H-2 89.38 94.7 104.25 109.72 accomodates splice 12H-6 to 12H-CC 108.44 112.18 126.01 129.75 accomodates splice 14H-4 to 14H-CC 125.52 129.75 147.39 151.62 accomodates splice C 1H-2 to 2H-1 1.02 11.5 1.13 11.6 accomodates splice 5H-6 to 5H-CC 45.67 50.17 53.04 58.15 accomodates splice 6H-1 to 6H-5 48 55.02 59.44 66.46 accomodates splice 7H-5 to 7H-CC 62.63 67.3 75.28 79.95 accomodates splice 8H-1 to 8H-CC 67 76.15 81.54 90.69 accomodates splice 9H-2 to 9H-CC 78.01 86.1 93.54 101.63 accomodates splice 10H-1 to 10H-2 86 87.7 103.68 105.45 accomodates splice 10H-6 to 11H-CC 92.23 104.31 109.91 123.01 accomodates splice 13H-1 to 13H-CC 114.5 124.32 136.96 146.78 accomodates splice 14H-3 to 15H-CC 126.02 143.2 151.53 169.51 accomodates splice 16H-1 to 16H-CC 143 152.86 173.72 183.58 accomodates splice 1236 A 1H-1 to 2H-6 0 13.55 0.03 15.36 accomodates splice 3H-1 to 3H-CC 14.1 23.58 16.01 25.49 accomodates splice 4H-6 to 5H-CC 31.17 42.03 35.29 48.22 accomodates splice 6H-1 to 6H-3 42.6 47.12 49.78 54.3 accomodates splice 6H-CC 51.07 51.25 58.25 58.43 accomodates splice 7H-2 to 7H-CC 53.62 62.15 61.19 69.72 accomodates splice 8H-1 to 9H-CC 61.6 80.22 73.08 90.75 accomodates splice 10H-1 to 11H-CC 80.6 99.65 94.68 112.58 accomodates splice 12H-3 to 12H-CC 102.62 109.68 116.48 126.54 accomodates splice 13H-1 to 24X-CC 109.1 207.77 123.47 223.24 deepest hole B 3H-6 to 3H-CC 25.85 28.3 26.77 29.22 accomodates splice 5H-6 44.84 46.17 49.46 50.79 accomodates splice 6H-6 to 6H-CC 54.35 56.36 59.17 61.18 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 7H-CC 63.82 65.95 69.86 71.99 accomodates splice 9H-7 to 9H-CC 84.37 85.31 93.15 94.09 accomodates splice 11H-6 to 11H-CC 101.83 104.35 112.95 115.47 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 12H-CC 112.86 113.87 125.65 126.66 accomodates splice C 2H-2 13.82 15.32 14.37 15.87 accomodates splice 3H-5 to 3H-CC 27.84 31.87 29.68 33.71 accomodates splice 5H-6 to 6H-1 48.36 51.8 54.31 58.75 accomodates splice 12H-CC 116.94 117.14 129.72 129.92 accomodates splice 1237 A 1H-6 to 1H-CC 8.52 10.95 9.42 1.85 accomodates splice B 2H-6 to 2H-CC 13.04 15.52 12.19 14.67 accomodates splice 3H-3 to 4H-7 18.02 34.33 19.12 38.63 accomodates splice 5H-3 to 5H-CC 37.03 44.07 40.3 47.34 accomodates splice 6H-6 to 6H-CC 51.03 53.56 56.75 59.28 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 8H-1 62.03 64 67.6 69.72 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 8H-CC 70.5 72.71 75.77 78.43 accomodates splice 9H-1 to 9H-4 72 78.02 79.37 85.39 accomodates splice 9H-5 to 9H-CC 78.03 81.91 85.4 89.28 accomodates splice 10H-2 to 11H-CC 83.05 101.1 92.27 110.77 accomodates splice 12H-1 to 12H-CC 100.5 109.9 111.27 120.67 accomodates splice 13H-6 to 14H-1 117.55 121 128.6 132.75 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 15H-1 127.02 130.5 138.77 143.05 accomodates splice 15H-7 to 16H-2 138.07 141.5 150.62 154.2 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 17H-1 147.55 149.5 160.25 164.3 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 18H-2 157.03 160.17 171.83 175.9 accomodates splice 18H-7 to 19H-1 166.2 168.5 181.93 185.85 accomodates splice 19H-7 to 19H-CC 176.06 176.86 193.41 194.21 accomodates splice 20H-CC to 21H-2 186.17 189.01 204.32 206.71 accomodates splice 21H-7 to 22H-2 195.06 198.51 214.26 218.86 accomodates splice 22H-7 to 23H-2 204.55 208.01 224.9 230.16 accomodates splice 23H-6 to 24H-1 212.54 216 234.69 239.35 accomodates splice 24H-6 to 24H-CC 222.06 224.19 245.41 247.54 accomodates splice 25H-2 225.51 227.01 251.31 252.81 accomodates splice 25H-3 to 25H-CC 227.02 233.73 252.82 259.53 accomodates splice 26H-2 to 27H-1 235.01 244.5 260.66 272.96 accomodates splice 27H-7 to 27H-CC 252.05 252.85 280.51 281.31 accomodates splice 28H-1 to 28H-2 252.5 255.51 281.56 284.57 accomodates splice 28H-7 to 29H-1 261.54 263.5 290.6 295.11 accomodates splice 29H-7 to 30H-1 271.05 273 302.66 306.61 accomodates splice 30H-7 to 31H-1 280.55 282.5 314.16 317.91 accomodates splice 31H-6 to 32H-1 288.57 292 323.98 329.81 accomodates splice 32H-7 to 33H-1 299.56 301.5 337.37 341.36 accomodates splice 33H-6 to 33H-CC 307.54 310.14 347.4 350 accomodates splice 34H-CC 319.25 319.54 360.36 360.65 accomodates splice C 1H-1 to 1H-CC 0 9.4 0.05 9.45 accomodates splice 2H-6 to 2H-CC 16.82 19.22 15.72 18.12 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 4H-CC 37.14 37.88 38.59 39.33 accomodates splice 5H-CC to 6H-2 47.52 50.31 50.39 54.78 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 7H-3 56.36 61.31 60.83 66.28 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 8H-1 65.83 67.8 70.8 73.47 accomodates splice 8H-5 72.35 73.85 78.02 79.52 accomodates splice 9H-6 to 9H-CC 83.35 85.8 89.52 91.97 accomodates splice 11H-6 102.36 103.61 110.53 111.78 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 13H-1 113.34 117.3 121.96 126.5 accomodates splice 13H-CC to 14H-1 125.46 126.8 134.66 137.85 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 15H-2 132.84 137.81 143.89 148.86 accomodates splice 15H-7 to 16H-1 143.86 145.8 154.91 158.7 accomodates splice 16H-6 to 17H-2 151.84 159.81 164.74 170.66 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 18H-1 162.86 164.8 176.71 180.3 accomodates splice 18H-7 to 19H-1 172.35 174.3 187.85 191.6 accomodates splice 19H-5 to 20H-2 178.8 185.31 196.1 203.61 accomodates splice 20H-7 to 21H-1 191.34 193.3 209.64 212.75 accomodates splice 21H-CC to 22H-1 200.55 202.8 220 223.7 accomodates splice 22H-CC 211.21 211.36 232.11 232.26 accomodates splice 23H-CC to 24H-1 219.55 221.8 241.15 244.2 accomodates splice 24H-CC 230.08 230.28 252.48 252.68 accomodates splice 27H-CC to 28H-1 258.54 259.8 285.5 289.21 accomodates splice 28H-7 to 28H-CC 267.38 269.3 296.79 300.91 accomodates splice 29H-7 to 30H-1 276.87 278.8 308.48 312.26 accomodates splice 30H-7 to 30H-CC 286.36 287.26 319.82 320.72 accomodates splice 31H-7 to 32H-2 295.87 299.31 330.73 335.92 accomodates splice 32H-7 to 33H-1 305.35 307.3 341.96 345.81 accomodates splice 33H-6 to 33H-CC 313.36 315.74 351.87 354.25 accomodates splice D 1H-CC 12.46 12.64 11.96 12.14 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 5H-CC 78.85 79.83 84.52 85.5 accomodates splice 9H1 to 9H-2 224.5 227.51 248.65 251.66 accomodates splice 10H-2 235.51 237.01 260.41 261.91 accomodates splice 11H-1 to 11H-6 243.5 252.54 271.51 280.55 accomodates splice 11H-CC 253.24 253.47 281.25 281.48 accomodates splice 1238 A 3H-6 22.05 23.05 23.9 24.9 accomodates splice 4H-1 to 4H-CC 24 33.59 29.3 38.89 accomodates splice 7H-2 to 7H-CC 54.01 61.7 61.31 69 accomodates splice 8H-1 to 9H-CC 62 81.29 70 87.94 accomodates splice 10H-2 to 10H-CC 82.51 91.1 89.66 98.25 accomodates splice 11H-1 to 12H-CC 90.5 110.06 98.9 118.91 accomodates splice 13H-1 to 13H-CC 109.5 118.64 120.25 129.39 accomodates splice 14H-3 to 14H-CC 122.02 128.99 133.97 140.94 accomodates splice 15H-1 to 15H-CC 128.5 138.45 142.25 152.2 accomodates splice 16H-2 to 16H-CC 139.51 148.05 153.61 162.15 accomodates splice 17H-1 to 17H-CC 149 157.49 164.85 173.34 accomodates splice 18H-3 to 18H-CC 160.01 167.02 176.51 183.52 accomodates splice 19H-2 168.01 169.51 185.91 187.41 accomodates splice 19H-7 to 20H-2 175.56 179.01 193.46 197.16 accomodates splice 20H-7 to 21H-2 185.05 188.51 203.2 207.46 accomodates splice 21H-7 to 22H-1 194.58 196.5 213.53 217.5 accomodates splice 22H-CC to 46X-CC 204.77 424.69 225.52 268.24 deepest hole B 3H-7 26.55 27.25 29.05 29.75 accomodates splice 4H-7 36.02 36.62 39.32 39.92 accomodates splice 18H-7 to 19H-1 172.05 174 188.65 191.05 accomodates splice 19H-7 to 20H-1 181.55 183.5 198.6 201.35 accomodates splice 20H-7 to 21H-2 191.06 194.5 208.91 212.1 accomodates splice 21H-7 to 21H-CC 200.56 201.54 218.16 219.14 accomodates splice C 1H-1 to 3H-CC 0 20.35 0 22.9 accomodates splice 4H-1 to 4H-2 20 23.01 24.75 27.76 accomodates splice 7H-CC 61.32 61.55 69.17 69.4 accomodates splice 9H-7 to 9H-CC 79.58 80.62 88.08 89.12 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 10H-CC 89.04 89.79 98.04 98.79 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 12H-CC 108.06 109.11 118.81 119.86 accomodates splice 13H-6 to 13H-CC 118.06 120.63 130.46 133.03 accomodates splice 14H-7 129.07 129.79 141.67 142.39 accomodates splice 15H-7 to 15H-CC 138.57 139.59 152.17 153.19 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 17H-1 148.05 150 163 165.8 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 18H-2 157.54 161.01 173.34 177.91 accomodates splice 18H-7 to 18H-CC 167.06 167.95 183.96 184.85 accomodates splice 1239 A 3H-5 to 4H-CC 18.93 32.44 20.33 34.64 accomodates splice 5H-1 to 5H-CC 31.9 41.96 35.65 45.71 accomodates splice 6H-4 to 8H-4 45.92 66.44 50.52 72.39 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 8H-CC 67.96 70.51 73.91 76.46 accomodates splice 9H-3 to 11H-CC 72.93 98.88 80.23 107.78 accomodates splice 12H-2 to 13H-1 99.91 109.4 109.71 120.2 accomodates splice 13H-2 to 14H-1 109.42 118.9 120.22 130.25 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 14H-CC 125 127.46 136.35 138.81 accomodates splice 15H-6 to 16H-1 134.47 137.9 146.62 150.7 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 16H-CC 145.48 146.5 158.28 159.3 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 18H-1 155 156.9 168.05 171.9 accomodates splice 18H-6 to 19H-3 162.97 169.43 177.97 183.73 accomodates splice 20X-2 to 20X-6 175.91 183.44 191.07 198.6 accomodates splice 21X-7 to 22X-CC 187.78 198.74 203.8 215.62 accomodates splice 23X-3 to 23X-CC 201.63 208.49 219.37 226.23 accomodates splice 24X-CC 217.26 217.61 235.86 236.21 accomodates splice 25X-7 to 25X-CC 226.53 227.42 245.99 246.88 accomodates splice 26X-7 to 27X-CC 236.24 246.29 256.56 267.47 accomodates splice 30X-5 to 30X-CC 271.3 274.62 295.06 298.38 accomodates splice 31X-5 to 31X-CC 281 284.96 305.62 309.58 accomodates splice 34X-5 to 34X-CC 309.92 313.8 337.12 341 accomodates splice 35X-CC 319.18 319.58 347.24 347.64 accomodates splice 36X-5 329.23 330.73 358.15 359.65 accomodates splice 37X-5 to 37X-CC 338.83 342.59 368.61 372.37 accomodates splice 38X-5 to 38X-CC 348.41 352.33 379.05 382.97 accomodates splice 39X-5 to 39X-CC 358.02 360.19 389.52 391.69 accomodates splice 40X-5 to 41X-CC 367.74 381.24 400.1 414.46 accomodates splice 42X-5 387.03 388.03 421.11 422.11 accomodates splice 43X-5 to 55X-CC 396.62 512.25 431.56 557.51 deepest hole B 1H-1 to 2H-CC 0 17.73 -0.05 17.73 accomodates splice 4H-5 32.85 34.35 35.15 36.65 accomodates splice 5H-5 to 6H-1 42.33 47.3 45.73 50.9 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 8H-CC 72.35 74.9 77.1 79.65 accomodates splice 11H-7 to 11H-CC 102.4 103.32 107.95 108.87 accomodates splice 12H-7 113.87 114.29 120.12 120.54 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 14H-2 123.33 126.8 130.78 134.85 accomodates splice 14H-7 to 15H-1 132.85 134.8 140.9 144.1 accomodates splice 15H-7 to 16H-2 142.37 145.81 151.67 155.76 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 17H-1 151.85 153.8 161.8 166 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 18H-1 161.37 163.3 173.57 177.1 accomodates splice 19X-1 to 19X-5 171.3 178.8 184.2 191.7 accomodates splice 20X-3 to 20X-CC 183.6 189.62 197.36 203.38 accomodates splice 22X-1 to 22X-3 200 204.5 215.48 219.98 accomodates splice 23X-1 to 23X-CC 209.6 218.99 225.94 235.33 accomodates splice 24X-1 to 24X-CC 218.9 228.52 236.1 245.72 accomodates splice 25X-1 to 25X-CC 228.5 237.95 246.56 256.01 accomodates splice 27X-1 to 29X-CC 247.5 273.1 267.28 294.6 accomodates splice 30X-3 to 30X-CC 276.4 282.84 298.76 305.2 accomodates splice 33X-3 to 33X-CC 305.4 312.25 330.34 337.19 accomodates splice 34X-3 to 34X-CC 315 321.78 340.8 347.58 accomodates splice 35X-1 to 35X-CC 321.6 331.3 348.26 357.96 accomodates splice 36X-1 to 36X-CC 331.3 341.15 358.82 368.67 accomodates splice 37X-3 to 37X-CC 343.9 350.82 372.28 379.2 accomodates splice 38X-3 to 38X-CC 353.5 360.35 382.74 389.59 accomodates splice 39X-2 to 39X-CC 361.6 370.01 391.7 400.11 accomodates splice 41X-3 to 41X-CC 382.4 389.28 414.22 421.1 accomodates splice 42X-1 to 42X-CC 389 398.05 421.68 430.73 accomodates splice C 2H-7 to 2H-CC 19.83 20.81 19.33 20.31 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 7H-CC 69.31 70.47 72.36 73.52 accomodates splice 1240 A 1H-1 to 1H-CC 0 3.57 0 3.57 accomodates splice 2H-1 to 2H-CC 3.5 12.67 4.85 14.02 accomodates splice 3H-2 to 3H-CC 14.51 22.89 16.46 24.84 accomodates splice 4H-4 to 4H-7 27.02 32.19 31.12 36.29 accomodates splice 5H1 to 5H-CC 32 41.97 37.3 47.27 accomodates splice 6H-2 to 7H-CC 43.02 61 51.42 68.45 accomodates splice 8H-1 60.5 62 70.84 72.34 accomodates splice 8H-2 62 63.5 72.34 73.84 accomodates splice 8H-3 to 8H-4 63.51 66.52 73.85 76.86 accomodates splice 8H-5 66.53 68.03 76.87 78.37 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 10H-1 68.04 81 78.38 90.9 accomodates splice 10H-6 to 11H-1 87.02 90.38 96.92 100.55 accomodates splice 11H-7 to 12H-1 97.93 100 108.1 112.45 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 13H-1 107.5 109.5 119.95 122.35 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 14H-2 117.03 120.51 129.88 133.66 accomodates splice 14H-7 to 15H-1 126.54 128.5 139.69 143.5 accomodates splice 15H-7 to 16H-3 136.03 141 151.03 157.5 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 17H-1 145.49 147.5 161.99 165.55 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 17H-CC 155.05 156.04 173.1 174.09 accomodates splice 18H-7 to 18H-CC 164.51 165.64 183.46 184.59 accomodates splice 19H-1 165 173.7 185.35 191.85 accomodates splice 19H-6 to 20H-1 172.54 176 192.89 197.45 accomodates splice 20H-6 to 20H-CC 182.05 184.52 203.5 205.97 accomodates splice 21H-7 to 21H-CC 193.04 193.84 214.54 215.34 accomodates splice 22H-6 to 23H-2 201.04 206.01 222.49 228.31 accomodates splice 23H-7 to 24H-1 212.04 214 234.34 237.45 accomodates splice 24H-7 to 25H-1 221.56 223.5 245.01 248.6 accomodates splice 25H-7 to 26H-1 231.06 233 256.16 259.8 accomodates splice 26H-7 to 27H-2 240.56 244.01 267.36 271.51 accomodates splice 27H-CC to 28H-CC 250.86 254.39 278.36 282.94 accomodates splice B 6H-1 to 6H-2 46.7 49.71 49.15 52.16 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 7H-CC 65.24 66.04 68.39 69.19 accomodates splice 8H-1 65.7 67.2 71.4 72.9 accomodates splice 8H-2 67.2 68.7 72.9 74.4 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 9H-1 74.73 78.7 80.43 85.6 accomodates splice 9H-6 to 10H-1 84.72 88.2 91.62 95.7 accomodates splice 10H-6 to 11H-1 94.23 97.7 101.73 106.55 accomodates splice 11H-6 to 12H-1 103.71 107.2 112.56 118.15 accomodates splice 12H-6 to 12H-CC 113.24 115.73 124.19 126.88 accomodates splice 13H-5 to 13H-CC 121.22 125.21 134.47 138.46 accomodates splice 14H-5 to 14H-CC 130.74 134.85 144.44 148.55 accomodates splice 15H-7 to 16H-1 143.24 145.2 158.14 161.4 accomodates splice 16H-6 to 17H-1 151.22 154.7 167.42 171.7 accomodates splice 17H-5 to 18H-1 159.24 164.2 176.24 182.4 accomodates splice 18H-6 to 19H-1 170.23 173.7 188.43 191.85 accomodates splice 20H-1 to 20H-2 181.7 184.7 199.35 202.35 accomodates splice 20H-6 to 21H-2 189.2 194.21 206.85 212.76 accomodates splice 21H-7 to 22H-1 200.24 202.2 218.79 221.6 accomodates splice 22H-7 to 23H-1 209.74 211.7 229.14 232.65 accomodates splice 23H-6 to 24H-1 217.71 221.2 238.66 243.7 accomodates splice 24H-6 to 25H-1 227.25 230.7 249.75 254.95 accomodates splice 25H-6 to 26H-1 236.72 240.2 260.97 265.85 accomodates splice 26H-7 to 26H-CC 247.76 248.82 273.41 274.47 accomodates splice C 1H-2 3.71 5.21 4.36 5.86 accomodates splice 3H-3 to 3H-CC 24.22 29.37 25.87 31.02 accomodates splice 4H-2 34.21 35.71 36.11 37.61 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 7H-CC 70.23 70.77 76.13 76.67 accomodates splice 8H-1 70.7 72.2 77.4 78.9 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 8H-CC 79.7 80.6 86.4 87.3 accomodates splice D 2H-1 to 2H-2 12.7 15.7 14.3 17.3 accomodates splice 1241 A 2H-7 to 3H-1 12.9 14.9 13.85 16.65 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 3H-CC 22.43 23.34 24.18 25.09 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 5H-7 31.93 42.45 35.87 47.17 accomodates splice 8H-1 to 8H-CC 60.9 71.05 69.59 79.74 accomodates splice 9H-7 to 10H-1 79.43 81.4 89.07 92.12 accomodates splice 11H-3 92.42 93.92 104.22 105.72 accomodates splice 12H-6 to 13H-2 106.45 111.41 119.65 125 accomodates splice 14H-CC to 15H-1 127.66 128.9 141.83 143.62 accomodates splice 16H-3 139.93 141.43 156.18 157.68 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 17H-3 145.96 150.91 162.21 167.75 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 18H-1 155.44 157.4 172.28 175.64 accomodates splice 18H-7 to 19H-2 164.95 168.41 183.19 187.69 accomodates splice 19H-7 to 19H-CC 174.46 175.57 193.74 194.85 accomodates splice 20H-7 to 20H-CC 183.96 185.14 204.84 206.02 accomodates splice 21H-7 to 22H-1 193.46 195.38 215.59 218.67 accomodates splice 22H-7 to 22H-CC 202.93 203.96 226.22 227.25 accomodates splice 23H-6 to 23H-CC 210.95 213.65 236.35 239.05 accomodates splice 24H-6 to 24H-CC 220.44 222.83 247.59 249.98 accomodates splice 25H-CC 232.31 232.58 261.15 261.42 accomodates splice 26H-5 to 26H-CC 237.93 241.95 267.96 271.98 accomodates splice 27H-7 to 27H-CC 250.44 251.57 281.49 282.62 accomodates splice 28H-6 to 28H-CC 258.4 260.95 290.85 293.4 accomodates splice 30H-1 to 31H-CC 269.9 289.39 304.24 324.67 accomodates splice 32H-3 to 32H-CC 291.9 298.87 330.24 337.21 accomodates splice 33H-5 to 43X-CC 304.4 393.68 345.79 447.06 deepest hole B 1H-6 to 2H-2 7.51 11.41 7.51 11.46 accomodates splice 2H-7 to 3H-2 17.46 20.85 17.51 22.32 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 4H-4 26.88 33.41 28.35 34.88 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 8H-1 45.93 66.9 48.55 72.15 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 9H-2 74.44 77.91 79.69 84.16 accomodates splice 10H-3 to 10H-CC 89.41 96.39 97.13 104.11 accomodates splice 11H-1 to 11H-CC 95.9 105.85 104.71 114.66 accomodates splice 12H-1 105.4 106.9 116.5 118 accomodates splice 13H-1 to 13H-CC 114.9 121.97 127.37 134.44 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 14H-CC 131.95 133.9 145.32 147.27 accomodates splice 15H-2 to 15H-CC 135.4 140.7 150.27 155.57 accomodates splice 16H-1 143.4 144.86 159.9 161.36 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 16H-CC 152.08 152.73 168.58 169.23 accomodates splice 17H-5 to 17H-CC 158.92 162.94 176.82 180.84 accomodates splice 18H-6 to 19H-1 169.94 173.4 188.93 193.53 accomodates splice 19H-5 to 19H-CC 177.92 182.9 198.05 203.98 accomodates splice 20H-5 to 21H-1 187.44 192.4 208.52 213.88 accomodates splice 21H-6 to 22H-2 198.44 203.41 219.92 225.32 accomodates splice 22H-7 to 23H-2 209.45 212.9 231.36 236.05 accomodates splice 23H-7 to 24H-2 218.91 222.4 242.06 246.74 accomodates splice 24H-7 to 25H-4 228.44 234.93 252.78 260.36 accomodates splice 25H-7 to 26H-1 237.95 239.9 263.38 266.4 accomodates splice 26H-7 to 27H-3 247.43 252.42 273.93 280.17 accomodates splice 27H-CC to 28X-1 257.72 260.9 285.47 289.35 accomodates splice 28X-6 to 29X-3 266.94 273.49 295.39 304.23 accomodates splice 31X-2 to 31X-CC 289.81 294.07 325.75 330.01 accomodates splice 32X-2 to 32X-CC 299.5 306.97 337.79 345.26 accomodates splice C 1H-1 to 1H-CC 0 6.04 0.05 6.09 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 6H-2 75.52 79 84.07 89.02 accomodates splice 6H-6 to 7H-1 83.52 87 93.54 97.82 accomodates splice 8H-7 104. 104.64 115.86 116.5 accomodates splice 9H-1 to 9H-2 112 115.01 125.22 128.23 accomodates splice 9H-7 to 10H-CC 121.03 129.09 134.25 142.9 accomodates splice 11H-1 134 135.5 148.57 150.07 accomodates splice 11H-CC 143.66 143.89 158.23 158.46 accomodates splice 1242 A 4H-6 33.24 34.74 37.49 38.99 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 5H-CC 44.23 45.27 48.53 49.57 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 7H-CC 53.74 64.46 58.54 69.61 accomodates splice 9H-3 to 10H-CC 76.2 92.8 82.05 99.25 accomodates splice 15H-6 to 15H-CC 137.73 139.91 149.31 151.49 accomodates splice 16H-3 142.7 144.2 157.18 158.68 accomodates splice 21X-CC to 23X-2 193.27 204.8 214.95 229.48 accomodates splice 23X-CC to 24-1 212.62 214.1 237.3 241.63 accomodates splice 24X-6 to 25X-3 220.11 226.8 247.64 255.23 accomodates splice 25X-6 to 26X-1 229.8 233.1 258.23 264.53 accomodates splice 26X-7 to 27X-3 240.61 245.7 272.04 275.58 accomodates splice 27X-7 to 27X-CC 250.2 251.06 280.08 280.94 accomodates splice B 4H-1 to 4H-CC 21.9 31.99 27.35 37.44 accomodates splice 6H-2 to 6H-CC 42.41 50.99 50.01 58.59 accomodates splice 8H-1 to 9H-2 59.9 72.4 69.55 82.1 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 11H-CC 87.91 99.38 99.06 111.33 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 13H-1 112.41 114.4 124.94 128.18 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 14H-1 121.91 123.9 135.69 138.23 accomodates splice 15H-6 to 15H-CC 139.4 141.9 153.83 156.33 accomodates splice 16H-1 141.4 142.9 160.08 161.58 accomodates splice 19X-4 to 21X-3 174.41 193.6 191.89 213.23 accomodates splice 22X-6 to 23X-1 206.32 209.6 232.75 236.28 accomodates splice 23X-7 to 23X-CC 217.05 218.08 243.73 244.76 accomodates splice 24X-7 to 24X-CC 226.73 227.67 256.16 257.1 accomodates splice 25X-7 to 25X-CC 236.1 237.05 265.78 266.73 accomodates splice 26X-6 to 26X-CC 244.21 246.45 277.19 279.43 accomodates splice 27X-CC 254.5 254.86 287.38 287.74 accomodates splice C 1H-1 to 2H-CC 0 14.91 0 15.96 accomodates splice 3H-CC 24.17 24.43 24.25 24.48 accomodates splice 5H-1 to 5H-CC 37 47.06 38.6 48.66 accomodates splice 11H-7 to 12H-CC 104.49 115.41 112.87 124.66 accomodates splice 13H-2 to 13H-CC 116.49 124.98 127.17 135.66 accomodates splice 14H-1 to 14H-CC 124.5 134.38 138.48 148.36 accomodates splice 16H-1 to 18H-CC 143.5 172.23 161.98 190.81 accomodates splice D 1H-2 to 2H-1 15.01 24.5 16.06 26.7 accomodates splice Leg 203 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1243 A not cored B 1R to 18R 102 195.3 deepest hole Leg 204 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1244 C 1H-1 to 39X-CC 0 333.69 Deepest/most continuous hole 1245 B 1H-1 to 53X-CC 0 472.64 most continuous hole E 1R-1 to 8R-CC 475.05 540.25 Deepest hole 1246 B 1H-1 to 16H-CC 0 136.76 single hole 1247 B 1H-1 to 27X-CC 0 220.62 single hole 1248 B 1H-1 to 3H-CC 0 16.71 covers part of core recovery gap C 1X-1 to 17X-CC 0 148.52 deepest hole 1249 C 2H-1 to 2H-CC 1.5 4.85 covers part of core recovery gap 4H-1 to 4H-CC 14.5 18.87 covers part of core recovery gap 5H-1 to 5H-CC 24 29.79 covers part of core recovery gap 7H-1 to 7H-CC 35 40.69 covers part of core recovery gap 8H-1 to 8H-CC 44.5 50.71 covers part of core recovery gap F 1H-1 to 16H-CC 0 89.87 Deepest hole 1250 C 5H-1 to 5H-CC 33 41.35 covers part of core recovery gap D 1H-1 to 19X-CC 0 146.85 best recovery F 9X-1 to 13X-CC 134 181.59 covers part of core recovery gap 1251 B 1H-1 to 53X-CC 0 442.65 deepest hole/ best recovery 1252 A 1H-1 to 28X-CC 0 259.01 single hole Leg 205 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1253 A 1R-1 to 43R-4 370 599.98 single hole 1254 A 1R-1 to 16R-CC 150 367.96 single hole 1255 A 2R-1 to 4R-CC 133.94 152.55 single hole Leg 206 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1256 A All holes hard rock B C D Leg 207 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1257 A 1H-1 to 7X-CC 0 52.61 0 52.61 accomodates splice 8X-4 to 9X-CC 58.6 70.43 58.6 70.43 accomodates splice 10X-1 to 10X-CC 73.3 81.56 73.3 81.56 accomodates splice 11X-2 84.34 84.74 84.34 84.74 accomodates splice 12X-1 to 12X-CC 92.6 98.37 92.6 98.37 accomodates splice 13X-3 to 15X-CC 105.2 131.37 105.2 130.96 accomodates splice 16X-1 to 16X-CC 131.1 138.42 134.73 142.05 accomodates splice 17X-1 to 17X-CC 140.7 149.13 146.17 154.6 accomodates splice 19X5 171.4 178.05 201.19 202.69 PETM at 115cm 20X-1 to 21X-CC 169.4 180.22 175.2 186.02 accomodates splice 22X-1 to 21R-CC 188.6 191.18 194.4 196.98 accomodates splice 23X-1 to 23X-CC 198.2 206.72 204 212.52 accomodates splice 24X-1 to 24X-CC 207.6 212.42 213.4 218.22 accomodates splice 25x-2 to 25X-CC 218.4 219.36 224.2 225.16 accomodates splice 26X-4 to 31X-CC 231.3 276.47 237.1 282.27 accomodates splice B 2R-CC to 3R-CC 49.21 55.43 52.58 58.8 accomodates splice 4R-4 to 4R-CC 63.89 66.37 71 73.48 accomodates splice 8R-1 to 8R-3 97.9 102.37 101.33 105.8 accomodates splice 16R-CC 170.1 170.19 170.1 170.19 accomodates splice 17R-1 174.4 175.23 174.4 175.23 accomodates splice 19R-1 to 19R-CC 183.7 186.8 186.9 190 accomodates splice 21R-1 to 21R-CC 193.3 196.05 199.43 202.18 accomodates splice 25R-1 to 25R-2 212.6 215.28 218.04 220.72 accomodates splice 26R-1 to 26R-CC 217.6 219.96 221.24 223.6 accomodates splice 27R-1 to 27R-CC 222.3 226.95 225.94 230.59 accomodates splice C 1R-1 to 1R-2 82 85 82 85 accomodates splice 1R-3 to 2R-1 85 92.75 85 92.75 accomodates splice 6R-1 to 6R-3 130.1 134.6 131.3 135.8 accomodates splice 7R-1 139.5 141 141.95 143.45 accomodates splice 8R-3 to 9R-CC 152.1 166.44 154.55 168.85 accomodates splice 10R-1 to 10R-CC 168.4 171.22 170.81 173.63 accomodates splice 12R-1 to 12R-CC 187.7 190.46 190.25 193.01 accomodates splice 13R-3 to 13R-CC 200.3 201.31 202.85 203.86 accomodates splice 14R-CC 210.03 210.24 212.58 212.79 accomodates splice 15R-2 218.1 218.81 220.65 221.36 accomodates splice 16R-3 to 16R-CC 230.7 234.78 231.86 235.94 accomodates splice 1258 A 1R-1 to 3R-CC 0 22.9 0 22.9 accomodates splice 5R-CC to 6R-1 38.44 44.3 42.94 44.82 accomodates splice 6R-7 to 6R-CC 55.3 52.56 54.73 53.08 accomodates splice 7R-CC to 8R-1 60.2 63.7 61.19 65.55 accomodates splice 8R-CC 69.3 69.43 71.15 71.28 accomodates splice 9R-CC 81.59 81.83 81.84 82.08 accomodates splice 10R-CC to 11R-1 90.16 92.8 90.79 92.5 accomodates splice 11R-7 to 12R-1 99.77 102.4 99.47 102.79 accomodates splice 12R-7 to 12R-CC 109.9 110.74 110.29 111.13 accomodates splice 13R-6 to 14R-1 118 121.6 118.61 122.51 accomodates splice 16R-1 139.4 140.9 161.34 162.84 accomodates splice 17R-1 to 17R-2 149 150.55 170.84 173.89 accomodates splice 18R-7 to 19R-2 167.7 171.4 191.56 194.83 accomodates splice 19R-CC to 21R-7 177.76 197.54 201.19 220.97 accomodates splice 22R-CC to 23R-5 204.31 214.2 227.74 237.63 accomodates splice 24R-2 217.8 219.3 241.23 242.73 accomodates splice 24R-4 220.8 222.3 244.23 245.73 accomodates splice 26R-5 to 26R-CC 241.5 245.32 263.95 267.77 accomodates splice 28R-1 to 29R-2 254.9 267.6 277.35 290.05 accomodates splice 29R-5 to 30R-4 270.42 279.36 292.87 301.73 accomodates splice 31R-5 to 32R-CC 289.9 302.16 312.64 325.37 accomodates splice 34R-3 to 38R-CC 315.8 357.21 340.69 380.08 accomodates splice 39R-CC 364.56 364.88 385.3 385.62 accomodates splice 40R-1 to 40R-5 370.5 377.99 394.43 401.92 accomodates splice 41R-1 to 41R-CC 380.2 385.74 404.13 409.67 accomodates splice 42R-4 to 42R-CC 393.76 399.53 418.71 424.48 accomodates splice 44R-2 to 44R-CC 410.34 411.39 435.22 436.27 accomodates splice 45R-2 to 45R-CC 419.98 422.68 444.86 447.56 accomodates splice 48R-CC to 49R-CC 437.17 442.55 465.09 470.47 accomodates splice 50R-CC 446.22 446.25 483.01 483.04 accomodates splice B 3R-1 to 4R-CC 23.1 38.83 23.1 38.3 accomodates splice 5R-5 to 5R-CC 47.1 49.67 47.2 49.77 accomodates splice 6R-4 to 6R-CC 55.3 59.95 54.73 59.38 accomodates splice 7R-6 to 7R-CC 60.2 63.7 61.19 65.55 accomodates splice 8R-4 to 9R-1 74.6 81.2 74.13 80.37 accomodates splice 9R-4 to 9R-CC 84.2 89.22 83.37 88.39 accomodates splice 10R-4 to 10R-CC 93.8 98.21 93.13 97.54 accomodates splice 11R-5 to 11R-CC 105 108.82 104.63 108.45 accomodates splice 21R-3 to 12R-CC 111.6 117.45 112.2 118.05 accomodates splice 13R-4 to 13R-CC 122.7 128.08 122.09 127.47 accomodates splice 15R-6 to 16R-CC 145 155.78 145.42 157.92 accomodates splice 18R-CC 175.08 175.19 175.67 175.78 accomodates splice 19R-CC to 20R-4 185.74 191.4 185.6 191.59 accomodates splice 21R-1 195.2 196.46 196.28 197.54 accomodates splice 21R-CC 197.93 197.99 199.01 199.07 accomodates splice 22R-4 to 22R-CC 209.2 214.69 221.93 227.42 accomodates splice 23R-1 to 23R-3 214.4 218.9 237.03 241.53 accomodates splice 23R-4 to 23R-5 218.9 221.9 241.53 244.53 accomodates splice 23R-6 to 25R-6 221.9 242.7 244.53 263.95 accomodates splice 27R-CC 253.74 253.97 277.17 277.4 accomodates splice 29R-1 to 29R-CC 262.6 266.06 289.06 292.52 accomodates splice 30R-7 to 31R-CC 281.2 289.2 302.7 312.34 accomodates splice 33R-2 to 34R-7 302.6 320.5 325.41 340.69 accomodates splice 39R-4 to 39R-6 363.5 367.55 381.25 385.3 accomodates splice 40R-1 to 40R-CC 368.6 371.76 390.71 393.87 accomodates splice 43R-1 to 44R-CC 387.8 398.06 409.91 418.56 accomodates splice 47R-4 to 47R-CC 411.04 412.25 433.1 434.31 accomodates splice 48R-CC 414.13 414.39 436.19 436.95 accomodates splice 49R-1 to 49R-CC 416.7 420.2 438.76 442.26 accomodates splice 51R-3 to 51R-CC 428.96 430.81 453.28 455.13 accomodates splice 52R-CC 435.05 435.42 459.37 459.74 accomodates splice 53R-3 to 53R-CC 438.6 439.68 463.24 464.32 accomodates splice 55R-3 to 56R-CC 447.69 454.09 474.55 478.66 accomodates splice 57R-CC 458.75 458.95 483.32 483.52 accomodates splice C 1R-1 to 3R-2 129.75 142 129.02 144.52 accomodates splice 4R-CC 157.32 157.56 159.71 159.95 accomodates splice 5R-1 to 5R-CC 158.2 167.07 161.68 170.55 accomodates splice 6R-CC 169.6 169.73 173.08 173.21 accomodates splice 7R-1 to 7R-CC 177.5 186.25 176.39 185.14 accomodates splice 8R-7 196.2 196.84 198.49 199.13 accomodates splice 8R-CC 196.84 197.07 199.13 199.36 accomodates splice 12R-2 to 12R-CC 256.4 264.85 268.83 277.28 accomodates splice 14R-CC 390.24 390.44 402.13 402.33 accomodates splice 17R-1 to 18R-CC 399.4 408.23 424.79 432.34 accomodates splice 19R-2 to 19R-CC 410.27 411.1 434.38 435.21 accomodates splice 20R-1 to 20R-CC 413.7 414.61 437.81 438.72 accomodates splice 21R-1 to 21R-CC 418.7 420.54 442.81 444.65 accomodates splice 22R-1 to 22R-CC 423.3 428.29 447.86 452.85 accomodates splice 23R-2 to 23R-CC 429.57 432.71 455.53 458.67 accomodates splice 24R-1 to 24R-CC 432.9 436.27 459.64 463.01 accomodates splice 26R-1 to 26R-CC 442.5 445.97 470.93 474.4 accomodates splice 27R-2 to 27R-CC 448.91 451.78 480.29 483.16 accomodates splice 28R-1 to 34R-CC 451.8 484.93 484.3 517.43 deepest hole 1259 A 1R-1to 32R-CC 0 298.32 0 298.32 Shallowest hole 43R-1 to 47R-3 400.7 443.08 401.87 444.56 accomodates K/T boundary 34R-CC 323 323.05 322.85 322.9 accomodates splice 35R-7 to 35R-CC 332.67 333.67 332.88 333.89 accomodates splice 37R-CC to 38R-CC 352.56 359.24 353.24 360.07 accomodates splice 39R-3 to 39R-CC 364.73 368.61 365.91 369.79 accomodates splice 40R-CC to 48R-1 376.35 450.3 375.5 450.31 accomodates splice 48R-7 to 48R-CC 457.8 458.72 457.81 458.73 accomodates splice 49R-CC 466.94 467.11 467.8 467.97 accomodates splice 50R-CC 477.05 477.17 477.58 477.7 accomodates splice 51R-CC to 53R-CC 487.37 501.72 487.7 503.47 accomodates splice 54R-1 to 55R-CC 506.6 513.98 508.35 515.73 accomodates splice 57R-CC 529.19 529.34 530.94 531.09 accomodates splice 58R-CC 538.06 538.22 539.49 539.65 accomodates splice 60R-1 549.1 550.1 550.1 551.5 accomodates splice B 10R-1 to 13R-1 420.5 446.2 418.71 444.75 accomodates K/T boundary 1R-1 to 4R-CC 0 330.79 0 321.29 accomodates splice 5R-1 to 5R-CC 333.8 343.71 325.25 345.16 accomodates splice 7R-6 to 8R-1 360.6 364.2 362.33 366.03 accomodates splice 8R-CC to 9R-1 370.08 372.72 371.91 374.55 accomodates splice 13R-6 to 14R-3 452.21 458.8 450.76 457.56 accomodates splice 14R-CC to 15R-4 461.51 475.53 460.57 475.24 accomodates splice 15R-7 to 16R-3 470.9 457.53 469.36 475.24 accomodates splice 17R-3 to 17R-CC 479.5 486.44 478.56 485.5 accomodates splice 21R-1 to 21R-CC 514.8 519.07 516.27 520.54 accomodates splice 24R-5 to 25R-CC 549.6 556.01 550.49 557.1 accomodates splice C 8R-1 to 8R-CC 436 446 437.25 447.25 accomodates K/T boundary 2R-3 to 3R-1 320.6 328.7 324.41 332.27 accomodates splice 4R-6 to 5R-3 342.7 349.3 346.08 351.83 accomodates splice 7R-3 to 7R-CC 366.85 367.74 370.34 371.13 accomodates splice 10R-1 to 10R-2 485 487.65 486.43 489.08 accomodates splice 13R-1 to 13R-2 501.6 504.6 506.26 509.26 accomodates splice 16R-1 to 18R-CC 518.3 535.67 521.83 538.79 accomodates splice 1260 A 1R-1 to 6R-CC 38.2 45.91 38.2 45.91 accomodates splice 7R-CC 56.19 56.24 56.29 56.34 accomodates splice 8R-CC 65.71 65.76 65.81 65.86 accomodates splice 9R-7 to 9R-CC 75.9 76.66 74.9 75.66 accomodates splice 10R-CC 85.37 85.5 84.47 84.6 accomodates splice 11R-CC 96.04 96.2 94.66 94.82 accomodates splice 12R-CC 104.81 105.03 103.43 103.65 accomodates splice 13R-CC 114.52 114.73 112.54 112.75 accomodates splice 14R-7 to 14R-CC 123.9 124.84 122.2 122.92 accomodates splice 15R-CC to 16R-1 130.5 135.37 128.69 133.56 accomodates splice 16R-CC to 26R-6 135.37 238.8 133.56 236.99 Single hole for this interval 26R-CC to 27R-1 239.4 241.5 237.59 239.99 accomodates splice 27R-CC 249.37 249.52 247.86 248.01 accomodates splice 28R-6 to 28R-CC 256.18 259.41 254.71 257.94 accomodates splice 29R-CC 266.16 266.31 265.39 265.54 accomodates splice 30R-CC 278.35 278.59 277.58 277.82 accomodates splice 31R-7 to 31R-CC 286.74 287.74 285.97 286.97 accomodates splice 32R-3 to 32R-CC 391.2 292.13 290.43 291.61 accomodates splice 33R-7 to 33R-CC 306.26 307.04 305.49 306.27 accomodates splice 34R-CC 317.1 317.32 316.02 316.24 accomodates splice 35R-6 to 35R-CC 324.6 327.03 323.52 325.95 accomodates splice 36R-6 to 36R-CC 334.2 336.12 334.92 336.84 accomodates splice 37R-CC 346.14 346.41 346.39 346.66 accomodates splice 38R-CC 354.45 354.53 355.19 355.27 accomodates splice 39R-7 to 39R-CC 364.6 365.63 365.34 366.37 accomodates splice 41R-6 to 41R-CC 382.4 383.27 385.06 385.93 accomodates splice 42R-CC to 43R-CC 390.5 396.62 393.62 399.74 K/T boundary interval 43R-1394.1 394.1 395.38 397.22 398.5 accomodates splice 43R-2 to 43R-CC 395.38 396.62 398.5 399.74 accomodates splice 44R-1 to 44R-2 403.7 406.7 406.82 409.82 accomodates splice 44R-3 406.7 407.5 409.82 410.62 accomodates splice 44R-CC to 45R-2 408.5 411.2 411.62 414.32 accomodates splice 46R-1 to 46R-5 414.3 421.07 417.37 424.14 accomodates splice 46R-CC 421.93 422.1 425 425.17 accomodates splice 48R-CC 442.08 442.29 445.67 445.88 accomodates splice 49R-6 to 49R-CC 450.11 451 452.98 453.87 accomodates splice 50R-7 to 50R-CC 461.2 462.16 464.18 465.14 accomodates splice 51R-6 to 51R-CC 469.46 471.57 473.11 475.22 accomodates splice 52R-4 to 52R-CC 476.08 477.76 479.49 481.17 accomodates splice 53R-1 to 53R-2 481.3 484.1 484.71 487.51 accomodates splice 54R-1 487.9 489.4 490.38 491.88 accomodates splice 54R-2 to 54R-3 489.4 491.3 491.88 493.78 accomodates splice B 1R-CC to 2R-CC 48.68 56.44 48.68 55.77 accomodates splice 3R-1 to 3R-CC 59.4 65.9 57.9 64.73 accomodates splice 4R-4 to 5R-1 68.9 75.3 67.73 74.77 accomodates splice 5R-4 to 6R-4 77.8 84.8 77.27 83.62 accomodates splice 6R-7 to 7R-CC 87.3 95.23 86.12 94.26 accomodates splice 8R-1 to 8R-4 98 104 96.02 102.2 accomodates splice 8R-7 to 9R-3 106.5 112.1 104.52 110.44 accomodates splice 9R-7 to 10R-4 116.6 118.68 114.94 116.52 accomodates splice 10R-CC to 11R-2 126.11 129.9 123.95 127.34 accomodates splice 11R-CC 135.36 135.61 132.8 133.05 accomodates splice 12R-CC 243.3 243.54 236.97 237.21 accomodates splice 13R-4 to 13R-CC 246.48 251.55 241.42 246.49 accomodates splice 14R-3 to 14R-CC 254.55 256.44 249.94 254.83 accomodates splice 15R-CC to 16R-CC 264.94 269.89 260.32 265.27 accomodates splice 17R-1 to 17R-CC 270.9 280.86 267.03 276.99 accomodates splice 18R-1 to 18R-3 280.5 285 279.31 283.81 accomodates splice 18R-CC 288.96 289.13 287.77 287.94 accomodates splice 19R-CC to 20R-4 299.8 305.78 298.12 304.1 accomodates splice 21R-1 to 21R-6 309.4 318.42 307.37 316.39 accomodates splice 21R-7 to 22R-2 318.44 322.1 316.41 322.65 accomodates splice 2R-CC to 23R-3 328.33 333 328.88 333.5 accomodates splice 23R-7 to 24R-CC 337.5 344.11 338 344.61 accomodates splice 25R-3 to 25R-CC 351 357.85 347.86 354.71 accomodates splice 26R-1 to 26R-3 357.7 365.38 359.26 366.12 accomodates splice 26R-CC to 29R-1 367.16 383 368.72 384.94 accomodates splice 29R-CC to 31R-1 386.47 392.6 388.41 394.81 accomodates splice 30R-1 to 31R-CC 386.5 393.45 388.71 395.66 K/T boundary interval 31R-2 to 31R-CC 392.6 393.45 394.81 395.66 accomodates splice 32R-1 396.1 397.54 398.31 399.75 accomodates splice 32R-2 to 33R-CC 397.54 404.53 399.75 406.74 accomodates splice 34R-1 405.7 407.2 408.4 409.9 accomodates splice 35R-3 408.7 410.2 411.4 412.9 accomodates splice 34R-5 to 34R-CC 411.7 413.67 414.4 416.37 accomodates splice 35R-3 418.3 419.75 422.84 424.29 accomodates splice 35R-CC to 36R-1 423.58 426.4 446.12 429.75 accomodates splice 36R-4 to 37R-5 429.4 442 432.75 444.42 accomodates splice 37R-CC to 38R-2 444.1 447.1 446.52 451.17 accomodates splice 38R-CC to 39R-4 452.29 459.7 456.36 460.98 accomodates splice 39R-CC to 40R-3 463.41 467.6 466.19 472.18 accomodates splice 40R-CC to 41R-1 470.75 474.2 475.33 478.36 accomodates splice 41R-CC 479.3 479.47 483.46 483.63 accomodates splice 42R-2 to 42R-CC 483.58 485.91 486.26 488.59 accomodates splice 43R-1 487.9 489.4 490.58 492.08 accomodates splice 43R-3 to 46R-CC 490.65 507.37 493.33 510.05 accomodates splice 1261 A 1R-1 to 40R-2 0 557.1 0 557.1 single hole for interval 41R-1 563.8 565.3 564.71 566.21 accomodates splice 41R-7 to 41R-CC 572.8 573.7 573.71 574.61 accomodates splice 42R-7 to 42R-CC 582.25 583.09 583.91 584.75 accomodates splice 43R-CC 589.98 590.15 591.26 591.43 accomodates splice 44R-5 to 44R-6 598.34 600.54 599.75 601.25 accomodates splice 45R-5 to 45R-CC 607.5 608.26 607.47 608.03 accomodates splice 46R-CC 619.06 619.21 616.96 617.11 accomodates splice 48R-CC 639.82 639.97 636.88 637.03 accomodates splice 49R-CC 649.59 649.78 646.26 646.45 accomodates splice 50R-CC 654.68 654.89 650.89 651.1 accomodates splice 51R-1 to 51R-2 659.8 662.26 656.01 658.47 accomodates splice B 2R-1 to 5R-2 530 560.68 534.6 561.31 accomodates splice 5R-7 to 6R-2 566.71 571.4 567.34 572.66 accomodates splice 6R-6 to 7R-3 575.9 582.48 577.16 580.08 accomodates splice 7R-6 to 8R-CC 585 591.42 585.6 591.23 accomodates splice 9R-1 597.2 598.7 597.8 599.3 accomodates splice 9R-5 to 10R-1 603.15 608.3 603.75 606.12 accomodates splice 10R-CC 611.24 611.39 619.06 609.21 accomodates splice 11R-CC 619.47 619.66 612.48 612.67 accomodates splice 12R-1 626 627.45 624.62 626.07 accomodates splice 12R-4 to 13R-1 630.45 637.1 629.07 635.86 accomodates splice 13R-4 to 13R-7 640.06 645.18 638.82 643.32 accomodates splice 14R-3 to 14R-CC 648.2 650.47 647.45 649.72 accomodates splice 15R-1 654.8 656.12 654.05 655.37 accomodates splice 16R-1 664.5 665.98 663.75 665.23 accomodates splice Leg 208 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1262 A 1H-7 to 2H-2 9 12.5 15.04 18.81 accomodates splice 2H-7 to 3H-2 18.47 22 24.78 29.31 accomodates splice 4H-CC to 5H-1 38.16 39.5 45.67 48.46 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 6H-1 47 49 55.96 59.75 accomodates splice 6H-5 to 7H-1 53.5 58.5 64.25 69.89 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 7H-CC 66 66.78 77.39 78.17 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 9H-1 72.56 77.5 86.6 92.71 accomodates splice 9H-6 83.5 84.51 98.71 99.72 accomodates splice 10H-5 to 10H-CC 91.5 95.34 107.61 111.45 accomodates splice 11H-6 to 11H-CC 102.5 104.29 118.55 120.34 accomodates splice 13H-1 114 115.5 132.1 133.61 accomodates splice 13H6 121.5 123 139.61 141.11 PETM at 51cm 14H-1 123.5 125 142.72 144.22 accomodates splice 15H-CC 141.5 141.84 161.66 162 accomodates splice 16H-6 to 16H-CC 150 152.58 170.96 173.54 accomodates splice 17H-CC 161.78 162.02 182.17 182.41 accomodates splice B 1H-1 to 1H-CC 0 6.91 0 6.91 accomodates splice 2H-1 6.9 8.4 3.57 5.07 accomodates splice 2H-4 to 2H-CC 11.4 15.88 8.07 12.55 accomodates splice 3H-5 to 3H-CC 17.9 20.03 20.31 22.44 accomodates splice 5H-4 to 6H-1 35.4 41.9 37.91 43.78 accomodates splice 6H-6 to 7H-2 47.9 50.73 49.78 55.06 accomodates splice 7H-8 to 7H-CC 56.67 57.52 61 61.85 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 9H-1 65.4 68.9 70.29 75.77 accomodates splice 9H-6 to 9H-CC 74.9 77.5 81.77 92.71 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 11H-1 85.9 87.9 93.32 97.48 accomodates splice 11H-7 to 11H-CC 94.8 95.44 104.38 105.02 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 14H-7 122.4 124.34 134.29 136.23 accomodates splice 15H-7 to 16H-2 132.8 136.9 145.12 149.76 accomodates splice 19H-6 to 20H-1 169.9 173.4 185.99 190.73 accomodates splice 20H-6 to 20H-CC 179.4 181.51 196.73 198.84 accomodates splice 21H-3 to 21H-CC 184.4 190.65 204.34 210.59 accomodates splice 22H-5 to 22H-CC 195.66 200.84 216.65 221.83 accomodates splice 23H-4 to 23H-CC 204.9 209.7 228.08 232.88 accomodates splice C 1H-1 90 91.5 97.78 99.28 accomodates splice 1H-2 to 1H-CC 91.5 95.16 99.28 102.94 accomodates splice 2H-3 to 2H-CC 102.5 108.53 112.29 118.32 accomodates splice 3H-2 to 4H-CC 110.5 126.95 120.47 132.46 accomodates splice 5H-2 to 5H-6 124 131 136.23 143.23 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 6H-1 131 133.5 143.23 145.99 accomodates splice 6H-4 to 7H-7 136.5 151.07 148.99 161.66 accomodates splice 8H-1 to 8H-CC 149 157.92 162 170.92 accomodates splice 9H-2 to 9H-CC 160 168.4 173.82 182.22 accomodates splice 10H-1 168 169.5 182.92 184.42 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 11H-1 176.7 179 191.62 195.52 accomodates splice 11H-CC 185.43 185.74 201.95 202.26 accomodates splice 12H-CC 193.25 193.3 212.03 212.08 accomodates splice 13H2 195 196.5 216.04 217.54 K/T boundary 13H-CC 203.14 203.44 224.18 224.48 accomodates splice 14H-CC 212.68 213.01 236.1 236.43 accomodates splice 1263 A 1H-CC 2.06 2.34 2.06 2.34 accomodates splice 2H-CC 11.66 11.76 12.07 12.17 accomodates splice 3H-CC 21.17 21.27 23.29 23.39 accomodates splice 4H-CC 30.71 30.9 34.54 34.73 accomodates splice 5H-CC 30.8 30.8 34.65 34.65 accomodates splice 6H-CC to 7H-1 49 51.3 56.25 60.41 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 8H-2 58.8 62.3 67.91 73.01 accomodates splice 8H-CC to 9H-1 68.3 70.3 79.01 82.07 accomodates splice 9H-7 to 10H-2 77.3 81.3 89.07 93.09 accomodates splice 10H-CC to 11H-2 87.98 90.8 99.77 103.97 accomodates splice 11H-4 to 12H-1 92.3 98.8 105.47 112.53 accomodates splice 12H-3 to 12H-CC 100.3 104.12 114.03 117.85 accomodates splice 13H-CC 106.8 106.8 124.33 124.33 accomodates splice 14H-1 116.3 117.8 134.05 135.55 accomodates splice 3H-6 to 3H-CC 116.5 118.59 134.76 136.85 accomodates splice 14H-CC to 15H-2 123.89 128.8 141.64 149.32 accomodates splice 15H-CC to 16H-1 135.14 136.8 155.65 158.69 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 16H-CC 144 144.93 165.89 166.82 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 17H-CC 153.3 154.1 176.32 177.12 accomodates splice 18H-6 to 19H-2 161.8 166.8 185.74 192.27 accomodates splice 19H-7 to 20H-1 172.8 174.8 198.27 202.57 accomodates splice 20H-6 to 20H-CC 180.8 182 208.57 209.77 accomodates splice 21H-7 to 21H-CC 191.8 192.5 222.14 222.84 accomodates splice 22H-CC 201.42 201.52 233.76 233.86 accomodates splice 23H-5 to 24H-3 207.29 212.6 239.84 247.25 accomodates splice 28H-6 to 28H-CC 249.1 251.37 291.62 293.89 accomodates splice 30H-CC to 31H-CC 270.49 271.65 316.2 318.05 accomodates splice 32H-1 to 32H-4 271.6 277.6 319.98 325.98 accomodates splice 33H-1 to 35X-CC 281.1 296.66 332.1 349.02 accomodates splice 36X-1 to 37X-CC 300 312.2 354.1 367.58 accomodates splice 38X-1 to 38X-5 316.7 323.5 373.81 380.61 accomodates splice 39X-1 to 39X-CC 326.4 332.15 385.25 391 accomodates splice 40X-1 to 40X-CC 336 340.12 396.58 400.7 accomodates splice B 1H-1 46 47.5 53.31 54.81 accomodates splice 1H-7 to 2H-1 55 57 62.31 66.41 accomodates splice 2H-CC to 3H-1 64.28 66.5 73.69 77.54 accomodates splice 3H-6 to 4H-1 72.5 76 83.54 88.09 accomodates splice 4H-6 to 4H-CC 82 84.09 94.09 96.18 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 7H-1 102.5 104.5 118.14 121.48 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 7H-CC 112 112.74 128.98 129.72 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 8H-CC 120 122.3 138.34 140.64 accomodates splice 9H-7 to 10H-1 131 133 150.95 153.78 accomodates splice 10H-6 to 11H-1 139 142.5 159.78 164.28 accomodates splice 11H-5 to 12H-1 147 152 168.78 174.68 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 12H-CC 158.2 160.51 180.88 183.19 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 14H-1 169 171 193.57 197.12 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 15H-2 177 180 203.12 207.35 accomodates splice 15H-CC to 16H-3 186.68 191 214.03 220.69 accomodates splice 18H-2 to 18H-CC 198.7 201.03 229.81 232.14 accomodates splice 19H-CC 204.84 204.89 237.44 237.49 accomodates splice 21H-6 to 22H-4 221.9 229.9 257.82 268.23 accomodates splice 22H-CC to 23H-CC 233.6 243.37 271.93 283.84 accomodates splice 24H-1 242.9 244.4 285.19 286.69 accomodates splice 24H-7 to 26X-CC 251.9 271.55 294.19 315.67 accomodates splice 29X-5 to 29X-CC 296.3 300.22 348.86 352.78 accomodates splice 31X-3 to 31X-CC 312.6 315.08 368.63 371.1 accomodates splice 32X-4 to 32X-CC 323.7 325.66 381.46 383.42 accomodates splice 33X-3 to 33X-CC 331.9 337.06 391.41 396.57 accomodates splice C 1H-1 to 1H-2 90 93 103.11 106.11 accomodates splice 1H-7 to 1H-CC 99 99.86 112.11 112.97 accomodates splice 2H-7 to 2H-CC 108 108.86 122.98 123.84 accomodates splice 3H-1 109 110.5 127.26 128.76 accomodates splice 3H-5 115 116.5 133.26 134.76 accomodates splice 4h-1 to 4H-3 193 197.5 225.32 229.82 accomodates splice 4H-6 200.5 201.5 232.82 233.82 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 5H-2 201.5 205.37 233.82 238.37 accomodates splice 5H-3 to 5H-CC 205.37 206.67 238.37 239.67 accomodates splice 6H-1 to 7H-1 212 222.95 245.83 257.22 accomodates splice 8H-4 to 8H-CC 229.9 235.05 266.84 271.99 accomodates splice 9H-CC 244.74 244.86 284.53 284.65 accomodates splice 10H-1 to 10H-4 244.4 250.4 286.28 292.28 accomodates splice 13H-4 to 13H-CC 277.4 282.98 324.61 330.19 accomodates splice D 1H-1 272 273.5 318.48 319.98 accomodates splice 2H-CC 282.51 282.65 330.89 331.03 accomodates splice 1264 A 1H-CC to 2H-2 9.07 12.3 12.03 16.63 accomodates splice 2H-6 to 3H-1 16.8 20.3 21.13 26.19 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 3H-CC 27.5 28.34 33.39 34.23 accomodates splice 4H-5 to 5H-1 34.3 39.3 41.36 47.65 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 6H-1 46.8 48.8 55.15 59.21 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 7H-1 54.98 58.3 65.39 69.74 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 8H-1 64.3 67.8 75.74 80.92 accomodates splice 8H-6 to 9H-1 73.8 77.3 86.92 91.67 accomodates splice 9H-6 to 9H-CC 83.3 84.85 97.67 99.22 accomodates splice 10H-5 to 11H-1 91.3 96.3 107.61 112.91 accomodates splice 11H-7 to 13H-1 110.33 104.8 120.41 121.41 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 13H-1 113.3 115.3 130.55 134.14 accomodates splice 13H-6 to 14H-2 121.3 126.3 140.14 145.19 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 17H-1 151.3 153.3 171.4 174.69 accomodates splice 17H-6 to 18H-2 159.3 164.3 180.69 186.22 accomodates splice 18H-CC to 19H-2 170.93 173.8 192.85 197.71 accomodates splice 19H-6 to 19H-CC 178.3 179.81 202.21 203.72 accomodates splice 20H-7 to 20H-CC 189.3 190.22 214.19 215.11 accomodates splice 21H-6 to 22H-1 197.3 200.8 223.25 227.77 accomodates splice 22H-6 to 23H-1 206.8 210.3 233.77 238.14 accomodates splice 23H-7 to 24H-1 217.5 219.8 245.34 249.2 accomodates splice 24H-5 to 24H-CC 224.3 228.3 253.7 257.7 accomodates splice 26H-6 to 27H-CC 244.8 249.66 276.45 282.16 accomodates splice 28H-1 to 256.3 257.8 290.02 290.02 291.52 accomodates splice 29H-1 261.7 263.2 296.31 297.81 accomodates splice 30H-1 to 30H-2 271.2 274.2 306.81 309.81 accomodates splice B 1H-4 to 2H-2 4.5 10.3 4.5 11.41 accomodates splice 2H-7 to 2H-CC 16.3 17.18 17.41 18.29 accomodates splice 3H-6 to 4H-2 25.78 29.3 28.59 32.75 accomodates splice 4H-6 to 4H-CC 33.8 36.11 37.25 39.56 accomodates splice 5H-CC to 6H-1 45.44 46.8 49.46 52.53 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 7H-2 54.3 57.8 60.03 64.29 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 8H-1 63.8 65.8 70.29 73.81 accomodates splice 8H-CC to 9H-2 73.72 76.8 81.73 85.86 accomodates splice 9H-CC to 10H-2 83.3 86.3 93.6 96.6 accomodates splice 10H-CC to 11H-2 93.06 95.11 103.36 106.52 accomodates splice 11H-CC to 12H-3 102.7 105.83 114.11 119.55 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 13H-1 110.33 113.3 124.05 128.07 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 14H-1 120.3 122.8 135.07 139.03 accomodates splice 14H-7 to 15H-1 130.3 132.3 146.53 149.44 accomodates splice 17H-6 to 17H-CC 157.3 159.47 175.89 178.06 accomodates splice 18H-7 to 19H-2 168 171.8 187.63 192.59 accomodates splice 19H-7 to 20H-1 177.5 179.8 198.29 201.21 accomodates splice 20H-6 to 21H-2 185.8 190.8 208.21 212.82 accomodates splice 21H-6 to 22H-1 195.3 198.8 217.32 221.57 accomodates splice 22H-7 to 23H-1 206.3 208.3 229.07 232.07 accomodates splice 23H-7 to 24H-2 215.8 219.3 239.57 243.77 accomodates splice 24H-7 to 24H-CC 225.3 228.05 253.7 257.45 accomodates splice 25H-6 to 27H-1 233.3 246.3 259.78 275.63 accomodates splice 27H-CC 254.58 254.7 283.91 284.03 accomodates splice 28H-6 to 28H-CC 261.8 263.55 292.72 294.47 accomodates splice 29H-3 to 29H-CC 266.8 273.52 298.35 305.07 accomodates splice 30H-4 to 30H-CC 277.8 283.19 310.77 316.16 accomodates splice C 1H-1 to 1H-CC 0 3 0.1 3.1 accomodates splice 1265 A 1H-7 to 1H-CC 9 9.56 10.62 11.18 accomodates splice 2H-CC to 3H-2 18.45 22 21.18 25.3 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 4H-1 28 30 31.3 34.9 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 5H-1 36.85 39.5 41.75 46.2 accomodates splice 5H-7 to 6H-2 47 50.5 53.7 58.35 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 7H-2 56 60 63.85 68.18 accomodates splice 7H-CC 66.83 67.05 75.01 75.23 accomodates splice 8H-CC to 9H-1 75.92 77.5 85.54 88.62 accomodates splice 9H-7 to 9H-CC 84.5 85.34 95.62 96.46 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 10H-CC 94.5 95.3 106.57 107.37 accomodates splice 11H-7 to 12H-1 104 106 117.77 120.96 accomodates splice 12H-6 to 12H-CC 112 115.5 126.96 131.4 accomodates splice 13H-6 to 14H-1 121.5 125 137.4 142.8 accomodates splice 14H-CC 132.48 132.63 150.28 150.43 accomodates splice 15H-5 to 15H-CC 139 142.64 158.75 162.39 accomodates splice 16H-5 to 17H-2 148.5 155 168.93 176.23 accomodates splice 17H-6 to 18H-2 159.5 164.5 180.73 186.5 accomodates splice 18H-6 to 19H-1 168.26 172.5 190.26 195.81 accomodates splice 19H-CC 180.65 180.82 203.96 204.13 accomodates splice 21H-5 to 21H-CC 196 199.83 221.65 225.48 accomodates splice 22H-6 to 22H-CC 207 209.39 232.58 234.97 accomodates splice 23H-6 to 23H-CC 216.5 220 246.98 252.96 accomodates splice 24H-6 to 25H-2 226 231 258.96 265.19 accomodates splice 25H-6 to 26H-1 235.5 239 269.69 275.35 accomodates splice 26H-7 to 27H-1 246.5 248.5 282.85 286.53 accomodates splice 29H7 274.38 275.88 315.16 316.66 PETM at 70cm 34X-CC 295.83 296.26 340.26 340.69 accomodates splice B 1H-1 to 2H-2 0 7.7 0 9.15 accomodates splice 2H-6 to 3H-2 12.2 17.2 13.65 20.08 accomodates splice 3H-7 to 4H-1 23.2 25.2 26.08 29.47 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 4H-CC 32.2 33.03 36.47 37.3 accomodates splice 5H-6 to 6H-2 40.7 45.7 47.4 53.27 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 7H-1 51.4 53.7 58.97 62.6 accomodates splice 7H-6 to 8H-1 59.7 63.2 68.6 73.4 accomodates splice 8H-5 to 9H-1 67.7 72.7 77.9 83.97 accomodates splice 9H-6 to 9H-CC 78.7 79.51 89.97 90.78 accomodates splice 10H-5 to 11H-1 86.7 91.7 99.57 105.12 accomodates splice 11H-5 to 12H-2 96.2 102.7 109.62 117.15 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 12H-CC 108.67 109.68 123.12 124.13 accomodates splice 13H-6 to 13H-CC 116.7 117.35 132.76 133.41 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 15H-1 126.2 129.7 143.37 148.37 accomodates splice 15H-6 to 15H-CC 135.64 137.97 154.31 156.64 accomodates splice 16H-5 to 16H-CC 143.7 147.44 163.81 167.55 accomodates splice 17H-CC 156.12 156.25 177.24 177.37 accomodates splice 18H-7 to 18H-CC 165.7 166.41 188.23 188.94 accomodates splice 19H-7 to 20H-2 175.2 178.7 197.68 203.29 accomodates splice 20H-5 to 20H-6 181.7 184 206.29 208.59 accomodates splice 21H-7 to 21H-CC 193.7 194.6 219.02 219.92 accomodates splice 22H-1 to 22H-4 194.7 199.64 227.68 232.62 accomodates splice 23H-6 to 23H-CC 211.7 213.56 241.45 243.31 accomodates splice 24H-CC 222.2 222.3 253.64 253.74 accomodates splice 25H-CC to 26H-1 232.47 234.2 265.92 268.89 accomodates splice 26H-7 to 27H-1 241.7 243.7 276.39 280.66 accomodates splice 27H-7 to 27H-CC 251.2 251.87 288.16 288.83 accomodates splice C 1H-1 to 1H-CC 185 194.89 208.36 218.25 accomodates splice D 1X-1 to 1X-2 248 250.5 287.4 288.73 accomodates splice 1X-CC to 5H-CC 251.31 274.9 289.21 315.88 accomodates splice 1266 A 1H-1 0 1.5 3.14 4.64 accomodates splice 5H-CC 47.82 47.95 56.66 56.79 accomodates splice 6H-CC 57.21 57.38 67.48 67.65 accomodates splice 7H-7 to 7H-CC 66.67 66.94 77.69 78.63 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 8H-CC 75.5 76.23 88.61 89.34 accomodates splice 10H-1 to 10H-3 84.6 89.1 100.43 104.93 accomodates splice 13H-CC to 14H-4 122.99 128.6 143.09 150.13 accomodates splice 14H-CC to 15H-2 132.3 135.1 153.83 158.05 accomodates splice 15H-CC to 16H-4 141.75 147.6 164.7 171.98 accomodates splice 16H-CC to 17H-4 151.47 156.95 175.85 182.76 accomodates splice 18H-1 to 18H-5 160.6 168.1 187.83 195.33 accomodates splice 20H-1 to 20H-4 179.6 185.6 209.68 215.68 accomodates splice 20H-CC 189.09 189.23 219.17 219.31 accomodates splice 26X-CC 218.31 218.71 254.02 254.42 accomodates splice 27X-1 to 27X-2 221.6 224.6 257.98 260.98 accomodates splice 27X-CC to 28X-1 230.8 232.6 267.18 270.41 accomodates splice 28X-CC to 29X-CC 237.21 250.11 275.02 289.35 accomodates splice 30X-1 to 30X-CC 250.3 259.98 290.99 300.67 accomodates splice 31X-1 to 31X-CC 260 265.29 303.13 308.42 accomodates splice 34X-1 to 34X-CC 288.9 295.21 337.68 343.99 accomodates splice B 1H-1 to 1H-3 0 4.5 0 4.5 accomodates splice 1H-5 to 1H-CC 6 7.65 6 7.65 accomodates splice 2X-7 to 3X-1 229 231 262 265.42 accomodates splice 3X-6 to 3X-CC 237 239.27 271.42 273.69 accomodates splice 7X-2 269 270.5 309.12 310.62 accomodates splice 8X-CC 281.2 281.51 325.06 325.37 accomodates splice C 1H-1 to 1H-4 62 68 70.17 76.17 accomodates splice 2H-1 to 2H-5 71.5 79 80.65 88.15 accomodates splice 3H-1 to 3H-CC 81 88.45 90.95 98.4 accomodates splice 4H-5 to 7H-CC 94.4 125.04 105.52 142.3 accomodates splice 8H-7 to 8H-CC 134 135.03 151.19 152.22 accomodates splice 9H-5 to 9H-CC 141 144.07 159.48 162.55 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 10H-CC 153.5 154.54 173.36 174.4 accomodates splice 11H-CC 163.79 163.89 185.15 185.25 accomodates splice 12H-CC to 13H-CC 172.93 182.54 196.66 208.01 accomodates splice 14H-6 to 14H-CC 190 192.32 216.75 219.07 accomodates splice 15X-CC 254.42 254.65 289.55 289.78 accomodates splice 16H-CC 264.23 264.58 300.94 301.29 accomodates splice 17H3 265.99 267.49 305.65 307.15 PETM at 113cm 17H-8 to 18H-CC 272.99 282.78 312.65 324.21 accomodates splice 19X-1 to 19X-CC 282.7 291.77 325.73 334.8 accomodates splice 20X-1 to 20X-CC 315 320.98 361.28 367.26 accomodates splice 1267 A 1H-6 to 1H-CC 7.5 8.9 7.5 8.9 accomodates splice 2H-7 to 2H-CC 17.4 18.41 18.1 19.11 accomodates splice 3H-6 to 4H-1 25.9 29.3 29.3 34.9 accomodates splice 4H-6 to 5H-2 35.3 40.4 40.9 45.3 accomodates splice 6H-1 to 6H-3 46.9 51.4 51.3 55.8 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 6H-CC 55.9 56.73 60.3 61.13 accomodates splice 7H-4 to 8H-1 60.9 67.4 68.3 75.3 accomodates splice 8H-CC to 9H-2 75.52 78.4 83.42 87.5 accomodates splice 9H-CC to 10H-1 82.69 86.4 91.79 95.5 accomodates splice 10H-7 to 11H-2 93.4 97.4 102.5 106.2 accomodates splice 11H-6 to 11H-CC 101.9 105.4 110.7 115.5 accomodates splice 12H-7 to 13H-1 112.4 114.9 122.5 126.5 accomodates splice 13H-7 to 14H-1 121.9 124.4 133.5 137.6 accomodates splice 14H-7 to 15H-1 131.9 133.9 145.1 147.6 accomodates splice 15H-6 to 16H-1 139.9 143.4 153.6 159.8 accomodates splice 16H-6 to 17H-2 149.4 154.4 165.8 171.2 accomodates splice 17H-7 to 18H-1 159.9 162.4 176.7 180.6 accomodates splice 18H-5 to 19H-1 166.9 171.9 185.1 191.4 accomodates splice 19H-CC to 20H-2 179.48 182.9 198.98 204 accomodates splice 20H-CC to 21H-3 188.33 193.2 209.43 215.3 accomodates splice 21H-7 to 22H-2 197.7 201.27 219.8 225.27 accomodates splice 22H-6 to 23H-2 205.77 211.4 229.77 236.3 accomodates splice 23H-7 to 24H-1 217.4 219.4 242.3 247 accomodates splice 24H-6 to 25H-1 224.98 228.1 252.58 258.8 accomodates splice 25H-CC 236.23 236.49 266.93 267.19 accomodates splice 26X-5 to 26X-CC 242.1 245.8 273.8 277.5 accomodates splice 27X-6 to 27X-CC 252.4 253.3 285.6 286.5 accomodates splice 28X-5 to 28X-CC 260.5 262.02 293.3 294.82 accomodates splice 29X-6 to 29X-CC 271.6 273.27 303.9 305.57 accomodates splice 30X-5 to 31X-2 279.7 285.3 312.7 319.7 accomodates splice 32X-1 to 33X-1 292.9 305.48 328.9 342.48 accomodates splice 33X-CC 311.91 312.35 348.91 349.35 accomodates splice B 1H-1 to 2H-1 0 4.6 0 5.5 accomodates splice 2H-6 to 3H-1 10.6 14.1 11.5 16.8 accomodates splice 3H-CC 19.5 19.72 22.2 22.42 accomodates splice 4H-7 to 5H-2 31.1 34.6 36.3 39.7 accomodates splice 5H-CC to 6H-3 40.7 45.6 45.8 51.5 accomodates splice 6H-7 to 7H-1 50.1 52.1 56 58.4 accomodates splice 7H-CC 59.51 59.82 65.81 66.12 accomodates splice 8H-CC to 9H-1 69.85 71.1 76.55 82.5 accomodates splice 9H-6 to 9H-CC 77.1 79.4 88.5 90.8 accomodates splice 10H-1 to 11H-1 86.6 90.1 96.1 100.7 accomodates splice 11H-6 to 11H-CC 96.1 97.97 106.7 108.57 accomodates splice 12H-CC to 13H-1 107.5 109.1 117.65 121.1 accomodates splice 13H-6 to 14H-1 115.05 118.56 127.05 132.06 accomodates splice 14H-CC to 15H-2 125.89 129.6 139.39 144 accomodates splice 15H-CC to 16H-1 135.4 143.4 149.8 159.8 accomodates splice 16H-7 to 17H-1 144.6 147.1 160 164.2 accomodates splice 17H-CC to 18H-2 155.26 158.1 172.36 175.9 accomodates splice 18H-CC to 19H-1 164.69 166.1 182.49 184.8 accomodates splice 19H-CC to 20H-2 174.32 177.1 193.02 198.1 accomodates splice 20H-7 to 21H-1 183.1 185.1 204.1 207.9 accomodates splice 21H-CC to 22H-1 193.36 194.6 216.6 218.9 accomodates splice 22H-7 to 22H-CC 202.1 203.06 226.4 227.36 accomodates splice 23H3 204.7 206.2 230.53 232.03 PETM at 112cm 23H-7 to 24H-1 210.7 213.6 236.5 241.4 accomodates splice 24H-7 to 24H-CC 221.1 222.15 248.9 249.95 accomodates splice 25H-7 to 26X-3 230.6 235.6 260.6 266.3 accomodates splice 26X-CC to 27X-2 236.39 237.4 267.09 272.8 accomodates splice 28X-1 to 28X-3 244 248.5 279.3 283.8 accomodates splice 28X-CC to 29X-2 252.58 256.6 287.88 291.2 accomodates splice 29X-CC to 30X-4 262.03 269.3 296.63 303 accomodates splice 31X-1 to 31X-2 272.9 275.9 308.2 311.2 accomodates splice 32X-5 to 32X-CC 286.6 290.73 321.2 325.33 accomodates splice 34X-6 to 34X-CC 307.7 310 344.5 346.8 accomodates splice Leg 209 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1268 A 1R to 29R 0.0 147.60 "single hole, igneous rock" 1269 A 1R 0.0 15.3 igneous rock B 1R 0.0 11.1 igneous rock 1270 C 1R to 2R 0.0 18.3 igneous rock A 1R to 4R 0.0 26.9 igneous rock B 1R to 10M 0.0 45.9 igneous rock C 1R to 3M 0.0 18.6 igneous rock 1271 D 1R to 1R 0.0 57.3 igneous rock A 1R to 6R 0.0 44.8 igneous rock 1272 B 1R to 20R 0.0 103.8 igneous rock 1273 A 1R to 27R 0.0 131.0 "single hole, igneous rock" A 1R 0.0 13.6 igneous rock B 1R to 3R 0.0 26.2 igneous rock 1274 C 1R to 2R 0.0 27.70 "igneous rock, Core 3R no recovery" 1275 A 1R to 28R 0.0 155.8 "single hole, igneous rock" A 1R 0.0 5.0 igneous rock B 1R to 22R 0.0 108.7 igneous rock C 1A to 3A 0.0 20.8 igneous rock D 1R to 43R 0.0 209.0 igneous rock Leg 210 Site Hole Core/Section Depth (mbsf)Top Depth (mbsf) Bottom Depth (mcd)Top Depth (mcd) Bottom Comments 1276 A 2R to 104R 754.49 1732.12 single hole 1277 A 2R to 9R 103.9 180.85 single hole