All primary and alternate sites not drilled during Expedition 303 are shown in Tables T1 and T2, respectively. The coring strategy will remain the same as that for Expedition 303, consisting of APC utilizing the "drillover" technique to maximize penetration in three or more holes at each site to ensure complete and undisturbed recovery of the stratigraphic section (see the Expedition 303/306 Scientific Prospectus). The revised drilling schedule for Expedition 306 will be in the following order upon departure from Ponta Delgada, Azores Islands, Portugal: IRD Belt Sites IRD-3A and IRD-4A, Eirik Drift Sites LAB-8V and LAB-8X, and CORK Site 642 (Fig. F2). If proposed Sites LAB-8F and LAB-8G are approved, the preferred order among LAB-8 sites would be LAB8F, LAB8X, and LAB8G (Fig. F1). Drilling of the third site in the LAB area will depend on drilling progress, weather, available time, and other factors that may arise during the cruise.