Site: PORC-03A
51°22.848'N, 11°43.108'W
Water depth (m):
Target drilling depth (mbsf):
Approved maximum penetration (mbsf):
Survey coverage:
P980521 (SP 1850) (Fig. F12)
P000658 (SP 0750) (Figs. F13, F17, F18)
P000617 (SP 1520)
P980525 (SP 0360)
P010516 (SP 0172) (Fig. F5)
Track map (Fig. F9)
Porcupine-Belgica 1998, 2000, and 2001 high-resolution seismic grid
TTR7-AT-ORAT8 3.5 kHz and side-scan sonar
TOBI 30 kHz mosaic side-scan sonar (Figs. F15, F16)
Polarstern ANT-XVII/4 swath bathymetry (Fig. F15)
ROV-Videotransect (Fig. F16)
Core MD01-2451G (September 2001)
Carbonate mound sitting on a gently inclined flank overlying an erosional surface. This site may provide insight into deeper biosphere, the mound formation, and microbial mediated early diagenetic cementation.
Drilling program:
Triple-APC or XCB to refusal
Logging program:
Triple combo, FMS-sonic, zero-offset VSP (pending approval)
Nature of rock anticipated:
Carbonate mud mound, lithified micritic carbonate with skeletal grains up to 5 cm diameter forming a typical floatstone and wacke- to packstone fabric