
From left to right: Ann Tréhu (Physical Properties Specialist, Oregon State University), Ulrich Wortmann (Inorganic Geochemist, University of Toronto), Verena Heuer (Pressure Core Sampler Scientist/Organic Geochemist, Universität Bremen), Jason Deardorff (Marine Lab Specialist, IODP-USIO), Peter Kannberg (Marine Lab Specialist, IODP-USIO), Tim Bronk (Assistant Lab Officer, IODP-USIO), Derek Buster (LDEO Logging Scientist, Schlumberger), and Greg Myers (LDEO Logging Scientist, IODP-USIO) on the DP deck as the JOIDES Resolution departs from Astoria. (IODP) [Photo ID: exp311_036]

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