
Marlon Jean (Igneous Petrologist, Northern Illinois University, USA), Trevor Falloon (Igneous Petrologist, University of Tasmania, Australia), Sarah Friedman (Paleomagnetist, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA), Takashi Hoshide (Igneous Petrologist, Tohoku University, Japan), Toshio Nozaka (Metamorphic Petrologist, Okayama University, Japan), Michael Cheadle (Structural Geologist, University of Wyoming, USA), Barbara John (Structural Geologist, University of Wyoming, USA), and Jean-Luc Berenguer (Education Officer, Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France) observe the delivery of the last core. (Credit: Bill Crawford, IODP/TAMU) [Photo ID: exp345_091]

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