TO: Tom Davies

FM: Jay Miller


JA Daily Science Report for Expedition 304, 1 January 2005.


LOCATION:  Site U1309 (prospectus site AMFW-01A)

Hole U1309G Latitude: 30° 10.538'N     Longitude: 42° 06.318'W Water depth: 1873 mbsl


SCIENCE UPDATE: Core U1309G-1X (0.0 to 3.5 mbsf) is dark tan, clayey silt with sand sized rock fragments and mineral grains. Two, 2-3 cm thick intervals of carbonate-free hyaloclastite bracket a 4 cm thick interval of light tan calcareous ooze with abundant sub-cm sized fragments of gray-green metabasalt. A thin (<0.5 cm) layer of calcareous ooze with sharp, subhorizontal contacts separates the lower hyaloclastite layer from a 3 cm thick layer of densely packed gray-green silty clay. Below the clay interval is a clayey silt matrix-supported conglomerate of rounded, mostly metabasalt fragments. This material was packed into the XCB shoe and appears to be drilling reworked sedimentary deposit.