TO: Tom Davies

FM: Jay Miller


JA Daily Science Report for Expedition 304, 2 January 2005.


LOCATION:  Site U1309 (prospectus site AMFW-01A)

Hole U1309D Latitude: 30° 10.1195'N     Longitude: 42° 07.1311'W Water depth: 1645 mbsl


SCIENCE UPDATE: Logging at Hole U1309D. To avoid the constricted section (~45-50 mbsf) in Hole U1309D, we replaced the XCB bit with a logging bit, which easily passed through. We ran the triple combo tool, and made two passes with the FMS/sonic tool between ~ 48 mbsf and the bottom of the hole (401 mbsf). The data quality are very good, hole deviation is minor, and the lower portion of the hole is gauge.