TO: Tom Davies

FM: Trevor Williams


JA Daily Science Report for Expedition 307, 6 May 2005


LOCATION: Site U1317 (PORC-3A)


SCIENCE UPDATE: Cores U1317D-16R to 18R (241.9-270.0 mbsf) are calcareous green-grey siltstones. Downhole logging tool strings run in Hole U1317D were the Triple Combo, WST (well seismic tool), and FMS-Sonic. All tool strings reached to within 20m of the base of the hole, and the pipe was set at 90 mbsf. The WST was run as the second tool string so that the air gun would be operated during the daylight hours. A marine mammal watch was in effect, and none were seen.


A science meeting was held to discuss the results and initial interpretation of Site U1316.