JA Daily Science Report for Expedition 308, 11 June 2005 


LOCATION: Site U1320


SCIENCE UPDATE: The main lithology in the last cores at Site U1320 was a brownish to greenish gray clay interpreted as a hemipelagic unit. An effort was made to identify Ash Layer Y8, a regional marker dated at 84 000 years BP. Based on projections for the depth of this marker at Site U1320, sedimentologists revisited key cores and finally identified the layer at 143.5 mbsf, in Section U1320A-17X-6. The layer is a discreet, very thin grayish horizon, but analysis of a smear slide confirmed its volcanic origin. The position of the layer and preliminary results from micropaleontology confirm that Site U1320 has a more expended sediment cover than the more proximal Site U1319. One of the unexpected discoveries was the amount of sand at Site U1320, which was greater than anticipated. Hole U1320B was dedicated to MWD/LWD, and these operations went well. The logs were good and should be analyzed shortly, and the major trends identified in wireline logging were also observed in MWD/LWD logs.