JA Daily Science Report for Expedition 308, 23 June 2005     


LOCATION: Site U1324 


SCIENCE UPDATE: The major lithology of Hole U1324B between Core U1324B-24H (200.4 mbsf) and Core U1324B-43H (352.7 mbsf) is a greenish gray clay interbedded with very fine silt layers. This interval is interpreted as a hemipelagic deposit mixed with distal turbidites. A 1.2 meters interval of sand in Core U1324B-37H (from 305.6 to 306.8 mbsf) was recovered, and preliminary interpretations suggest that these could be turbidic sands deposited in a channel levee. Large quantities of methane (up to 500'000 ppm) were detected in some cores, but ethane never exceeded trace amounts. This methane is thus considered to be biogenic in origin. The DVTP-P and T2P probes were deployed twice each that day. As of 2400 hr, coring operations had advanced to Core U1324B-55X (453 mbsf).