Daily Science Report for Expedition 308, 25 June 2005     


LOCATION: Site U1324 


SCIENCE UPDATE: From 473 to 583 mbsf (Cores U1324B-60X to U1324-70X), the lithology of Hole U1324B is dominated by clay and mud intercalated with silt layers. Starting with Core U1324B-71X, sand becomes more abundant. The sandier inerval last until the last core for this hole, Core U1324B-74X, at 608 mbsf. Overall, it appears that the sedimentary succession at Hole U1324B indicates a fining upward sequence from sand to silt-rich intervals, and ultimately to hemipelagic clays. At the bottom of Hole 1024B, a successful deployment of the DVTP-P was performed. After penetrating the sediment, a peak pressure of 21.26 MPA was recorded. After one hour of dissipation, the pore pressure decreased to a final pressure of 18.93MPA. This is equivalent to a lambda* value of 0.6: the pore pressure lies 60% of the way between the hydrostatic pressure and the overburden stress. Further analysis will be required to determine how close the final dissipation pressure is to the actual in-situ pressure.