JA  Daily Science Report for Expedition 308, 29 June 2005      


 LOCATION: Site U1322   


 SCIENCE UPDATE: Lithologies from Core U1322B-8H to Core U1322B-10H (61 to 91 mbsf) are characterized by clay with minor amounts of silt. From Core U1322B-11H (91 mbsf) to Core U1322B-14H (124 mbsf), clay is still the dominant lithology but many signs of faulting and folding suggest that the interval represent a slump or a series of slump deposits. The dominant lithology in Core U1322B-15H is again a clay, but no evidence of slumping is visible. The DVTP-P and T2P probes were deployed in Hole U1322B, but only one good result for pressure was obtained with the T2P. Based on the observation that the only good pressure readings at Site U1324 were obtained in the dedicated geotechnical hole, we decided to quit deploying the probes in Hole U1322B, and drill a Hole U1322C dedicated to geotechnical measurements. AS of 2400 hr, drilling operations were down to Core U1322-23H at 189 mbsf in Hole U1322B.