JA  Daily Science Report for Expedition 308, 30 June 2005      


LOCATION: Site U1322   


SCIENCE UPDATE: Lithologies from Core U1322B-16H (143.3 mbsf) to Core U1322B-29H (234 mbsf) are characterized by clay, with intercalations of mud and fine laminae and pockets of silt. Several intervals in these cores show deformed bedding, folding and faulting; the deformed intervals are interpreted as slumping events, whereas the more homogeneous and laminated mud and clay intervals are interpreted as a mixing between hemipelagic and turbidite deposits. After completion of Hole U1322B, operations began on Hole U1322C which is a hole dedicated to deployments of temperature and pressure tools. Several problems with the probes complicated their deployment, and it appears that some of the readings are not reliable. Therefore careful examination of the dataset will be required before any conclusions can be drawn. As of 2400 hr, drilling operations were down to 100 mbsf in Hole U1322C and the DVTP-P probe was being deployed.