Daily report for IODP Expedition 311, September 24, 2005


LOCATION: Site U1328 (CAS-6A)


SCIENCE UPDATE: LWD/MWD logging operations at Site U1327 were completed at 08:00 at a total depth of 300 mbsf. The most notable borehole log response in Hole U1327A was a 20-m thick zone (105-125 mbsf) of relatively high electrical resistivity, with measured log values exceeding 8 ohm-m over an average background resistivity of about 2 ohm-m. After completing Hole U1327A, the BHA was pulled back to a safe distance above the seafloor for a DP mode move to Site U1328. We arrived at the new site at 13:00 and spudded Hole U1328A at 15:55 at a depth of 1279 mbrf. Prior to spudding Hole U1328A, a bottom-camera survey was conducted to ensure that no chemosynthetic communities were present. Logging at this site showed very high electrical resistivity values in the top 30 mbsf with values exceeding 10 ohm-m, probably representing relatively highly concentrated gas-hydrate-bearing intervals.


A meeting was held to review and discuss IODP marine mammal policy in preparation of the upcoming VSP survey. Sampling classes were conducted as well as a demonstration of the core IR imaging system to the IODP marine laboratory specialists. A science meeting was held to review the logging results from the first three sites.