JA Daily Science Report for Expedition 312, 06 December 2005


LOCATION: Site 1256 Fishin' Hole


SCIENCE UPDATE: A second 9  inch concave mill bit and junk basket was deployed to pulverize any remaining metal at the bottom of the hole. After ~4 hours of milling the drill string was recovered and the fishing magnet will be once again deployed to try and remove any remaining junk from the bottom of Hole 1256D. The contents of the junk baskets continue to be sieved, dried, sorted, and magnetically separated. Considerable interest has been generated among the science party by the presence of leucocratic fragments with granophyric textures, glass fragments, olivine phyric basalt pieces, and mineral sands in the junk basket material. The junk basket material will be sorted and curated for shipboard and shorebased analysis.