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IODP Expedition 324

Shatsky Rise Formation

Daily Science Report for 3 November 2009

LOCATION: Pier 4 Townsville Harbor, Australia

SCIENCE UPDATE: The arrival in Townsville concludes the daily science report for Expedition 324. All scientists are present and accounted for.

Daily Science Report for 2 November 2009

LOCATION: Underway to Townsville (midnight position: 18°38.8'S, 146°50.2'E)

SCIENCE UPDATE: The last science meeting of this expedition was held today and the scientific party voted on the nominated postcruise meeting locations (Beppu, Japan came in first, Goa, India came in second). Three more seminar talks were given by M. Widdowson ("Timing and Duration of the Deccan Traps"), W. Sager ("Do Hotspots Blow in the Wind"), and J. Natland ("Central Pacific volcanism through time"). Everybody is preparing for the arrival in Townsville scheduled for the next morning.

Daily Science Report for 1 November 2009

LOCATION: Underway to Townsville (midnight position: 16°03.6'S, 148°46.3'E)

SCIENCE UPDATE: All parts of the cruise report (including the expedition summary and assessment) were submitted to the IODP Publication Specialist. All labs were closed for cleaning at noon. Three science seminar talks were given throughout the day by N. Idrisi (History and evolution of ecosystem models), J. Prytulak (Vanadium isotope variations in igneous material) and M. Vasilyev (The new NGR logger). Scientists are busy downloading their data from the ship's server.

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Modified on Tuesday, 08-Nov-2011 08:43:12 CST.