IODP Expedition 335: Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 4
Hole 1256D Summary
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The Superfast campaign, echoing long standing
ocean lithosphere community endeavors, was designed to understand the
formation, architecture and evolution of ocean crust formed at fast spreading
rates. IODP Expedition 335 "Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 4" (13 April to 3
June 2011) was the fourth scientific drilling cruise of the Superfast campaign
to ODP Hole 1256D. The cruise aimed to deepen this basement reference site
several hundred meters into the gabbroic rocks of intact lower oceanic crust to
address the following fundamental scientific questions:
Does the lower crust form by subsidence of a crystal mush
from a high-level magma chamber (gabbro glacier), or by intrusion of sills
throughout the lower crust, or some other mechanism? How does melt percolate
through the lower crust, and what are the reactions and chemical evolution of
magmas during migration?
Is the plutonic crust cooled by conduction or hydrothermal
circulation? What are the role and extent of deeply penetrating
seawater-derived hydrothermal fluids in cooling the lower crust, and the
chemical exchanges between the ocean crust and the oceans?
What are the relationships among the geological,
geochemical, and geophysical structure of the crust and, in particular, the
nature of the seismic Layer 2-3 transition?
What is the magnetic contribution of the lower crust to
marine magnetic anomalies?
ODP Hole 1256D is located on 15 Ma crust in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean (6°44.163'N, 91°56.061'W). Oceanic crust that
formed at a superfast spreading rate (>200 mm/yr) was specifically targeted
to exploit the observed relationship between spreading rate and depth to axial
low velocity zones, thought to be magma chambers, seismically imaged at active
mid-ocean ridges. This was a deliberate strategy to reduce the drilling
distance to gabbroic rocks because thick sequences of lavas and dikes have
proved difficult to penetrate in past. Previous cruises to Site 1256 (ODP leg 206;
IODP Expedition 309/312) have achieved their Leg and Expedition specific
objectives, but not the overarching strategic goals of the Superfast campaign
to understand magmatic accretion at fast spreading ocean ridges. However, the three previous cruises achieved
the first complete sampling of intact upper oceanic crust and successfully
drilled through ~800 m of erupted lavas and thin (~345 m) sheeted dike complex
and sampled gabbros at ~1157 meters sub-basement. The lowermost 100 m of the
hole is a complex dike-plutonic transition zone and comprises two gabbro lenses
intruded into very strongly contact metamorphosed, granoblastically
recrystallized sheeted dikes.
Expedition 335 reentered Hole 1256D more than
five years after our last visit, and encountered and overcome a number of
significant engineering challenges, each unique but of natures not unexpected
in a deep, uncased, marine borehole into igneous rocks. The patient, persistent
efforts of the rig floor teams cleared a major obstruction at 920 mbsf that
initially prevented reentry into the hole to its full depth of 1507 mbsf. The
920-960 mbsf interval was then cemented to stabilize the borehole wall. A short
phase of coring deepened Hole 1256D approximately 13 m before the hard
formation (C-9) coring bit failed and was ground to a smooth stump. A
progressive, logical course of action was then undertaken to clear the bottom
of the hole of metal junk from the failed bit, open up a short interval of
under-gauge hole and remove a very large amount of drilling cuttings from the
hole. This was successfully completed and the hole was opened to its full depth
(1521.6 mbsf). The hole cleaning phase was followed by wireline caliper and
temperature measurements of the complete hole to assist the planning of cementing
operations to stabilize the lowermost 10 meters of the hole and the problematic
interval at 910-940 mbsf. These remedial efforts are intended to facilitate
reentry and coring on a future return to Hole 1256D.
In addition to the few cores drilled, the junk
baskets deployed during the successive fishing runs to the bottom of the hole
recovered a unique collection of samples including large cobbles (up to 5 kg),
angular rubble and fine cuttings of principally, strongly to completely
recrystallized granoblastic basalt with minor gabbroic rocks and evolved
plutonic rocks. The large blocks exhibit intrusive, structural and textural
relationships, and overprinting and cross-cutting hydrothermal alteration and
metamorphic paragenetic sequences that hitherto have not been observed due to
the small diameter of drill cores and the very low recovery of the granoblastic
dikes cored so far. The high extent of metamorphic recrystallization exhibited
by the granoblastic basalts, combined with operational information provide
strong evidence that most of this material comes from the lowermost reaches of
Hole 1256D (~1495 to ~1522 mbsf). Including the ~60 m-thick zone of
granoblastic dikes that reside above the uppermost gabbros, the dike-gabbro
transition zone at Site 1256 is over 170 m thick, of which more than 100 m are
recrystallized granoblastic basalts. When the textural and contact
relationships exhibited by these samples are placed in the geological context
of the Hole 1256D stratigraphy, vision emerges of a complex, dynamic thermal
boundary layer zone. This region of the crust between the principally
hydrothermal domain of the upper crust and the intrusive magmatic domain of the
lower crust is one of evolving geological conditions. An intimate coupling
between temporally and spatially intercalated magmatic, hydrothermal, partial
melting, intrusive, metamorphic and retrograde processes is recorded in the
recovered samples.
Expedition 335 left Hole 1256D after making only a very modest advance, and we
are yet to recover samples of cumulate gabbros required to test models of ocean
ridge magmatic accretion and the intensity of hydrothermal cooling at depth.
However, a remarkable sample suite of granoblastic basalts with minor gabbros,
some of which intrude previously recrystallized dikes, were recovered and
provide a detailed picture of a rarely sampled critical interval of the oceanic
crust. Most importantly problematic intervals of the hole have been stabilized
and the hole cleared of debris to its full depth so deepening in the future can
achieve the ultimate science objective of the Superfast campaign.