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Sea Trials Transit

Daily Science Report for 18 February 2009

LOCATION: On Site U1330 (Ontong Java Plateau)

SCIENCE UPDATE: Readiness assessment and acceptance testing activities continue. Core 320T-U1330A-3R was fully processed using the whole round and section half petrophysics tracks, the core splitting and sampling rooms, the section half imaging track, and it was described using the new visual core description data capture application DESClogik. Core sediments are predominantly white nannofossil ooze with foraminifers, with minor foraminifer ooze with nannofossils. Sediments are moderately bioturbated with piritized tubular burrows, and occasional cm-scale green and purple color bands. Drilling disturbance locally intense with soupy intervals. Sediment age was determined to be early Pliocene (between 4.3 and 5 Ma) based on planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy. Logging activities included the successful deployment of the triple combo, formation microscanner (FMS), and magnetic susceptibility sonde (MSS) tool strings, while simultaneously adjusting and evaluating the wireline heave compensator.

See detailed transit map

Ship highlight of the day: Downhole Measurements Lab


The Downhole Measurements Lab is used as a staging and data acquisition area for several types of downhole measurements. Downhole measurements complement core sample analyses and are vital for obtaining continuous or in situ records of subseafloor ephemeral formation properties.

Downhole Measurements Lab panorama (Quicktime VR). Click and drag to pan around. Use the Shift and Control keys to zoom in and out.

The Logging Office is where the anaysis of downhole data takes place.

Logging Office panorama (Quicktime VR). Click and drag to pan around. Use the Shift and Control keys to zoom in and out.

See for more details on the ship's new laboratories.

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Modified on Friday, 20-Feb-2009 09:26:30 CST.