Table T3. Measurements made by wireline tool strings.
Tool string
vertical resolution
Triple combination HNGS* Spectral gamma ray 15 51

APS Porosity 5 and 15 43

HLDS/HLDT Bulk density 2.5 and 15 38/46

DIT/DLL Resistivity 15 200/150/76, 61(dll)

TAP Temperature 1 per s NA

Tool acceleration 4 per s NA

Pressure 1 per s NA

MGT Gamma ray 15 15
Formation MicroScanner NGT Spectral gamma ray 15 46
(FMS)-sonic combination GPIT Tool orientation 0.25 and 15 NA

FMS Microresistivity 0.25 0.5

DSI/SDT/LSS/BHC Acoustic velocity 15 107/120/61/61
GHMT NGT Spectral gamma ray 15 46

SUMS Susceptibility 5 and 15 35

NMRS Total field 5 and 15 45
Borehole televiewer BHTV Sonic imaging Variable 1.5-8
WST (stationary measurement) WST Sonic traveltime Variable NA

Notes: All tool and tool string names (except the TAP and MGT tools) are trademarks of Schlumberger. For additional information about tool physics and use consult ODP Logging Services at * = see Table T4 for explanations of acronyms used to describe tool strings and tools. † = not included in each logging run. NA = not applicable.