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Figure F127. A. Chlorite pseudomorphs after plagioclase in olivine-rich troctolite (Sample 304-U1309D-66R-2, 10–13 cm) (cross-polarized light; field of view [FOV] = 10 mm). B. Tremolite growing between olivine and clinopyroxene in olivine-rich troctolite (Sample 304-U1309D-23R-2, 98–101 cm) (cross-polarized light; FOV = 1.25 mm). C. Fresh clinopyroxene associated with partially serpentinized olivine (Sample 304-U1309D-60R-2, 34–37 cm) (cross-polarized light; FOV = 4.8 mm). D. Tremolite on a coronal reaction rim that has been replaced by serpentine (Sample 304-U1309D-63R-3, 54–57 cm) (plane-polarized light; FOV = 0.5 mm). E. Plagioclase in olivine-rich troctolite cut by prehnite vein (Sample 304-U1309D-63R-3, 54–57 cm) (cross-polarized light; FOV = 4.8 mm). F. Plagioclase in olivine-rich troctolite that has been partially replaced by prehnite and hydrogrossular (Sample 304-U1309D-63R-3, 54–57 cm) (plane-polarized light; FOV = 10 mm). Note how the fresh plagioclase lies adjacent to fresh olivine, whereas the altered plagioclase touches serpentinite.

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