
Dustin Winslow (Physical Properties Specialist/Hydrologist, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA), Katie Inderbitzen (Physical Properties Specialist, University of Miami, USA), Outreach Officer Bejonty Richardson (HBCU Fellow, Virginia State University, USA), Amanda Turner (Microbiologist/CORK Specialist, University of Southern California, USA), Hiroki Miyamoto (Logging Scientist/Structural Geologist, Kyoto University, Japan), James Cordray (Marine Computer Specialist, IODP-USIO/TAMU), Clayton Furman (Logging Engineer, Schlumberger), and Jennifer Rutter (Petrologist, University of Southampton, UK) watch the launch of the re-entry cone at Hole U1362B. (Credit William Crawford, IODP/TAMU) [Photo ID: exp327_030]

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