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IODP Expedition 320: Pacific Equatorial Age Transect 1
Site U1335 Summary
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30 April 2009
holes were cored at Site U1335 (PEAT-6C, 5°18.735'N, 126°17.002'W, 4327.5
meters water depth), targeting paleoceanographic events in the late Oligocene
and into the early and middle Miocene, including and focusing on the
climatically significant Oligocene-Miocene transition and the recovery
from the Mi-1 glaciation event (Zachos et al., 2001b; PŠlike et al., 2006b) and
the expansion of the East Antarctic cryosphere (Holbourn et al., 2005). Site
U1335 is also providing data towards a depth transect across the latest
Oligocene and Miocene that will allow exploitation and verification of a
previous astronomical age calibration from ODP Site 1218 (PŠlike et al., 2006a).
U1335 (~26 Ma crust) is situated halfway between Site U1336 ~340 km towards the
northwest and Site U1337 ~390 km towards the southeast, approximately ~250 km south of the Clipperton fracture zone (Lyle et al., 2006). At Site U1335, late
Oligocene age (26 Ma) seafloor basalt is overlain by ~420 m of pelagic
sediment. Unless otherwise stated, all depths used here are given in m core
depth below seafloor (CSF-A).
sedimentary sequence at Site U1335 is divided into two major lithological
units. The topmost ~64 m thick lithological Unit I comprises an alternating
sequence of earliest late Miocene to Pleistocene calcareous nannofossils,
diatoms, radiolarians and foraminiferal oozes. The topmost sediment of
lithological Unit I is younger than the Pleistocene/Pliocene boundary as
recognized by top planktic foraminifer Globigerinoides fistulosus (between Section U1335A-1H-CC and interval
U1335A-2H-2, 104-106cm), and then follows a continuous biostratigraphic
succession down to the early late Miocene. Below, lithogical Unit II comprises
a ~350 m thick succession of late Miocene to late Oligocene (calcareous
nannofossil zone NP25) nannofossil ooze and chalk, overlying basalt
(lithological Unit III). One of the prominent features of Unit II is the
occurrence of at least 49 described beds (2 to 176 thickness) of nannofossil
foraminifer ooze that have sharp basal boundaries, many of which are irregular,
and some of which are inclined, interpreted as gravity flow deposits from the
nearby seamounts, and representing ~2% of the total sediment recovered.
U1335A and U1335B provided high quality APC cored sediments from the mudline to
~341 and 378 m, respectively (Cores U1335A-36H, U1335B-41H). The APC cored
interval from Hole U1335B represents the second deepest APC cored depth in ODP
and IODP history. Below this depth we encountered stiffer and harder sediment, after
which we switched to the XCB cutting shoe. XCB coring advanced to ~420 m DSF, through
early Miocene and lower Oligocene sediments with high recovery. In the basal
section, Core U1335B-46X recovered pieces of basalt up to 10 cm in length, with
a glassy rim and overlain by nannofossil chalks of Unit II.
sediment column at Site U1335 represents the youngest end member drilled during
Expedition 320, and provides one of the most stratigraphically complete and
expanded early Miocene section from the equatorial Pacific yet (~320 m cored
depth from the earliest to latest Miocene).
Site U1335 carbonate content fluctuates between 12 and 87% within lithological
Unit I, presumably reflecting the close proximity of the seafloor to the
lysocline. With the exception of the depth interval from 140 m to 220 m, the
remainder of lithological Unit II exhibits uniformly high calcium carbonate
content of between 80-90%. Within the interval of ~150-210 m (approximately
equivalent to Cores U1335A-16H through -22H), carbonate content cycles between
~50 and 90%, and corresponds to a change in dominant sediment color from
light-greenish gray to tan, and also displays higher magnetic susceptibility
(MS) values of up to 25x10-5 SI.
series of late Oligocene through late middle Miocene cores (Cores U1335A-8H
through U1335A-40X) were recovered with distinct colors ranging from light
grayish green to light blue, similar but much thicker in total stratigraphic
thickness (~70-170 m and ~200-350 m) than those observed in Site U1334. The
uniquely colored carbonate oozes exhibit extremely low magnetic
susceptibilities that complicated a confident stratigraphic correlation. These colored
oozes lost almost their entire magnetic susceptibility signal from ~70 to ~105
m and from ~210 m. Similar colored
cores have previously been described for DSDP Sites 78 and 79 (Hays et al.,
major microfossil groups have been found in sediments from Site U1335,
representing a complete biostratigraphic succession at the shipboard sample
resolution level of Pleistocene to latest Oligocene sediments, including a
thick sequence of lower Miocene nannofossil ooze and chalk. Radiolarians are
present through most of the section apart from the basal 3 m of nannofossil
chalk. They provide a coherent, high-resolution biochronology through a
complete sequence of radiolarian zones from RN14 (Pleistocene) down to RP21
(upper Oligocene). Calcareous nannofossils are present and moderately to well
preserved through most of the succession, representing the complete sequence
from NP25 (upper Oligocene) above basaltic basement through NN20 (Pleistocene).
Planktic foraminifers are present through most of the succession and are
moderately preserved throughout, but absent in the immediate vicinity of the
Oligocene/Miocene (OM) boundary. Recognized planktic foraminifer zones range
from PT1a (Pleistocene) to O6 (upper Oligocene). The nannofossil, radiolarian,
and planktic foraminiferal datums are in good agreement. Benthic foraminifers
are present through most of the section and indicate lower bathyal to abyssal
paleodepths. The Oligocene-Miocene transition at Site U1335 was encountered at
~350 m, and fully recovered in Cores U1335A-37X and U1335B-38H, as defined by
the planktic foraminiferal datum base Paragloborotalia kugleri between samples U1335A-37X-4, 136-138 cm and
U1335A-37X-CC-PAL (midpoint 348.6 m), in good agreement with the calcareous
nannofossil event top Sphenolithus delphix at 349.7 m between Samples U1335A-37X-6, 50 cm and U1335A-37X-CC-PAL.
The oldest sediment overlying seafloor basalt has been zoned within calcareous
nannofossil zone NP25 (24.4-26.8 Ma).
sedimentation rates, as implied by the magneto- and biostratigraphic age
determinations, vary throughout the section, and are about 6 m/m.y. in the late
to middle Miocene to recent sediment cover, ~17 m/m.y. in the middle early
Miocene, and as high as ~25 m/m.y. throughout the late Oligocene and early
Miocene. There is no apparent hiatus at the shipboard biostratigraphic
resolution, although some condensed horizons are apparent (e.g. near the
early/middle Miocene boundary, and in the early late Miocene). The presence of
all major fossil groups as well as a detailed and well resolved magnetostratigraphy
will allow us to achieve one of the main PEAT objectives of arriving at an
integrated Cenozoic stratigraphy and age calibration for the Miocene, and late
full physical property program was run on cores from Site U1335. This program
comprises whole-round multi-sensor core logger measurements of magnetic
susceptibility, bulk density, P-wave velocity, natural gamma radiation, and
measurements of color reflectance, followed by discrete measurements of
moisture and density properties, sound velocities and thermal conductivity on
Hole U1335A. All track data are variable throughout the section, allowing a
detailed correlation between different holes, with the exception of a low
susceptibility signal within an interval extending slightly above and below the
light greenish gray tinted cores of Unit II, between ~70-110 m and ~200 m to
~380 m. MS varies between 5-20x10-5 SI in the upper parts of Unit I,
and then increase to around 25x10-5 SI towards the lower portion of
Unit I, coinciding with the occurrence of clayey radiolarian ooze within the
major lithology of nannofossil ooze. MS values decrease at the top of Unit II
(~64 m), and then fall to values around -1x10-5 SI near 70 m.
Between ~110 and 150 m, MS values increase slightly and become highly variable
(0-10x10-5 SI). MS values are higher in the interval from 160-200 m,
coinciding with an observed decrease in Fe-reduction. Below 200 m, the MS
signature is largely diamagnetic, with values close to zero. MS values are
slightly increased again in the basal 20 m of Unit II (below ~400 m). NGR is
elevated at the surface sediment (~73 cps), but low throughout the rest of the
sedimentary column. Compressional-wave velocities from the multisensor track
(MST) agree with discrete velocity measurements and reflect key lithological
transitions, particularly the ooze to chalk transition near ~220 m.
Compressional-wave velocities are between 1460 and 1490 m/s in Unit I and the
upper portion of Unit II, and then increase to above 1500 m/s. Slightly below
the ooze/chalk transition near 345 m, velocities increase significantly,
reaching 1600-1750 m/s at the bottom of Unit II. This partly explains the
thicker sediment section than expected from seismic data prior to coring (~60 m
thicker). Bulk density and grain density increase with depth, with a decrease
in wet bulk density from 1.2-1.6 g/cm3 in Unit I to ~1.7g/cm3
at the top of Unit II, and ~1.8 g/cm3 in the basal part of the
section. Sediment porosity ranges from 70-90% in Unit I to 50-60% at ~300 m in
Unit II. Ephemeral whole-round samples were collected at ~96 m, ~196 m and ~305
m for shore based studies of sediment permeability.
coring effort in Holes U1335A and U1335B was successful at covering
stratigraphic gaps between cores at this site from the surface throughout most
of the APC cored section, with the exception of a gap (~1 m) at the bottom of
Core U1335A-16H due to flow-in (~146.40-151.46 m CSF). Features in the MS and
GRA density are well aligned down to a depth of 337 m CSF (Hole 1335A) and 344
m CSF (Hole U1335B), corresponding to ~398 m CCSF. Between ~230 m and ~398 m
CCSF-A, GRA density data allowed confident alignment of cores despite very low
magnetic susceptibility values. The section below ~398 m CCSF-A was mostly XCB
cores and lacked clearly identifiable features; therefore it had to be appended
to the splice. A single spliced record was assembled for the aligned cores down
to Section U1335B-37H-6 (343.76 m CSF-A, 398.15 m CCSF-A). Stratigraphic
correlation between individual holes indicates an overall core expansion (ratio
of CCSF-A over CSF-A depths) of ~ 16%. Stratigraphic correlation resulted in a
complete splice through the Eocene-Oligocene transition almost to basement (~38
full range of paleomagnetic analyses was conducted on 78 archive halves and 257
discrete paleomagnetic samples from Site U1335 for the APC cored section (upper
~378 m). The most prominent feature of the records is the magnetic intensity
and susceptibility low that occurs between about 70 and 110 m, and below about
210 m. We could not obtain any reliable paleomagnetic directions from this
interval because the magnetic intensity after 20 mT AF demagnetization is in
the order of 10-5 A/m, which is comparable to the noise level of the
super-conducting rock magnetometer. Except for these low magnetic intensity
intervals zone, we found distinct declination reversals at 20 mT
demagnetizations. The drilling overprint was generally weak when non-magnetic
core barrel was used (Cores U1335A-1H to 16H and U1335B-1H to 19H). In
contrast, those cores collected with the steel core barrels are highly
overprinted. Except for the low magnetic intensity interval, the cleaned
paleomagnetic data provide a series of distinct ~180ˇ alternations in the
declination. When combined with biostratigraphic age constraints, the data allow
a continuous magnetostratigraphy from Chron C1n (0-0.781 Ma) down to C5n.2n
(9.987-11.040 Ma) for intervals of 0-65.95 m in Hole U1335A, and from Chron C1n
down to C5r.1n (11.118-11.154 Ma) for intervals of 0-66.225 m in Hole U1335B.
Below the bottom of the first magnetic-low zone (about 70-110 m), magnetostratigraphy
is again interpretable downhole: Chron C5Br (15.160-15.974 Ma) down to C6n
(18.748-19.722 Ma) for intervals of 155.35-208.40 m (CFS-A) in Hole U1335A, and
from Chron C5AAn (13.015-13.183 Ma) down to C5Er (18.524-18.748 Ma) for
intervals of 107.95-202.60 m (CFS-A) in Hole U1335B. The highlights of the magnetostratigraphy
at Site U1335 are the identifications of (1) a previously observed cryptochron
(C5Dr-1n) in both two holes and (2) 40 potential geomagnetic excursions (10 of
which are recorded in both holes).
standard shipboard suite of geochemical analysis of porewater, organic and
inorganic properties was undertaken on sediments from Site U1335. Site U1335 is
marked by alkalinities between 2.5-4.3 mM throughout, sulfate concentrations
between 23 and 28 mM, and dissolved phosphate concentrations of ~2 µM in the
shallowest sample, decreasing to ~0.5 µM in the uppermost ~50 m. The most
striking features in the interstitial water geochemistry are three dissolved
manganese peaks with concentrations of up to 44, 13 and 5 µM around 0-40 m,
50-80 m, and 150-210 m. Dissolved iron also shows three peaks, with
concentrations of up to 6 µM around 6 m, between 90-170 m, as well as 190-370
m. Minima in dissolved Fe correspond to elevated Mn concentrations. The
alternating pattern of dissolved Mn and Fe correspond well to apparent color
changes in the sediment column. Lithium concentrations decrease from ~26 µM at
the sediment surface to 5 µM around 300 m, below which Li concentrations
increase strongly to ~32 µM. The Sr concentration profile mirrors that of Li,
with concentrations ranging between 82 and 250 µM. Sr values show an increase
from the top towards 200 m, followed by a decrease towards basement. Calcium
carbonate, inorganic carbon (IC) and total carbon (TC) concentrations were
determined on sediment samples from Hole U1335A. CaCO3
concentrations ranged between 13-96 weight %. In the uppermost ~67 m, the
carbonate concentration ranges from 12 to 87%, and concentrations are then
consistently high ~72-96% between 67 and 157 m and below 222 m. Concentrations
vary more widely 37-89% from 157-222 m. Total organic carbon (TOC)
concentrations were determined by acidification, with a range from below the
detection limit of the method up to 0.08%. TOC is significantly higher in the
uppermost ~57 m and around 220 m (0.08% and 0.04% respectively), corresponding
to intervals with lower carbonate concentrations.
logging was not conducted at Site U1335. Five downhole temperature measurements
were conducted in Hole U1335B with the APCT3 tool and reveal of thermal
gradient of 7.5ˇC/km. The temperature data combined with whole-round core
temperature conductivity measurements indicate the heat flow is 7 mW/m2 at this site. This is much lower than values obtained for any of the other Expedition 320 sites drilled so far, and would suggest a recirculation of
seawater through basement, consistent with some of the interstitial porewater
1) Highly expanded Miocene sedimentary section
One of the highlights from Site U1335 is the recovery
of a very thick Miocene carbonate dominated section from the central equatorial
Pacific, one of the high priority objectives of the PEAT program. The early
Miocene (~7 m.y. duration) is captured in ~190 m of sediment, corresponding to
27 m/m.y. The middle Miocene (4.5 m.y. duration) is recovered in ~95 m
sediment, with a sedimentation rate of ~21 m/m.y. The sedimentation rate from
the late Oligocene into the Miocene has a sedimentation rate of just under 20
m/m.y. These high sedimentation rates will facilitate the study of
paleoceanographic processes at unprecedented resolution for the equatorial
2) Oligocene/Miocene (OM) transitions and depth transects
U1335 was planned as the youngest and shallowest component of the PEAT OM depth
transect, which will allow the study of critical intervals (such as the Mi-1
glacial inception, Zachos et al., 2001b; PŠlike et al., 2006b) and variations
of the equatorial CCD throughout this transition as well as the latest
Oligocene and early Miocene. Site U1335 is estimated to have been approximately
3.3 km deep during the OM transition, approximately 1.5 km shallower than
today. The dominant lithologies are nannofossil ooze and chalk, with better
preservation of calcareous microfossils than any other site drilled during Expedition
320, which will allow us to achieve the prime objective for this coring site.
Physical property data from Site U1335 provide an important contribution
towards the Cenozoic ŇmegaspliceÓ, connecting with younger sediments from ODP
Leg 138 (e.g., ODP Site 850), and older sediments from ODP Leg 199 (Site 1218),
allowing the generation of astronomically calibrated datums and isotope
stratigraphies from the Miocene into the Eocene.
3) Geochemical front
U1335 recovered an interval of multi-colored carbonates, that show a distinct
Mn increase and elevated Fe porewater concentrations, characteristic of a
geochemical alteration front. At Site U1335, this zone is similar but much
thicker in total stratigraphic thickness (~70-170 m and ~200-350 m) than that
observed in Site U1334 (~50 m; see Site U1334 chapter). Although the
paleomagnetic signal was lost in most parts of this section, sediments
recovered will provide the opportunity to study organic matter degradation
while these sites migrate from south to north through the equatorial belts of
high productivity. Paleolatitude reconstructions show that these characteristic
geochemical alteration fronts can be mapped to similar equatorial positions
between Sites U1334 and U1335, roughly between the equator and ~2° N. One
feature of interest at Site U1335 is the observation that the multicolored
interval of sediments is interrupted between ~170-200 m (Cores U1335A-18H
through 20H), which shows again higher magnetic susceptibility values. It
remains to be established whether this interruption in the geochemical
alteration front is related to the shape and position of the equatorial high
productivity zone, or instead is the result of reduced sedimentation rates
during this time (late early Miocene). Interstitial porewater profiles are
providing additional important information about the redox chemical processes
operating in this zone, which have also been observed in DSDP Sites 78, 79 and
574 (e.g., Hays et al., 1972a, 1972b)
4) Gravity flow deposits
of the prominent features of Unit II is the occurrence of at least 49 described
beds (2 to 176 thickness) of nannofossil foraminifer ooze that have sharp basal
boundaries, many of which are irregular, and some of which are inclined,
interpreted as gravity flow deposits from the nearby seamounts, and
representing ~2% of the total sediment recovered. Their grain size fines upward
from medium sand to silt, are often darker colored than immediately overlying
deposits, and instantly recognizable by their coarser texture. Angular basalt
fragments (<1 mm), fish teeth and pyritized foraminifers and radiolarians
are also found within the basal parts of these beds, of which at least three
show parallel or cross laminations in their upper or middle part. These beds,
interpreted as gravity flow deposits, occur with an approximate frequency of
one or two beds per core. The abundance and thickness of these beds is highest
within Cores U1335-21H through -37X (189.4-350.1 m). No gravity flow deposits
were observed in Cores U1335A-3H through U1335A-8H. The provenance of these
deposits, as indicated by the observed basalt fragments, is inferred to be from
the nearby seamounts situated ~15-20 km towards the
northeast and southeast of Site U1335, with a present summit water depth that
is 400-600 m shallower than Site U1335. Initial indications are that these
gravity flow deposits, unlike those observed at Site U1331, might not be very
erosive, and therefore essentially add to the sediment column, rather than
removing large sections of geological time. The high sedimentation rates at
Site U1335 will allow paleoceanographic studies to avoid the generally thin
layers of gravity flows.
5) An age transect of seafloor basalt
U1335 recovered what appear to be fresh fragments of sea-floor basalt, with an
age around 26 Ma as inferred by the oldest biostratigraphic datums from the
sediment above. This material will, when combined with other PEAT basalt
samples, provide important sample material for the study of seawater alteration
of basalt.
Hays, J.D. et al., 1972a. Site 78. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Volume IX. Washington (US Government Printing Office) 209-316 pp. doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.9.104.1972
Hays, J.D. et al., 1972b. Site 79. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Volume IX. Washington (US Government Printing Office) 317-399 pp. doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.9.105.1972
Holbourn, A., Kuhnt, W., Schulz, M., and Erlenkeuser, H.,
2005, Impacts of orbital forcing and atmospheric carbon dioxide on Miocene ice-sheet expansion: Nature 438(7067), p. 483-487.
Lyle, M.W., Pälike, H., Moore,
T.C., Mitchell, N., Backman, J., 2006. Summary report of R/V Roger Revelle
Site Survey AMAT03 to the IODP Environmental Protection and Safety Panel (EPSP)
in support for proposal IODP626. Technical Report, Southampton, UK, University
of Southampton, 144pp., Available at http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/45921/
[Cited 21 April 2009]
Pälike, H., Norris, R.D., Herrle,
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and Wade, B.S., 2006a. The heartbeat of the Oligocene climate system. Science,
314(5807):1894–1898. doi:10.1126/science.1133822
Pälike, H., Frazier, J., Zachos,
J.C., 2006b, Extended orbitally forced palaeoclimatic records from the
equatorial Atlantic Ceara Rise, Quaternary Science Reviews 25, 3138–3149. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.02.011
Zachos, J., Pagani, M., Sloan, L., Thomas, E. & Billups, K., 2001a. Trends, rhythms, and aberrations in global climate 65 Ma to present. Science 292, 685693.
Zachos, J.C., Shackleton, N.J.,
Revenaugh, J.S., Pälike, H., and Flower, B.P., 2001b. Climate response to
orbital forcing across the OligoceneMiocene boundary. Science, 292(5515):274278.