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IODP Expedition 349

South China Sea Tectonics

Daily Science Report for 31 January 2014

LOCATION: Site U1431 (15°22.5379′N, 117°00.0022′E, water depth 4241 m)

We arrived at our first site (U1431; proposed site SCS-3G) in the morning. Based on approximately 12 h of rig-up time before coring operations began, we anticipated the first core on deck around 2000 h. Throughout the day, the scientists continued preparations for the start of coring operations, including submission of the first draft of the Methods section from each lab group. The Co-Chief Scientists presented an overview of Site U1431, including the science objectives specific to the site. After lunch, the Curator reviewed the shipboard sampling plan with the science party. Preparation for coring operations took a little longer than anticipated, so the first core of the expedition was expected early in the morning on Saturday, 1 February. In the evening we enjoyed a special meal prepared by the galley crew to celebrate the Chinese New Year, including traditional Chinese dumplings that some members of the science party and technical staff helped to prepare!

Daily Science Report for 30 January 2014

LOCATION: In transit to Site U1431 (SCS-3G)

SCIENCE UPDATE: Scientists continued working with the lab technicians in preparation for the beginning of coring operations. They also continued writing Methods sections, with the deadline for the first draft on Friday. The Curator, Co-Chiefs, and Staff Scientist met with the sedimentologists and paleontologists to finalize sample requests for the first site. The Captain held the first abandon ship drill of the expedition in the morning. In the afternoon, the operations superintendent held a pre-spud meeting with the expedition management team (Co-Chiefs, Lab Officer, Logging Staff Scientist, and Staff Scientist) and the Offshore Installation Manager, drillers, and Captain to review the operations plan for the first two sites. The curator held two Sample Master training sessions with the scientists on opposite shifts.

Daily Science Report for 29 January 2014

LOCATION: In transit to Site U1431 (SCS-3G)

SCIENCE UPDATE: We spent the day continuing to prepare for the arrival of the first core of the expedition in a couple of days. The Staff Scientist explained expedition report guidelines in greater detail, showing the scientists the location of various resources provided for report writing. She also made a brief presentation on core naming conventions and depth scales. The Logging Staff Scientist followed with a presentation on the logging plans for the expedition, including an overview of the tools that we plan to deploy and the types of measurements they make. The ship departed Hong Kong shortly after noon, beginning our <2 day transit to the first site. During the afternoon, the Curator, Staff Scientist, and Co-Chiefs met with various lab groups to discuss shipboard and personal sampling. When not in meetings, the scientists continued to work on their Methods sections.

Daily Science Report for 28 January 2014

LOCATION: China Merchants Wharf, Hong Kong

SCIENCE UPDATE: The scientists met to discuss individual research plans and sample/data requests for the expedition. At this meeting, the Curator gave an introductory presentation about shipboard sampling, allocation of samples, etc. Following this introduction, each scientist gave a brief overview of his or her research objectives and sample/data requests. These presentations generated many discussions, some of which were delayed for future meetings. During the late morning the scientists began to work in their lab groups, with the core describers and paleontologists beginning with an introduction to the descriptive information application (DESClogik). The geochemists and microbiologists met with the Sample Allocation Committee (SAC) and chemistry technicians to discuss shipboard and personal sampling plans. The photographer also began microscope setup with the paleontologists. In the afternoon, the Ship’s Captain welcomed the science party and new technical staff, followed by general information about ship life and safety. Lab introductions and Methods chapter writing continued following the captain’s welcome. The Chief Scientists and Staff Scientist also met with the Operations Superintendent to discuss operations plans for the expedition. We ended the day with an operations and coring overview by the Operations Superintendent.

Daily Science Report for 27 January 2014

LOCATION: China Merchants Wharf, Hong Kong

SCIENCE UPDATE: We began the day with introductions among the expedition technical staff and the science party. The Staff Scientist then presented an overview of what to expect during the next two months, including what we want to achieve and how it will be accomplished. The marine computer specialists (MCSs) gave an introduction to shipboard computing. Following this introduction, the science party divided into two groups. One group remained with the MCSs to finish computer setup, while the Staff Scientist led the other group on a core flow and lab tour. After lunch, the groups switched so that the rest of the scientists either setup computers or attended the core flow and lab tour. After the tour, the science party met briefly to review the schedule for the next day and to discuss the section headings for the expedition reports. The co-chiefs and Staff Scientist also met with the Curator to discuss the scientists’ research plans and sample/data requests.

Daily Science Report for 26 January 2014

LOCATION: China Merchants Wharf, Hong Kong

SCIENCE UPDATE: The South China Sea Tectonics Expedition (349) began with the first line ashore at 0848 h. The oncoming technical staff boarded the vessel approximately 45 minutes later to begin preparations for the upcoming expedition. The Chief Scientists and science party arrived at 1030 h and spent the rest of the morning settling in. After lunch, we started with a brief welcome and outline of the schedule for the next few days, followed by the life on board presentation and lab safety tours for all scientists. After the tours, the Ship’s Physician held a safety meeting for all scientists. The Chief Scientists then presented a summary of the expedition science objectives and an introduction to the three primary sites. The scientists finished the day with a short presentation on best practices for social media and expedition outreach. The expedition project management team also met to review the operations plan and confirm the first site location.

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Modified on Sunday, 02-Mar-2014 17:42:29 CST.