U1402 |
U1403 |
U1404 |
U1405 |
U1407 |
U1408 |
U1409 |
U1410 |
IODP Expedition 342: Paleogene Newfoundland Sediment Drifts
Site U1406 Summary
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Background and objectives
U1406 (proposed site JA-6A; 40° 21.0'N, 51° 39.0'W;
3814 m water depth) was at ~3300 m paleodepth at 50 Ma (Tucholke and Vogt,
1979) and is in the mid-range of the Expedition 342 Paleogene Newfoundland
Sediment Drifts depth transect. The
site is positioned to capture a record of sedimentation more than 1.1 km
shallower than the largely sub-carbonate compensation depth record drilled at
IODP Site U1403. Our primary scientific objectives for drilling Site U1406 were
(1) to reconstruct the mid-depth CCD in a primarily carbonate-dominated record,
(2) to obtain records of the Oligocene-Miocene and Eocene Oligocene transition
events in carbonate-rich sediments that host abundant foraminifers suitable to
the construction of geochemical climate records, (3) to evaluate the history of
deep water and possible northern hemisphere glaciation on sediment chemistry,
grain-size and provenance, and (4) to evaluate biological evolution during
Paleogene climate transitions.
Principal Results
The vessel arrived at Site U1406 after a 14.9 nmi transit from Site U1405, which
was made in dynamic positioning mode at a speed of 1.4 nmi/hr, with the
drill pipe suspended below the vessel. The
vessel stabilized over Site U1406 at 1435 h (UTC-2.5h) on 30 June 2012. The
plan for Site U1406 called for three holes to a depth of ~250 m drilling depth
below seafloor (DSF). Cores U1406A-1H through 25H were retrieved from the seafloor
to 217.7 m DSF. The first partial stroke was recorded when shooting for Core
U1406A-16H, and the APC system was advanced by recovery for
this and subsequent cores. The XCB system was deployed for Cores
U1406A-26X through 34X to a total depth of 283.3 m DSF. Overall core recovery
for Hole U1406A was 267.30 m for the 283.3 m interval cored (94%).
The vessel was offset 20 m to the east and Cores U1406B-1H through 22H were
retrieved to 188.8 m DSF. The XCB system was deployed for Cores U1406B-23X
through 30X to a total depth of 253.6 m DSF. The recovery for Hole U1406B was
241.34 m over the 253.6 m cored (95%). The vessel was offset 20 m to the south
and Cores U1406C-1H through18H were recovered to 161.4 m DSF. The XCB system
was deployed to the final depth at 241.4 m DSF. Two intervals were drilled without
coring, one of 3 m and one of 2 m.
clearing the seafloor the drill string was tripped to the surface. The BHA was
set back in the derrick with the exception of the lower seal bore drill collar
plus subs. The Schlumberger logging tools were then rigged up for a pass
through check on the lower portion of the BHA. The drill floor was secured at
1600 h on 6 July, ending Hole U1406C.
The acoustic positioning beacon was recovered and the vessel began the
move to Site U1405 to recover the beacon left behind there. The total time
spent on Site U1406 was 145.5 hours or 6.1 days.
Site U1406 we recovered a sedimentary succession of deep-sea pelagic sediments
of Pleistocene to Middle Eocene age, with four lithostratigraphic units. Unit I
is ~2 m thick and composed of Pleistocene brown foraminiferal sand and
nannofossil ooze with manganese nodules. Unit II changes from brown to green
Miocene and Oligocene nannofossil ooze that occurs in a ~180 m-thick sequence
and contains abundant diatoms and/or, radiolarians in some intervals. Unit III
is an ~40 m interval of carbonate-rich nannofossil ooze alternating with
clay-rich nannofossil ooze and clay that spans the lowermost Oligocene, late
Eocene and middle Eocene. Unit IV
marks the transition from reduced to oxidized sediments, largely nannofossil
oozes, that are middle Eocene to Paleocene in age. Sand-sized lithoclasts are
found in the >63 μm size fraction of Site U1406 sediments, particularly
in the Miocene and Oligocene sequences, and may represent ice-rafted or
current-transported sediments.
uppermost brown foraminifer sandy clay and nannofossil ooze (Cores U1406A-1H to
2H; 0-2.25 m CSF-A) contain nannofossils and planktic foraminifers that
indicate Pleistocene ages (nannofossil zones NN18 to 19). Below 2.25 m CSF-A,
nannofossils, planktic foraminifers, and radiolarians provide a well-defined
biostratigraphy indicating upper lower Miocene to middle Eocene sediments.
Siliceous microfossils are more poorly preserved than at Sites U1404 and U1405
in sediments of Early Miocene and Late Oligocene age, and diatoms are
consistently rare or absent. Radiolarians are present in the lower
Miocene-upper Oligocene and in the middle Eocene-upper Paleocene but are absent
from the ~110 m thick interval (~130-240 m CSF-A) spanning the Oligocene-Eocene
boundary transition. Nannofossils are present and show good preservation
continuously across the E/O boundary interval and through the upper to middle
Eocene section. A major unconformity at ~255 m CSF-A is inferred to span the
entire lower Eocene and uppermost Paleocene, including the PETM. Below this
unconformity, a complete succession of uppermost to middle Paleocene
microfossil zones is identified. Benthic foraminifers are generally rare (the
"present" category) but increase in abundance in upper Eocene to upper
Oligocene sediments (~110-220 m CSF-A). Benthic foraminifer preservation is
generally good to very good.
results from Site U1406 reveal a series of normal and reverse magnetozones
between ~10 and 204 m CSF-A. Magnetozones can be straightforwardly correlated
between all three holes, especially below ~66 m CSF-A. We used nannofossil,
radiolarian, and foraminifer biostratigraphic datums to correlate the Hole U1406A
magnetostratigraphy to chron boundaries C5Dn/C5Dr.1r (17.533
Ma) through C5Dr.2r/C5En (18.056 Ma), C6n/C6r (19.722 Ma) through C6An.1n/C6An.1r
(20.213 Ma), C6AAr.3r/C6Bn.1n (21.767 Ma) through C7An/C7Ar (24.984 Ma), C8r/C9n
(26.420 Ma), and C10r/C11n.1n (29.183 Ma) through C13r/C15n (34.999 Ma)
on the geomagnetic polarity timescale (GPTS). Hiatuses
at Site U1406 are generally coeval with those recognized at Site U1405, where at
least three hiatuses were identified to occur during rapid deposition of the
Middle Miocene drift deposits. We estimate the age of these hiatuses to range
from 0.25 to ~3 Ma. The lower Miocene to middle Eocene succession appears to be
stratigraphically complete, at the resolution of shipboard biostratigraphy and
magnetostratigraphy, but a significant hiatus occurs between the middle Eocene
and uppermost Paleocene. Sedimentation rates are relatively consistent around
~3 cm/ky for the lower Miocene to upper middle Eocene, but are lower (around
0.5 cm/ky) through the lower middle Eocene and the Paleocene.
shipboard splice for Site U1406 is stratigraphically continuous for most of the
sediment column, with only four appended cores in the interval covered by all
three holes (~0-240 m CSF-A). The splice is mainly based on natural gamma
radiation (NGR), but magnetic susceptibility was also useful below ~200 m
CSF-A, where values exceed 20 instrument units. In particular, our splice
indicates a stratigraphically continuous record across the Eocene-Oligocene
transition between ~215 to 230 m core composite depth below seafloor (CCSF),
including cores from all three holes.
Distinct color changes in the upper sediment column at Site U1406 aided
real time stratigraphic correlation between holes, allowing initial offset of
coring gaps. From ~25 to 200 m CSF-A, magnetic susceptibility is below the
detection limit and GRA bulk density shows an overall increase but few
prominent features. Changing from APC to XCB drilling resulted in poor recovery
in Holes U1406A and U1406B around 200 m CSF-A. By switching to XCB coring earlier in
Hole U1406C, most of this missing interval was successfully recovered.
in calcium concentrations, strontium concentrations, and strontium/calcium
ratios of pore water suggest that the upper 70 m CSF-A reflects a mature
diffusion profile from deep basaltic exchange reactions. Between 70 and 180 m
CSF-A, carbonate dissolution contributes to the shape of the pore fluid
profiles, indicated by a switch from decreasing to uniform strontium/calcium
ratios at 70 m CSF-A. In lithostratigraphic Unit IV,
decreasing pore-water alkalinity and calcium concentrations are consistent with
precipitation of authigenic carbonate from pore fluids. Carbonate overgrowths
on benthic foraminifers in the sediments of middle Eocene and Paleocene age in
lithostratigraphic Unit IV (see Biostratigraphy) are consistent with this interpretation.
sediment column at Site U1406 is generally carbonate-rich (21-92 wt% CaCO3)
with low total organic carbon content (0.01 to 0.5 wt% TOC), and low headspace
gas contents. A prominent increase in carbonate content occurs around 190-200 m
CSF-A associated with the Eocene/Oligocene transition, as defined by
biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy. However, peak values (92 wt% CaCO3)
occur lower in the sediment column at Site U1406 in Middle to Upper Eocene
bulk density at Site U1406 increases downhole from 1.4 to 1.9 g/cm3.
Grain density averages 2.7 g/cm3 and both porosity and water content
show a decreasing trend downhole (from 50% to 80% and from 25% to 60%,
respectively), with the lowest values occurring in carbonate-rich sediments
(below ~170 m CSF-A). Magnetic susceptibility averages 9 instrument units throughout
all holes but significant peaks occur at ~182, 205, and 235 m CSF-A. P-wave
velocity increases progressively downhole from 1500 to 1800 m/s reflecting
increased compaction and lithification. Significant peaks in NGR, reflectance
and magnetic susceptibility are observed associated with the Eocene/ Oligocene