LOCATION: Guam (at the southern end of the Mariana island arc formed by early arc volcanism between 32 and 42 m.y. ago)
SCIENCE UPDATE: Readiness Assessment Committee arrived on board at noon and received introductions in shipboard safety and waste management and got an extensive "vessel transformation tour" by Jay Miller and Mike Storms. Airfreight arrived and got distributed to the labs. Vendor technicians working on elevator and HVAC repair. Preparations for further acceptance testing ongoing.
Ship highlight of the day: Readiness Assessment Committee
The Readiness Assessment Committee will evaluate the new coring, logging, and analytical systems during the sea trials that will take place at Ontong Java Plateau Site 807. From left to right:
Mark Leckie, Kristen St. John, Roy Wilkens, Kathy Marsaglia, Clive Neal, Kitty Milliken, and Gary Acton.
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