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Sea Trials Transit

Daily Science Report for 14 February 2009

LOCATION: On Site 807 (northern Ontong Java Plateau)

SCIENCE UPDATE: The Readiness Assessment Committee continued to evaluate and practice core processing using the shipboard analytical systems and software applications. USIO internal acceptance testing continues for descriptive data capture (DESCLogik) and data retrieval (Web Tabular Reports, LIMS2Excel) software applications. The USIO staff and the Readiness Assessment Committee watched the re-entry of ODP Site 807 on the video screens with great excitement ~1700 hr. All pre-operations setup and tests for Wireline Heave Compensator performance evaluations have been completed. The logging team is standing by for the first operational test of the Wireline Heave Compensator.

See detailed transit map

Ship highlight of the day: Reflectance & MS Logger


The spectral reflectance and magnetic susceptibility logger collects measurements that can be used as proxies for changes in composition and to correlate intervals from core to core or hole to hole.

See for more details on the ship's new laboratories.

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Modified on Monday, 16-Feb-2009 08:41:08 CST.