Core Description team. Front row: Camilo Ponton Guerrero (Sedimentologist, University of Southern California, USA), Swostik Adhikari (Sedimentologist, Shimane University, Japan), Yanina Najman (Sedimentologist, Lancaster University, United Kingdom), Pascale Huyghe (Sedimentologist, University Joseph Fourier, France), M.C. Manoj (Sedimentologist, Birbal Sahni of Palaeobotany, India), Kohki Yoshida (Sedimentologist, Shinshu University, Japan). Back row: Jang Bahk (Sedimentologist, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Korea), Kimberly Rogers (Sedimentologist, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA), Hendrik Lantzsch (Sedimentologist, University of Bremen, Germany). (Credit: Tim Fulton, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp354_136]