A little bit of the sea. (Credit: Chieh Peng, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp368T_053]
Birthday crowd: Kerry Swain (Logging Engineer, Schlumberger), Jurie Kotze (Marine Instrumentation Specialist, IODP JRSO), Alexis Armstrong (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO), Minh Huynh (Marine Computer Specialist, IODP JRSO), Heather Barnes (Assistant Laboratory Officer), Mike Cannon (Marine Computer Specialist, IODP JRSO), Etienne Claassen (Marine Instrumentation Specialist, IODP JRSO). (Credit: Chieh Peng, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp368T_054]
Birthday celebrators Minh Huynh and Mike Cannon (Marine Computer Specialists, IODP JRSO). (Credit: Chieh Peng, IODP JRSO). [Photo ID: exp368T_055]
Crossing Point Nemo Certificate by Tim Blaisdell (Software Applications Developer, IODP JRSO). (Credit: Chieh Peng, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp368T_056]
Etienne Claassen (Marine Instrumentation Specialist, IODP JRSO) gives a talk about the history of the lathe. (Credit: Chieh Peng, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp368T_057]
Etienne Claassen (Marine Instrumentation Specialist, IODP JRSO) presents examples of lathe usage. (Credit: Chieh Peng, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp368T_058]
Swell from a storm. (Credit: Chieh Peng, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp368T_059]
Transit logo and designer Alexis Armstrong (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO). (Credit: Chieh Peng, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp368T_060]