Siem personnel unhooks the lifeboat for testing. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_021]
The Salvamento Maritimo races past the line of idle drill ships during anchorage at Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_022]
Bunkering operations during anchorage at Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_023]
Siem personnel lowers the lifeboat to allow the wire to be inspected. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_024]
Vincent Percuoco (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO) loads samples into the CHNS autosampler for analysis. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_025]
A dolphin riding the bow wave. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_026]
Eric Moortgat (Assistant Laboratory Officer, IODP JRSO) reading the color code on a resistor during the electronics workshop. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_027]
Vincent Percuoco and Alexis Armstrong (Marine Laboratory Specialists, IODP JRSO) test their designs during the electronics workshop. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_028]
Heather Barnes (Assistant Laboratory Officer, IODP JRSO) celebrates her birthday with specially made cupcakes in the downhole laboratory. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_029]
Siem personnel welding the first reentry cone. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_030]
Siem personnel next to the reentry cone for a sense of scale. The long exposure photo of the welding operations creates an interesting effect. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_031]
A bird’s eye view of the freshly painted reentry cone. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_032]
The spectacular dancing display of a flying fish skimming across the water. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_033]
Vincent Percuoco (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO) instructs Emily Estes (Staff Scientist, IODP JRSO) and Sarah Kachovich (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO) on how to use the CHNS elemental analyzer. (Credit: Brittany Martinez, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_034]
Clay Furman (Schlumberger Logging Engineer, IODP JRSO) instructs the Electronics workshop. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_035]
Alex Roth (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO) organized work set-up to maximize productivity. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_036]
Luan Heywood (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO) watching the sea. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_037]
Siem personnel enjoying the first barbeque for Expedition 390C. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_038]
Close-up of a sunset over the Atlantic Ocean. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_039]
Chieh Peng (Laboratory Officer, IODP, JRSO) celebrates her birthday in the downhole laboratory. (Credit: Sarah Kachovich, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp390C_040]