Dr. Trevor Williams

Expedition Project Manager/Staff Scientist
International Ocean Discovery Program
Texas A&M University
1000 Discovery Drive
College Station, Texas 77845-9547
Phone: (979) 458-3230
International Ocean Discovery Program
Texas A&M University
1000 Discovery Drive
College Station, Texas 77845-9547
Phone: (979) 458-3230
IODP Expeditions & Activities
- Expedition 393: South Atlantic Transect 2 (2022)
- Expedition 395P: Complete South Atlantic Transect Reentry Installations (2021)
- Expedition 382: Iceberg Alley and Subantarctic Ice and Ocean Dynamics (2019)
- Expedition 366: Mariana Convergent Margin & South Chamorro Seamount (2016–2017)
- Expedition 307: Modern Carbonate Mounds: Porcupine Drilling (2005)
- Science lead for Geophysics LWG (2019–)
Previous Sailing
- Expedition 354: Bengal Fan (Downhole Tools/Physical Properties Specialist) (2015)
- Expedition 349: South China Sea Tectonics (Logging Staff Scientist) (2014)
- Expedition 339: Mediterranean Outflow (Logging Staff Scientist) (2011)
- Expedition 318: Wilkes Land Glacial History (Logging Staff Scientist) (2010)
- Expedition 320: Pacific Equatorial Age Transect (Logging Staff Scientist) (2009)
- ANDRILL: McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica (2006)
- EuroMaars (1990-1992) French maar lake sediments: Environmental and geomagnetic change over the last 400 thousand years. (PhD work)
ODP Activities
- Leg 198: Shatsky Rise, West Pacific: Warm climates of the Cretaceous and Paleogene (2001)
- Leg 188: Prydz Bay: Antarctic ice sheet history (2000)
- Leg 178: Antarctic Peninsula: Antarctic ice sheet history (1998)
- Leg 172: Northwest Atlantic Sediment Drifts: Paleoceanography and paleomagnetism (1997)
- Leg 166: Bahamas Transect: Miocene-Pleistocene environmental change and sea level (1996)
- Antarctic climate and ice history: provenance of iceberg-rafted debris and glacially eroded sediment; ice sheet instability under past warm climates; sea level change; Antarctic subglacial geology.
- Ocean drilling: the use of downhole geophysical logs and physical properties of marine sediment cores for insight into paleoceanography, stratigraphy, and cyclicity; linking borehole data to seismic profiles; downhole magnetic logging for magnetostratigraphy.
- Warm climates of the Cretaceous and Eocene: ocean anoxic events; chert formation; long-term climate change.
- Curriculum Vitae
- Publications (Web view | RIS)