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Instrumented Gulf Coast Repository (GCR)

Following the demobilization of the JOIDES Resolution (JR) in August–September 2024, Texas A&M University was tasked by the National Science Foundation (NSF) with setting up an instrumented Gulf Coast Repository (GCR), utilizing instrumentation removed from the JR. Instrumented GCR laboratories are expected to be set up and functional by Spring 2025.

The instrumented GCR will continue providing the same curatorial services (i.e., collecting and shipping samples at no cost) as before, but will also include extensive capabilities to describe and analyze legacy cores and, potentially, new cores collected by various operators in the future.

Scientific ocean drilling sample requests can continue to be submitted on the Sample, Data and Request Manager (SDRM).

The instrumented GCR will include laboratories dedicated to core description, microscopy for paleontology and petrography, chemistry, scanning X-ray fluorescence (XRF), physical properties, and paleomagnetism. The following schematics show the planned laboratory setup, which mimics the ship’s environment to some degree. Individual scientists and research teams will be able to use the instruments for a fee. Please contact the GCR Curator for more information.

IODP Building

Sample Preparation Laboratory

Chemistry Laboratory

Microscopy Laboratory

Magnetism, Physical Properties, and XRF Laboratories