Shrunken cups after their round trip to the northwest caldera rim of Brothers volcano. (Credit: Tatsuo Nozaki & IODP) [Photo ID: exp376_031]
Philipp Brandl (Igneous Petrologist, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany), Frank Tepley (Igneous Petrologist, Oregon State University, USA), Jessica Labonté (Microbiologist, Texas A&M University at Galveston, USA), and others enjoy the first BBQ of this expedition. (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_032]
Anna Kutovaya (Organic Geochemist, RWTH Aachen University, Germany) and Yuichi Shimmoto (Engineer, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science & Technology [JAMSTEC], Japan) at the BBQ. (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_033]
Inva Braha (Curatorial Specialist, IODP JRSO), Cameron Ramsey (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO), Anna Kutovaya (Organic Geochemist, RWTH Aachen University, Germany), and Ken Takai (Microbiologist, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology [JAMSTEC], Japan) in the core splitting room. (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_034]
Karen Strehlow (Sedimentologist, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany) makes core description notes. (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_035]
Agnes Reyes (Physical Properties Specialist/Downhole Measurements, GNS Science, New Zealand) prepares the next downhole experiment. (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_036]
Susanne Straub (Volcanologist, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO], Columbia University, USA), Philipp Brandl (Igneous Petrologist, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany), Karen Strehlow (Sedimentologist, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany), Yuanfeng Cai (Alteration Mineralogist, Nanjing University, China), and Chao Zhang (Alteration Mineralogist, Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany) at the core description table. (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_037]
John Jamieson (Alteration Mineralogist, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada) and Aida Farough (Physical Properties Specialist/Petrophysics, Kansas State University, USA). (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_038]
Chao Zhang (Alteration Mineralogist, Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany) and Yuanfeng Cai (Alteration Mineralogist, Nanjing University, China) at the core description table. (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_039]
Fabio Caratori Tontini (Paleomagnetist, GNS Science, New Zealand), John Jamieson (Alteration Mineralogist, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada), Aida Farough (Physical Properties Specialist/Petrophysics, Kansas State University, USA), and Sheryl Frazier (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO). (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_040]
Chao Zhang (Alteration Mineralogist, Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany), Yuanfeng Cai (Alteration Mineralogist, Nanjing University, China), and Susanne Straub (Volcanologist, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO], Columbia University, USA) in the foreground at the core description table. (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_041]
A Siem Offshore Driller in the drill shack. (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_042]
A Siem Offshore worker welds a reentry funnel. (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_043]
The Entier Assistant Cook presents a birthday cake to David Fackler (Applications Developer, IODP JRSO). (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_044]
David Fackler (Applications Developer, IODP JRSO) celebrates his birthday with scientists and technicians. (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_045]
Lucy Schlicht (Metamorphic Petrologist, University of Bremen, Germany) and Stephen Roberts (Alteration Mineralogist, University of Southampton, United Kingdom). (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_046]
Tobias Höfig (Expedition Project Manager/Staff Scientist, IODP JRSO), Ken Takai (Microbiologist, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology [JAMSTEC], Japan), the Siem Offshore Second Officer, Cécile Massiot (Physical Properties Specialist/Downhole Measurements, GNS Science, New Zealand), Philipp Brandl (Igneous Petrologist, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany), Cornel de Ronde (Co-Chief Scientist, GNS Science, New Zealand), Fabio Caratori Tontini (Paleomagnetist, GNS Science, New Zealand), Chao Zhang (Alteration Mineralogist, Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany), Mackenzie Schoemann (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO), and Susan Humphris (Co-Chief Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA) pose at a safety drill. (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_047]
Aida Farough (Physical Properties Specialist/Petrophysics, Kansas State University, USA). (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_048]
Albatross. (Credit: Tammy Orilio & IODP) [Photo ID: exp376_001]
Sunset at a portside lifeboat. (Credit: Tobias Höfig, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_050]
The derrick and the white shucks, which store the inner core barrels. (Credit: Tobias Höfig, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_051]
Flushing an underreamer in the moonpool after its return from drilling in casing. (Credit: Tobias Höfig, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_052]
Philipp Brandl (Igneous Petrologist, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany) and Karen Strehlow (Sedimentologist, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany). (Credit: Perry Hyde & IODP) [Photo ID: exp376_053]
Tobias Höfig (Expedition Project Manager/Staff Scientist, IODP JRSO), Cornel de Ronde (Co-Chief Scientist, GNS Science, New Zealand), Inva Braha (Curatorial Specialist, IODP JRSO), Vivian Pellizari (Microbiologist, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil), Jessica Labonté (Microbiologist, Texas A&M University at Galveston, USA), and Anna Kutovaya (Organic Geochemist, RWTH Aachen University, Germany) discuss microbiology sampling in the core splitting room. (Credit: Tammy Orilio & IODP) [Photo ID: exp376_054]
Tobias Höfig (Expedition Project Manager/Staff Scientist, IODP JRSO) and Karen Strehlow (Sedimentologist, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany) work in the core splitting room. (Credit: Perry Hyde & IODP) [Photo ID: exp376_055]
Welding light. (Credit: Philipp Brandl & IODP) [Photo ID: exp376_056]
Sunset across the portside bow. (Credit: Philipp Brandl & IODP) [Photo ID: exp376_057]
Kerry Swain (Logging Engineer, Schlumberger Offshore Services) works on downhole logging tools on the helideck behind the pipe rack. (Credit: John Jamieson & IODP) [Photo ID: exp376_058]
A still frame from a video captures the exact moment the reentry funnel enters the water in the moonpool. (Credit: Perry Hyde & IODP) [Photo ID: exp376_059]
Jessica Labonté (Microbiologist, Texas A&M University at Galveston, USA) on the bow near the ship’s anchor windlass. (Credit: William Crawford, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp376_060]