Siem Offshore personnel takes a ride up the derrick. (Credit: Tim Fulton, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp385_077]
Brittany Martinez (Curatorial Specialist, IODP JRSO), Beth Novak (Assistant Laboratory Officer, IODP JRSO), and others on the catwalk with a new core. (Credit: Tim Fulton, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp385_078]
Wei Xie (Igneous Petrologist, Hohai University, China) inspects a core on the catwalk. (Credit: Tim Fulton, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp385_080]
From left: Beth Novak (Assistant Laboratory Officer, IODP JRSO), Christophe Galerne (Physical Properties Specialist, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany), and Susan Boehm (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO) react to the sill obtained in the core. (Credit: Tim Fulton, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp385_081]
Ji-Hoon Kim (Inorganic Geochemist, Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources, Republic of Korea) and Yuki Morono (Microbiologist, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan) take a break outside. (Credit: Tim Fulton, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp385_082]
Yuki Morono (Microbiologist, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan), Joann Stock (Structural Geologist, California Institute of Technology, USA), and others outside watching for wildlife. (Credit: Tim Fulton, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp385_083]
Nicolette Meyer (Microbiologist, Stanford University, USA) and Garrick Van Rensburg (Marine Instrumentation Specialist, IODP JRSO) take a break at the picnic tables. (Credit: Tim Fulton, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp385_084]
Yuki Morono (Microbiologist, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan) and Beth Novak (Assistant Laboratory Officer, IODP JRSO) photographing the wildlife. (Credit: Tim Fulton, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp385_085]
Timothy Blaisdell (Applications Developer, IODP JRSO) celebrates a birthday in the mess hall with the scientists and technicians. (Credit: Tim Fulton, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp385_086]
Manet Peña-Salinas (Physical Properties/Downhole Measurements Specialist, UABC, Mexico) and Joann Stock (Structural Geologist, California Institute of Technology, USA) celebrate a birthday in the mess hall with the scientists and technicians. (Credit: Tim Fulton, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp385_087]
Yuki Morono (Microbiologist, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan) and Wei Xie (Igneous Petrologist, Hohai University, China) with a core in the splitting room. (Credit: Tim Fulton, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: exp385_088]
Martine Buatier (Sedimentologist, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France) and Myriam Kars (Paleomagnetist, Kochi University, Japan) outside for the sunset. (Credit: Joann Stock & IODP) [Photo ID: exp385_090]
Waiting for the next core. From left: Andreas Teske (Co-Chief Scientist, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA), Myriam Kars (Paleomagnetist, Kochi University, Japan), Kathleen Marsaglia (Sedimentologist, California State University, Northridge, USA), Beth Novak (Assistant Laboratory Officer, IODP JRSO), Manet Peña-Salinas (Physical Properties/Downhole Measurements Specialist, UABC, Mexico), Sitthichat (Boris) Sukpholtham (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO), Christophe Galerne (Physical Properties Specialist, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany), and Tobias Höfig (Expedition Project Manager/Staff Scientist, IODP JRSO). (Credit: Martine Buatier & IODP) [Photo ID: exp385_091]
Virginia Edgcomb (Microbiologist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA) working in the microbiology lab. (Credit: Virginia Edgcomb & IODP) [Photo ID: exp385_092]
Andreas Teske (Co-Chief Scientist, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA) enjoying the lava cake on Saturday. (Credit: Andreas Teske & IODP) [Photo ID: exp385_093]
Describing core. From left: Martine Buatier (Sedimentologist, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France), Joann Stock (Structural Geologist, California Institute of Technology, USA), and Wei Xie (Igneous Petrologist, Hohai University, China). (Credit: Andreas Teske & IODP) [Photo ID: exp385_094]
IODP JRSO Technical staff in the core receiving area. From left: Daniel Marone (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO), Lisa Crowder (Laboratory Officer, IODP JRSO), Jasmine Baloch (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO), Mackenzie Schoemann (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO), Beth Novak (Assistant Laboratory Officer, IODP JRSO), and Susan Boehm (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO). (Credit: Andreas Teske & IODP) [Photo ID: exp385_095]
Lisa Crowder (Laboratory Officer, IODP JRSO) and Chang Liu (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO) working with a core in the downhole lab. (Credit: Andreas Teske & IODP) [Photo ID: exp385_096]
John Sarao (Paleontologist, Texas A&M University, USA) with a core at the description table. (Credit: Andreas Teske & IODP) [Photo ID: exp385_097]
Jasmine Baloch (Marine Laboratory Specialist, IODP JRSO) carries a core on the catwalk at dusk. (Credit: Verena Heuer & IODP) [Photo ID: exp385_098]
Siem Offshore personnel climbs a stairway outside at dusk. (Credit: Verena Heuer & IODP) [Photo ID: exp385_099]
The moon. (Credit: Verena Heuer & IODP) [Photo ID: exp385_100]