Dr. Peter Blum

Expedition Project Manager/Staff Scientist
International Ocean Discovery Program
Texas A&M University
1000 Discovery Drive
College Station, Texas 77845-9547
Phone: (979) 845-9299
International Ocean Discovery Program
Texas A&M University
1000 Discovery Drive
College Station, Texas 77845-9547
Phone: (979) 845-9299
IODP Expeditions & Activities
- Expedition 395E: Hole U1309D Remediation and Engineering Testing (2021)
- Expedition 384: Engineering Testing (2020)
- Expedition 385T: Panama Basin Crustal Architecture and Deep Biosphere: Revisiting Holes 504B and 896A (2019)
- Expedition 371: Tasman Frontier Subduction Initiation and Paleogene Climate (2017)
- Expedition 362T: Transit/Hole U1473A Remediation (2016)
- Expedition 360: SW Indian Ridge Lower Crust and Moho (2015–2016)
- Expedition 350: Izu Bonin Mariana Rear Arc (2014)
- Expedition 342: Newfoundland Paleogene Sediment Drifts (2012)
- Expedition 335: Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 4 (2011)
- Expedition 317: Canterbury Basin (2009-2010)
- Science lead for Geology LWG (2011– )
- 2007–2009, Manager of Tools & Analytical Services (IODP-USIO/TAMU)
- 2004–2006, Supervisor of Analytical Services (IODP-USIO/TAMU)
ODP Activities
- Leg 208: Early Cenozoic Extreme Climates: Walvis Ridge (Publications)
- Leg 202: SE Pacific Paleoceanography (Publications)
- Leg 194: Marion Plateau Sea Level (Publications)
- Leg 184: East Asia Monsoon (Publications)
- Leg 177: Southern Ocean Paleoceanography (Publications)
- Leg 170: Costa Rica Accretionary Wedge (Publications)
- Leg 162: North Atlantic-Arctic Gateways II (Publications)
- Leg 156: Northern Barbados Ridge (Publications)
- Leg 150: New Jersey Margin (Publications)
- Physical Properties Lab Oversight
- Physical Properties Handbook, Technical Note 26 (1997)
- Janus Review Committee
Professional Affiliations
- American Geophysical Union