JOIDES Resolution Tour 1985–2005

This online brochure guides you through the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program’s scientific drill ship, JOIDES Resolution. Its contents describe the features of a unique floating research laboratory.
Scientists on board have at their disposal a complete array of instruments and equipment located in the ship’s 12 laboratories. The scientists, who represent a variety of disciplines in earth sciences, analyze samples of rock and sediment using a range of instruments. They examine smears of sediment under an array of microscopes, X-ray cores with sophisticated machines, probe thick rounds of samples with thermometers, and compress, freeze, or slice the sub-seafloor material.
Although analyses done on board the ship provide information critical to the Program’s mission, the recovered rocks and sediment also become invaluable resources for scientists around the world.
IODP and its predecessor ODP have achieved preeminence in the field of earth sciences by producing significant scientific research, developing and employing new technology, and fostering international cooperation. IODP takes pride in the vessel that ensures its success. The JOIDES Resolution is a one-of-a-kind research vessel with laboratories and equipment unmatched on land or sea. Please be our guest for an online tour.