News Releases
Mega-iceberg from Antarctica on collision course with South Georgia: harbinger of things to come?
(February 24, 2025)
Ultra-deep drilling reveals mysteries of Japan tsunami
(January 6, 2025)
Past climate change shifts ocean currents and winds, altering heat and carbon exchange in the Southern Ocean, study finds
(January 1, 2025)
Antarctica’s irregular heartbeat shows signs of rapid melting
(December 10, 2024)
On the trail of the 2011 mega earthquake
(December 4, 2024)
Deep ocean clues to a million-year-old Ice Age puzzle revealed in new study
(November 8, 2024)
Epic voyage to uncover what causes tsunamis
(October 23, 2024)
Buried treasure
(October 1, 2024)
University takes the helm of global scientific drilling research programme
(October 1, 2024)
Leicester geoscientist makes expedition to the site of Japanese earthquake
(September 16, 2024)
Ancient Ocean Sediments Reveal Analog to Human-Influenced Warming
(September 3, 2024)
SMS graduate student co-author on Science research article after 2-month JOIDES sea expedition
(August 28, 2024)
What microscopic fossilized shells tell us about ancient climate change
(August 26, 2024)
Recovery of rocks in Earth’s mantle could reveal secrets of planet’s history
(August 9, 2024)
UD doctoral student spends summer on research vessel in the Arctic Ocean
(August 9, 2024)
Earth’s mantle may reveal origins of life
(August 8, 2024)
Record-breaking recovery of rocks that originated in Earth’s mantle could reveal secrets of planet’s history
(August 8, 2024)
Rocks that originated in Earth’s mantle could reveal secrets of planet’s history
(August 8, 2024)
Record-breaking recovery of rocks that originated in Earth’s mantle could reveal secrets of planet’s history
(August 8, 2024)
Heriot-Watt scientists to join expedition investigating 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami
(June 26, 2024)
CO2 puts heavier stamp on temperature than thought
(June 21, 2024)
Scientists make breakthrough in causes behind one of the most significant climate catastrophes
(June 17, 2024)
Ancient ocean slowdown warns of future climate chaos
(June 13, 2024)
The Hidden Language of Ocean Coral
(May 30, 2024)
Out to sea: Undergrad experiences ocean sciences firsthand
(May 6, 2024)
Accelerated marine carbon cycling forced by tectonic degassing over the Miocene Climate Optimum
(April 23, 2024)
Snapshot: Miles of Mud Yield Clues About Our Climate Future
(April 11, 2024)
Johnson Selected to Distinguished Lecture Series
(March 27, 2024)
Evolution of the most powerful ocean current on Earth
(March 27, 2024)
Evolution of the most powerful ocean current on Earth
(March 27, 2024)
Scientific Drilling Unravels Historical Mystery Surrounding Santorini
(March 25, 2024)
Scientific Drilling Unravels Historical Mystery Surrounding Santorini
(March 25, 2024)
Aggie Oceanographer And Geographer Named 2024 US Science Envoy
(March 22, 2024)
ZDF Studios launch new ground-breaking documentary ‘The Santorini Code’
(March 13, 2024)
Scientists produce first record of environmental data off coast of Hawai’i
(March 1, 2024)
Scientists begin to crack open climate-change riddles hiding in ancient coral
(February 23, 2024)
International research team obtains first high-resolution fossil coral record of environmental data off Hawai’i
(February 22, 2024)
UK scientific expertise supports first high-resolution fossil coral record of environmental data off Hawai’i
(February 22, 2024)
Searching for clues in the history book of the ocean
(February 16, 2024)
Broadcasting from the ocean, scientists share realities of climate change and science research
(February 7, 2024)
Under the sea: PhD student to take part in research expedition in the Mediterranean
(January 23, 2024)
Historic Santorini eruption pales in comparison to ancient blowout
(January 16, 2024)
A Volcanic Explosion 520,000 Years Ago Dwarfed One That Devastated the Minoan Civilization
(January 16, 2024)
Evidence of one of the largest submarine explosive eruptions ever recorded in the Aegean Sea
(January 15, 2024)
Discovery of a gigantic underwater eruption of ancestral Santorini (In French; read in English via Google Translate)
(January 12, 2024)
Hydrothermal Mercury – the natural story of a contaminant
(December 18, 2023)
Raquel Bryant on Eight-Week Research Expedition in Waters of Greenland
(October 11, 2023)
What 25-million-year-old ocean sediment can teach us about our planet's future
(October 9, 2023)
Scientists set sail to investigate high-resolution sea level, climate and coral reef records
(September 25, 2023)
Scientific ocean drilling discovers dynamic carbon cycling in the ultra-deep-water Japan Trench
(September 11, 2023)
The Origins of Life
(September 7, 2023)
Expedition to recover fossil coral reefs could be window into past, future
(August 31, 2023)
Ancient volcanism drove ancient global warming that marked the end of the Paleocene
(August 21, 2023)
Past climate warming driven by hydrothermal vents
(August 3, 2023)
Exploring Frontiers: USM Geologist Among Scientists Aboard Historic Ocean Drilling Expedition
(July 18, 2023)
Super salty water from the Indian Ocean helped end ice ages, study suggests
(July 11, 2023)
Out to sea: Doctoral candidate joins ocean expedition in the far north
(July 3, 2023)
Rutgers-led study suggests ongoing oxygen loss from the seas due to climate change may reverse in the future
(June 28, 2023)
Life at sea: Liverpool scientist joins international expedition to study Reykjanes Ridge
(June 26, 2023)
Exploring unknown worlds: UW-Whitewater student blends communication and science in deep sea venture
(June 19, 2023)
Massive underwater plateau near Solomon Islands is younger and its eruption was more protracted than previously thought, research suggests
(June 15, 2023)
UW Professor Part of Team That Recovered Section of Earth's Mantle
(June 12, 2023)
Past climate change to blame for Antarctica’s giant underwater landslides
(May 18, 2023)
“Warm Ice Age” Changed Climate Cycles
(May 16, 2023)
Nebraska geophysicist studying new tectonic theory in North Atlantic
(April 19, 2023)
Building Blocks of Life on the Atlantis Massif
(April 12, 2023)
Study on methane in deep-sea sediments shows small releases happen more often than thought
(March 27, 2023)
Drilling into Earth history: Geology major experiences core sampling science on Mediterranean voyage
(March 17, 2023)
Slow Motion: USU Geophysicist Investigates Tectonic Plate Boundary Earthquake Behavior
(February 16, 2023)
Earthquake Scientists Have a New Tool in the Race to Find the Next Big One
(February 16, 2023)
Climate Change Could Cause Mass Exodus of Tropical Plankton
(February 15, 2023)
Marine research with JOIDES Resolution in Santorini – The participation of EKPA is decisive
(In Greek; read in English via Google Translate)
(February 6, 2023)
The dormant volcanoes of the Aegean (In German; read in English via Google Translate)
(January 23, 2023)
Malformed seashells, ancient sediment provide clues about Earth’s past
(January 19, 2023)
Portuguese researcher co-leads the Paleoceanography expedition of the Iberian Margin (In Spanish; read in English via Google Translate)
(January 12, 2023)
Marine Sediment Tells Story of East Asian Rainfall over the Past 400,000 Years
(January 11, 2023)
Texas A&M Oceanographer’s Research Points To New Method Of Understanding Global Organic Carbon Cycle
(January 4, 2023)
Climate warming reduces organic carbon burial beneath oceans
(January 4, 2023)
The biostratigrapher José-Abel Flores participates in the most relevant international research program on climate change (In Spanish; read in English via Google Translate)
(December 15, 2022)
Study finds effect of Earth's orbit around the sun on ancient microorganisms
(October 21, 2022)
Oldest marine DNA discovered in Antarctic sediments
(October 14, 2022)
Exploring Sedimentary Response to Eocene Tectonic and Climate Changes in Southeast Indian Ocean
(October 13, 2022)
Expedition on the Portuguese coast seeks to understand the climate changes of the past (In Spanish; read in English via Google Translate)
(October 13, 2022)
Two consecutive Italian coordinated campaigns were awarded for the first time by ECORD/IODP (In Italian; read in English via Google Translate)
(October 12, 2022)
Iberian Margin Paleoclimate Expedition 397 sets sail
(October 11, 2022)
Iberian Margin Paleoclimate
(October 10, 2022)
1 million-year-old marine DNA found in Antarctic sediment
(October 5, 2022)
Ancient marine DNA discovered in Antarctic sediments holds clues to ocean ecosystem shifts to come
(October 4, 2022)
Deepest Scientific Ocean Drilling Sheds Light on Japan’s Next Great Earthquake
(September 22, 2022)
Deepest scientific ocean drilling effort sheds light on Japan’s next ‘big one’
(September 22, 2022)
Climate change and the ocean: Oxygen-poor zones shrank under past warm periods, scientists discover
(August 31, 2022)
Texas A&M At Galveston Chief Academic Officer Named
(August 19, 2022)
Stretching of the continents drove ancient global warming event, say scientists
(June 23, 2022)
Ship to shore: Paleontologist contributes to ocean expedition from Binghamton
(June 21, 2022)
Scientists Reveal Fluid-rock Interactions at Shallow Subduction Zone from Mariana Forearc
(June 10, 2022)
Study Unveils Climate Evolution in Middle Latitudes of Southern Hemisphere During Miocene
(May 9, 2022)
Doctoral Student Joins Ocean Expedition to Investigate Climate Change
(April 25, 2022)
No glacial fertilization effect in the Antarctic Ocean
(April 19, 2022)
Defying Some Expectations, Southern Ocean Did Not Increase Carbon Uptake in Ice Ages
(April 19, 2022)
NSF-Funded Deep Ocean Drilling Expeditions Will Be Led By Texas A&M Scientists
(April 12, 2022)
Undersea sediment reveals clues about seismic activity
(March 23, 2022)
Environmental Science Ph.D. candidate embarks on deep-sea drilling expedition
(March 04, 2022)
Antarctic ice's deep past shows it could be more vulnerable to warming
(February 14, 2022)
Researchers take long cores from the Agulhas Plateau for the first time
(February 11, 2022)
U geoscientist sails on Arctic research cruise
(January 20, 2022)
Why did ocean productivity decline abruptly 4.6 million years ago?
(January 18, 2022)
Study of Antarctic ice’s deep past shows it could be more vulnerable to warming
(December 15, 2021)
Study of Antarctic ice’s deep past shows it could be more vulnerable to warming
(December 15, 2021)
Two-month expedition at sea proves adventure of lifetime for Husker geologist
(December 2, 2021)
Tectonic shift in Southern Ocean caused dramatic ancient cooling event
(November 24, 2021)
Clocking the speed of ocean circulation holds the key to past African climates
(October 27, 2021)
Rowan University research leads to deeper understanding of ocean currents
(October 20, 2021)
Melting ice: NSF-funded project will focus on Antarctic ice sheet and rising seas
(October 1, 2021)
Ancient ocean conditions: UD student spent the summer looking at tiny shells to understand climatic conditions thousands of years ago
(September 17, 2021)
Sea ice history sheds light on future climate change impact on Antarctic plankton
(September 10, 2021)
Ancient sea ice core sheds light on modern climate change
(September 9, 2021)
Research aims to unlock secrets of magma transport below the ocean floor
(July 26, 2021)
Feeding Deep Ocean Microbes
(July 8, 2021)
OU research finds human impacts on monsoon rainfall could exceed natural changes over last 30 million years
(June 30, 2021)
Boring to study slow earthquakes: Data from boreholes in plate boundaries could explain slow earthquakes
(June 28 2021)
Study of past South Asian monsoons suggests stronger monsoon rainfall in the future
(June 4 2021)
Dead zones formed repeatedly in North Pacific during warm climates, study finds
(June 2, 2021)
Deep-sea expedition sets two depth records
(June 1, 2021)
Tangled Sea Turtle Rescued From Atlantic Ocean During IODP Project
(May 10, 2021)
University researcher contributes to study into the limits of life on Earth
(March 31, 2021)
New basalt type discovered beneath the ocean
(March 23, 2021)
Evolution of ocean “twilight zone” creatures linked to global climate change
(March 11, 2021)
Tracking giant earthquakes in the Ring of Fire
(March 11, 2021)
Microbes deep beneath seafloor survive on byproducts of radioactive process
(March 1, 2021)
URI researchers: Microbes deep beneath seafloor survive on byproducts of radioactive process
(February 26, 2021)
Space dust found in Chicxulub crater confirms asteroid’s dinosaur-killing role
(February 25, 2021)
Asteroid Dust Found in Crater Closes Case of Dinosaur Extinction
(February 24, 2021)
Important Climate Change Mystery Solved by Scientists
(January 27, 2021)
Melting icebergs key to sequence of an ice age, scientists find
(January 13, 2021)
Deep-sea volcanoes: Windows into the subsurface
(January 5, 2021)
How Hot Is Too Hot for Life Deep Below the Ocean Floor?
(December 4, 2020)
Researchers discover life in deep ocean sediments at or above water's boiling point
(December 3, 2020)
Deep-sea volcanoes: Windows into the subsurface
(November 30, 2020)
How stable is the Antarctic ice sheet?
(November 27, 2020)
Who is driving whom? Climate and carbon cycle in perpetual interaction
(October 6, 2020)
Ice discharge in the North Pacific set off series of climate events during the last ice age, study finds
(October 1, 2020)
66 million years of Earth's climate uncovered from ocean sediments
(September 11, 2020)
Unraveling 66 million years of climate history from ocean sediments
(September 10, 2020)
High-fidelity record of Earth's climate history puts current changes in context
(September 10, 2020)
Scientists unravel 66 million years of climate history from ocean sediments
(September 10, 2020)
Study analyses the impact of carbon dioxide on Earth's climate 30 million years ago
(September 7, 2020)
Great Barrier Reef 'glue' at risk from ocean acidification
(September 3, 2020)
Carbon dioxide 'pulses' are a common feature of the carbon cycle
(August 20, 2020)
How the seafloor of the Antarctic Ocean is changing – and the climate is following suit
(August 10, 2020)
New study reveals lower energy limit for life on Earth
(August 5, 2020)
Deep sea microbes dormant for 100 million years are hungry and ready to multiply
(July 28, 2020)
Deep sea microbes dormant for 100 million years are hungry and ready to multiply
(July 28, 2020)
Bacteria in rock deep under sea inspire new search for life on Mars
(April 2, 2020)
Microbes far beneath the seafloor rely on carbon recycling to survive
(March 17, 2020)
Texas A&M Research Team Finds Life Deep Beneath Ocean Floor
(March 16, 2020)
Sinking seamounts make and muffle earthquakes
(March 10, 2020)
In death of dinosaurs, it was all about the asteroid — not volcanoes
(January 16, 2020)
Epic South Pacific Expedition Is Special For Texas A&M Geosciences Dean
(January 16, 2020)
Dunedin schools, clubs, and associations – anyone – ahoy!
(December 4, 2019)
President Young Tours JOIDES Resolution During Rare IODP Stateside Port Call
(September 27, 2019)
USM Undergraduate Student Conducts Oceanic Research aboard Drilling Ship
(September 18, 2019)
Ocean expedition to West Antarctic Ice Sheet seeks to reveal climate history in region with greatest sea ice loss
(February 1, 2019)
Deep-sea drilling to shed new light on the stability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
(January 25, 2019)
Ocean Drilling Project Seeks Clues to Future Sea Level Rise
(January 23, 2019)
Class of 2018: Doctoral student looks back at career-changing research trip to underwater volcano
(11 December 2018)
Scientists probe inner workings of a submarine volcano
(5 July 2018)
Dr. John Jamieson joins expedition drilling underwater volcano
(1 June 2018)
Dr. Labonté, Studying the Limits of Life
(24 May 2018)
Ghost shark in volcano caught on camera
(24 May 2018)
World first probe of submarine volcano gets underway
(7 May 2018)
Scientists to drill into active undersea volcano
(7 May 2018)
Tapping into New Zealand’s sleeping giant
(May 4, 2018)
Deep-sea observatories to offer new view of seabed earthquakes
(March 8, 2018)
Lost continent of Zealandia: Scientists return from expedition to sunken land
(September 26, 2017)
Arranca la expedición al continente sumergido de Zelandia [in English via Google Translate]
(July 20, 2017)
Scientists embark on expedition to submerged continent Zealandia
(July 18, 2017)
Expedition to understand causes of 2004 tsunami (August 8, 2016)
Climate can grind down mountains faster than they can rebuild (November 23, 2015)
Some Pacific Ocean Trenches Are Younger Than Believed (August 26, 2015)
U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy Visits the JOIDES Resolution (June 6, 2014)
National Science Foundation to continue operations of the drillship JOIDES Resolution (November 21, 2013)
Asian Monsoon Cycle the Focus of Final Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition (November 8, 2013)
Scientists confirm existence of largest single volcano on Earth (September 6, 2013)
JOIDES Resolution Concludes Operations in the Gulf of Alaska (August 30, 2013)
JOIDES Resolution to Study Climate Change and Earth Systems in the Gulf of Alaska (May 29, 2013)
JOIDES Resolution Retrieves Young Crustal Rocks from Hess Deep Rift (March 20, 2013)
Scientific Expedition Studies Geology of Costa Rican Earthquake Fault (December 26, 2012)
Ocean Drilling Expedition Retrieves "Greatest Hits of Paleoclimate" from the North Atlantic (December 26, 2012)
Brazil Joins International Marine Research Effort (August 21, 2012)
Quick Expedition to Undersea Mountain Yields Rich Information About Sub-Seafloor Structure, Formation, and Alteration Processes (March 21, 2012)
In an Underwater River of Sand and Mud off the Iberian Coast, Six Million Years of Earth History (January 23, 2012)
Scientists Look to Microbes to Help Unlock Earth's Deep Secrets (January 9, 2012)
Scientists Look to Microbes to Unlock Earth's Deep Secrets (January 9, 2012)
IODP Presence at AGU Meeting (November 29, 2011)
Deep Earth Academy - August 2011 (September 2, 2011)
Exploring An Ocean Desert: Scientists Study Life in the Remote South Pacific Gyre (August 18, 2011)
Heavy Metal Meets Hard Rock: Battling through the Ocean Crust's Hardest Rocks to Capture the Boundary Between Magma and Water (June 22, 2011)
Significant Role of Oceans in Onset of Ancient Global Cooling (May 27, 2011)
U.S. Scientific Research Vessel To Visit Costa Rica 13-16 April (April 6, 2011)
Ancient Undersea Volcanoes Yield Clues to Earth Dynamics (February 15, 2011)
Scientists Delve Into 'Hotspot' Volcanoes along Pacific Ocean Seamount Trail (February 15, 2011)
New Seafloor Observatory Takes Pulse of Planet in Pacific Northwest (September 30, 2010)
Subseafloor Observatories Installed to Run Dynamic Experiments (September 7, 2010)
Through the Looking Glass: Scientists Peer Into Antarctica's Past to See Our Future Climate (April 29, 2010)
From ship to shore, scientists bring ocean exploration into the classroom (April 20, 2010)
"School of Rock" Gives Teachers Hands-on Science Research Experience (April 5, 2010)
Deciphering the Mysteries of an Ancient Seafloor Goliath (April 9, 2010)
Scientists Explore Origins of "Supervolcanoes" on the Sea Floor (April 9, 2010)
Geoscientists Drill Deepest Hole in Ocean Crust in Scientific Ocean Drilling History (January 25, 2010)
JOIDES Resolution Visits Wellington, New Zealand (January 8, 2010)
Ocean Leadership to Attend AGU Conference (December 4, 2009)
Scientific Ocean Drilling Vessel To Make Port Call in Townsville, Australia (November 2, 2009)
Texas Science Teacher Sails the Open Seas to Learn About Sea Level Change (November 2, 2009)
International Group of Scientists Converge at IODP (October 19, 2009)
2009-2010 Schlanger Ocean Drilling Fellowship Program Winners Are Named (September 9, 2009)
International Conference to Plan Future of Ocean Drilling (September 9, 2009)
Dr. Nasseer Idrisi Selected As HBCU Educator at Sea (July 30, 2009)
Teachers from Around the World Take Part in Hands-On School of Rock 2009 Workshop (July 20, 2009)
U.S. Research Vessel En Route to Bering Sea Climate Change Investigations (July 14, 2009)
Georgia Teacher Latest to Set Sail on the JOIDES Resolution (June 30, 2009)
JR Expedition 321T - Juan de Fuca Cementing Operations (June 25, 2009)
Clement Appointed Director of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
Re-Dedication Of "JOIDES Resolution" (May 4, 2009)
Scientific Drilling Vessel Returns to Work After Major Overhaul - JOIDES Resolution Currently on Expedition in Pacific (April 29, 2009)
Newly Rebuilt Drillship JOIDES Resolution Enroute to Port Call: Scientific drilling vessel to dock in Honolulu harbor, May 5-9, 2009 (April 29, 2009)
Scientists Launch Drill Rig to Acquire Information-Rich Sediments off New Jersey Coast (April 30, 2009)
IODP Expands to 24 Countries (April 12, 2009)
Marine Scientists to Investigate Role of Equatorial Pacific in Global Climate System (March 10, 2009)
IODP to Operate Three Drilling Platforms in 2009 (February 18, 2009)
Ocean Research Officials Hail Completion of Modernization for U.S. Scientific Ocean Drilling Vessel (January 26, 2009)
The JOIDES Resolution Sails from Singapore (January 26, 2009)
The JOIDES Resolution completes initial sea trials (January 12, 2009)
Ocean Treasure Stored at IODP's Gulf Coast Repository (January 8, 2009)
Redistribution of scientific ocean drilling cores complete (November 5, 2008)
Cumulative Index to the Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program (November 3, 2008)
IODP Scientists Present Earth Science Day at Cypress Grove Intermediate School (October 14, 2008)
IODP discovery: deep biosphere home to 90 billion tons of microbial creatures (July 22, 2008)
Teachers Experience "School Of Rock" (July 8, 2008)
JOIDES Resolution systems report (July 2, 2008)
Update: from Steve Bohlen, on the future of scientific ocean drilling (June 30, 2008)
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Wins DeepStar Award (May 5, 2008)
Geologists Discover New Way of Estimating Size and Frequency of Meteorite Impacts (April 14, 2008)
Update: IODP U.S. Implementing Organization and the JOIDES Resolution (March 25, 2008)
Dr. Mark Leckie Visits an Elementary School and a High school in Tennessee (October 10, 2007)
ODP scientists say no large Northern Hemisphere ice sheets 41 million years ago (August 22, 2007)
17 teachers explore ocean floor core samples at the Gulf Coast Repository (August 13, 2007)
Oceanographic Research Organizations Join Forces To Form Consortium For Ocean Leadership (May 31, 2007)
Pushing Scientific Ocean Drilling Results to the Desktop (April 25, 2007)
Bigger, better U.S. scientific ocean drilling ship for Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (April 19, 2007)
Dr. Catherine O'Riordan Named Director of the U.S. Science Support Program at JOI (February 21, 2007)
The Heartbeat of the Oligocene Climate System (December 21, 2006)
Ocean Drilling Operations Are at Cutting Edge of Scientific Marine Research (November 21, 2006)
Global Strategy for Investigating Earth's Geodynamics Emerges From International Scientific Collaboration (November 14, 2006)
"Frozen" Natural Gas Discovered at Unexpectedly Shallow Depths Below Seafloor (August 21, 2006)
New Director of Ocean Drilling Programs at Joint Oceanographic Institutions (August 7, 2006)
South Korea Joins Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (June 21, 2006)
Ocean-Drilling Scientists Cite History of Arctic Climate Change (May 31, 2006)
Scientists Penetrate Fossil Magma Chamber Beneath Intact Ocean CrustAchieving Scientific "First" (April 20, 2006)
IODP Scientists Acquire "Treasure Trove" of Climate Records off Tahiti Coast (March 2, 2006)
Ocean Observing and Drilling Ship Conversion Programs Gain New Leadership at Joint Oceanographic Institutions (February 3, 2006)
Revered Scientific Drilling Ship to Get Extreme Makeover (December 21, 2005)
Scientists Gain New Insights Into "Frozen" Methane From Beneath Ocean Floor (October 31, 2005)
IODP Tahiti Sea Level Expedition Examines History of Global Sea Level Change, El Niño Events (October 7, 2005)
Cascadia Margin Gas Hydrates Expedition 311 (September 21, 2005)
Chester, VT Science Teacher Speaks to National Educators' Group (August 22, 2005)
Underwater Sand Avalanches Linked to Sea-Level Changes in Gulf of Mexico (July 8, 2005)
Ireland to Announce Its Membership in European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling Aboard High-Tech Scientific Ocean Drilling Vessel (April 12, 2005)
IODP Expedition Uncovers Key Information on Earth's Interior (April 6, 2005)
Activities of Subseafloor Life More Diverse than Expected (December 23, 2004)
New Ocean Drilling Research Findings, Opportunities Presented at AGU Fall Meeting (December 10, 2004)
Compilation of all ocean drilling abstracts (PDF)
IODP Obtains Critical New Data on North Atlantic Climate Change (November 17, 2004)
Scientists to Unveil Results from Final Ocean Drilling Program Expeditions (November 7, 2004)
JOIDES Resolution Retrieves Data from Underwater Observatories Key to Understanding the Deep Biosphere, Gas Hydrate Formation, and Earthquakes (September 21, 2004)
Ocean Research Team Returns, Seafloor Observatories Successfully Established (August 24, 2004)
Inaugural Voyage of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Sets Sail (June 25, 2004)
Dr. Frank Rack is hired as Director of Ocean Drilling Programs (November 13, 2003)
NSF Awards Contract for Start of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (September 30, 2003)
ODP Press Releases Archive (ODP Legacy web site)