Scientific Ocean Drilling Vessel
Fantail: Underway Geophysics Laboratory
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The primary function of the Underway Geophysics lab is to acquire navigation and bathymetric (3.5 and 12 kHz) data, and provide and maintain the sound sources used for check shots and vertical seismic profile experiments. In addition to their scientific uses, geophysical data are used to ensure the drilling safety of the ship by confirming site positions and identifying potentially dangerous seafloor and subseafloor characteristics. The lab also has the infrastructure to support seismic reflection surveys, although a seismic acquisition system is not available for routine deployment.
Seismic Sound Sources
- Sercel 210 in3 GI Gun pneumatic sound source: configurable to “True GI Mode” and up to 255 total in3; used as a sound source for downhole logging operations and towed seismic surveys
- Sercel G. Gun Parallel Cluster pneumatic sound source: the cluster is composed of two 250 in3 G. Guns separated by 1 meter; used as a sound source for downhole logging operations
- SyQwest Bathy 2010 CHIRP Sub-bottom Profiler and Bathymetric Echo Sounder: 3.5 kHz frequency obtained with a 12 × TR-109 transducer array driven by a 10 kW power amplifier; 12 kHz frequency obtained with an EDO-323C transducer
- Transducers are housed in the forward sonar dome
- Integrated navigation software
- Two Ashtec GG24 GPS+GLONASS receivers with antennas
- Compass: Scandinavian Micro Systems LR40DC Digital Gyro Repeater
- Marine Magnetics SeaSpy Towed Magnetometer with SeaLINK software
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