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JRSO Science Services, TAMU

Sponsored Research Services/IODP

Sponsored Research Services/IODP is a part of TAMU Sponsored Research Services, providing research administration services to JRSO.

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SRS/IODP postal address:

International Ocean Discovery Program
Texas A&M University
1000 Discovery Drive
College Station TX 77845-9547


Main office: (979) 845-4857
Purchasing: (979) 862-2365
Travel: (979) 845-0293

SRS postal address:

Sponsored Research Services
400 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South, Suite 300
College Station TX 77845-4375


Main office: (979) 862-6777


Main office: (979) 862-3250
Marcia Walker General Manager of Administrative Services Vacant Buyer II Valeria Day Budget Analyst Vacant Senior Research Beverly Stanford Travel Services Coordinator Kathy Bass Travel Services Coordinator Stacey Vogelpohl Travel Specialist/ Conference Services Ivonne Kindt Financial Accountant Kristyn Riley AP Accountant IODP: Sponsored Research Services Organization Chart FY25 Updated 13 November 2024 Administrator Vacant Property Manager LeRoy Brune, Jr. Export/Import Compliance Vacant Financial Analyst Oversees JRSO contractual and administrative functions: travel, payroll, accounts payable, purchasing, property, import/export control, budgeting, financial accounting and reporting, internal and external audits, and event coordination. General Manager of Administrative Services Marcia Walker Provides import/export control guidance to researchers, lab officers, and shipping personnel in accordance with federal regulations and JRSO policies and procedures. LeRoy Brune, Jr. Export/Import Compliance Assists JRSO project technicians/researchers in optimizing expenditure of research dollars through competitive bidding or negotiating with vendors while complying with Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Uniform Guidance, and SRS/JRSO best practices; assists with small business and property sponsor reporting for contractor acquired and government furnished assets on SRS/RF inventory. Vacant Buyer II Provides asset management services for JRSO- and sponsor-owned property including fixed asset transactions, depreciation, and reconciliation; coordinates property certification process and disposal of equipment; completes property reports as required by NSF and management. Vacant Property Manager Provides fiscal and reporting information; maintains and updates account numbers, subcodes, cost reference codes, and delegation of authority lists; petty cash custodian. Valeria Day Budget Analyst Completes onboarding payroll processes for JRSO/TAMU employees; processes monthly TAMU payroll, bi-weekly payroll, monthly sea pay, and payment of holiday compensatory time; prepares monthly departmental payroll cost projections; coordinates with managers to formulate annual program plan budgets; acts as time and effort administrator. Vacant Financial Analyst Prepares annual Ship Operations budget and performs periodic cost projection analysis; maintains ongoing summaries of ship operations activity, such as fuel consumption rates; performs internal audits of JRSO administrative sections to ensure compliance with Program, TAMU, and federal policies and regulations; assists with audits of subrecipients, as required by cooperative agreement with NSF. Vacant Senior Research Administrator Serves as on-site travel agent for airline, hotel, and car rental reservations; ensures that travel arrangements are in compliance with contractual and organizational requirements. Kathy Bass Travel Services Coordinator Serves as on-site travel agent for airline, hotel, and car rental reservations; ensures that travel arrangements are in compliance with contractual and organizational requirements. Beverly Stanford Travel Services Coordinator Assists and schedules facilities for JRSO conferences, sampling parties, and expedition precruise and postcruise meetings; coordinates catering, serving, and room setup for JRSO, NSF, and College events; audits and processes travel and expense accounts in accordance with federal travel regulations and TAMRF/JRSO travel policy; issues travel advances. Stacey Vogelpohl Travel Specialist/ Conference Services Works directly with Ship Subcontractors in auditing ODL invoices for allowability, according to the TAMRF/IODP–ODL contract. Prepares invoices for payment. Handles cash management of requesting funds weekly, in order to pay all IODP expenses. Maintains spreadsheets with incremental funding and weekly cash requests. Prepares rebill invoices, as necessary, to third party vendors. Ivonne Kindt Financial Accountant Carries out Accounts Payable duties processing Invoices for payment, processing wires for ODL, and reconciling JP Morgan Credit Card statements. Kristyn Riley AP Accountant
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Walker, Marcia

General Manager
(979) 845-1127
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Vogelpohl, Stacey

Conference Services/Travel Specialist
(979) 458-1867
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Day, Valeria

Budget Analyst
(979) 845-2580
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Kindt, Ivonne

Intermediate Accountant
(979) 845-3089
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Riley, Kristyn

(979) 845-8215
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Brune, LeRoy, Jr.

Supervisor, Procurement and Export Control
(979) 845-4765
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Bass, Kathy

Travel Services Administrator
(979) 845-3205
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Stanford, Beverly

Travel Service Coordinator
(979) 845-7233